Abstract Submission
Submission period: 18-11-2014 - 19-12-2014 at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qtd2
You will be requested to register and fill in a submission form including a short abstract (maximum 500 characters), 3 keywords, and a paper of one page in PDF format (Libre Office template, Word template).
Both talks (30') and posters can be submitted.
The selection process will take place in January and authors will be informed about acceptance before the registration period (starting on 1/2/2015).
Download pdf file here
Invited talks
Optimal performance of quantum refrigerators [pdf]
L. A. Correa, J. P. Palao, D. Alonso, and G. Adesso
We establish upper bounds on the coefficient of performance at maximum cooling power for all known models of quantum absorption refrigerators. In the special case of endoreversible refrigerators coupled to unstructured bosonic baths, the bound is refined into an exact function of the Carnot coefficient of performance. We provide general design prescriptions to saturate the bounds, and investigate how they may be pushed beyond what is classically achievable by exploiting squeezed reservoirs.
Controlling and Measuring Heat Transport in Ion Traps [pdf]
A. Bermudez, M. Bruderer and M. B. Plenio
Measuring and controlling heat flow on the nanoscale poses formidable practical difficulties as elementary devices such as switches and ’ampere meters’ for thermal currents are not available. We propose to overcome this problem by realizing heat transport through a chain of trapped ions, where steady-state currents of local vibrations (vibrons) are induced by a constant temperature difference between the edges of the chain. We show how to efficiently control and measure these currents by coupling vibrons to internal ion states, which can be easily manipulated in experiments. Trapped-ion crystals therefore provide a promising platform for studying heat transport, e.g., through thermal analogues of quantum wires and quantum dots. Specifically, elusive phenomena such as the onset of Fourier’s law may be observable in trapped-ion systems.
Quantum thermodynamics: A nonequilibrium Green's function Approach [pdf]
M. Esposito and M. Galperin
We will discuss the difficulties encountered when attempting to formulate quantum thermodynamics for open quantum systems strongly coupled to their reservoirs. A consistent approach resolving these problems will be presented within the framework of nonequilibrium Green's functions. The four fundamental laws of thermodynamics are verified and can be used to characterize transport in steady-state as well as in driven devices.
[1] M. Esposito, K. Lindenberg and C. Van den Broeck, New J. Phys. 12, 013013 (2010)
[2] L. Pucci, M. Esposito and L. Peliti, J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P04005
[3] M. Esposito, M.A. Ochoa and M. Galperin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 080602 (2015)
Experimental realization of a Coulomb gap refrigerator [pdf]
A. V. Feshchenko, J. V. Koski and J. P. Pekola
We present the first experimental realization of a recently proposed Coulomb gap refrigerator [1, 2]. Our device is a normal single-electron transistor (SET) made of laterally proximized tunnel junctions [3]. At certain values of the bias and gate voltages, the current through the SET cools one of the junctions. The SET island is interrupted by a superconducting inclusion to permit charge transport while preventing heat flow. The temperature drop is measured with an NIS thermometer.
[1] J. P. Pekola, J. V. Koski, D. V. Averin, Refrigerator based on the Coulomb barrier for single-electron tunneling, Physical Review B 89, 081309(R) (2014)
[2] A. V. Feshchenko, J. V. Koski, J. P. Pekola, Experimental realization of a Coulomb blockade refrigerator, Physical Review B 90, 201407(R) (2014)
[3] J. V. Koski, J. T. Peltonen, M. Meschke, and J. P. Pekola, Laterally proximized aluminum tunnel junctions, Applied Physics Letters 98, 203501 (2011)
Exchange Fluctuation Theorem for Correlated Quantum Systems
S. Jevtic, T. Rudolph, D. Jennings, Y. Hirono, S. Nakayama, and M. Murao
The Exchange Fluctuation Theorem (XFT) describes energy exchange between two thermal systems, and it is valid even if the systems finish arbitrarily far from equilibrium. An assumption made in the derivation of the XFT is that the two systems are initially uncorrelated. If we are to apply the XFT to quantum systems, then this assumption needs to be questioned. Our goal is to extend the XFT to describe the non-equilibrium exchange dynamics of correlated quantum states. The relation quantifies how the tendency for systems to equilibrate is modified in high-correlation environments.
Work and correlations [pdf]
A. Acín, N. Brunner, D. E. Bruschi, K. V. Hovhannisyan, M. Huber, N. Friis, C. Klöckl, M. Perarnau-Llobet, and P. Skrzypczyk
We study the optimal interconversion between work and (quantum) correlations. Considering a set of uncorrelated thermal states, we derive bounds on both the mutual information and entanglement of formation that can be generated, as a function of the initial temperature and the available work. We also characterise the maximal temperature allowing for different types of entanglement generation. Finally, we consider the reverse question, i.e., the extractable work from a correlated state.
Heat currents and dephasing in flux qubits [pdf]
S. Spilla, F. Hassler, A. Napoli, and J. Splettstoesser
Heat currents across Josephson junctions carried by quasiparticles are sensitive to the superconducting phase difference via Andreev reflection. As a result, heat currents due to accidental temperature gradients in flux qubits ``measure" the phase-dependent qubit state causing dephasing. We compare the emerging dephasing time for different flux qubit designs. We argue that even for vanishing temperature gradients, the study of heat conductances yields a phenomenological access to dephasing due to quasiparticle tunneling.
Transient quantum fluctuation relations [pdf]
Peter Talkner
The statistics of work performed on a system that initially stays in equilibrium is constrained by so-called transient fluctuation relations known under the names of Jarzynski equality and Crooks relation. We shall introduce these relations and discuss their main prerequisites both for closed and open quantum systems. These prerequisites embrace the way how the work is determined, the time-reversal invariance of Hamiltonian systems as well as the proper identification of the system's free energy. The latter point being relevant for open systems.
M. Campisi, P. Talkner, P. Hanggi, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 771 (2011); ibid 1653 (2011).
P. Hanggi, P. Talkner, Nat. Phys. 11, 108 (2015).
Contributed talks
Thermodynamic costs of quantum measurements [pdf]Kais Abdelkhalek and David Reeb
Nonequilibrium quantum fluctuations of work [pdf]
Armen Allahverdyan
Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding universe [pdf]
Nana Liu, John Goold, Ivette Fuentes, Vlatko Vedral, Kavan Modi and David Edward Bruschi
Nonequilibrium fluctuations in quantum heat engines: Theory, example, and possible solid state experiments [pdf]
Michele Campisi, Jukka Pekola and Rosario Fazio
Individual quantum probes for optimal thermometry
Luis A. Correa, Mohammad Mehboudi, Gerardo Adesso and Anna Sanpera
An all-optical nanomechanical heat engine
Andreas Dechant, Nikolai Kiesel and Eric Lutz
Measuring work and heat in ultracold quantum gases
Gabriele De Chiara, Augusto J. Roncaglia and Juan Pablo Paz
Temperature: a quantum estimation approach
Antonella De Pasquale, Davide Rossini, Rosario Fazio and Vittorio Giovannetti
Time scales of equilibration in physically relevant measurements [pdf]
Luis Pedro García-Pintos, Anthony Short, Noah Linden, Artur Malabarba and Andreas Winter
Strongly coupled quantum heat machines [pdf]
David Gelbwaser-Klimovksy and Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Locality of temperature [pdf]
Martin Kliesch, Christian Gogolin, Michael James Kastoryano, Arnau Riera and Jens Eisert
The most energetic passive state [pdf]
Antonio Acin, Karen V. Hovhannisyan, Marcus Huber, Marti Perarnau-Llobet, Paul Skrzypczyk and Jordi Tura
Coupled Nonlinear Thermoelectric Transport in Normal-Quantum Dot-Superconductor Junctions [pdf]
Sun-Yong Hwang, Rosa Lopez and David Sanchez
Quantum Limit of Heat Flow Across a Single Electronic Channel
Sebastien Jezouin, François Parmentier, Anne Anthore, Ulf Gennser, Antonella Cavanna, Yong Jin and Frédéric Pierre
Heat Fluxes and Quantum Correlations in Collision Models [pdf]
Salvatore Lorenzo, Ruari McCloskey, Francesco Ciccarello, Mauro Paternostro and Massimo Palma
Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations [pdf]
Matteo Lostaglio, David Jennings and Terry Rudolph
Fluctuation theorems and quantum mutual information [pdf]
Gonzalo Manzano Paule, Jordan M. Horowitz and J. M. R. Parrondo
Minimising the heat dissipation of maximal information erasure [pdf]
Hamed Mohammady, Masoud Mohseni and Yasser Omar
Non-adiabticity and irreversible entropy production [pdf]
Francesco Plastina, Antonio Alecce, Tony Apolalro, Giovanni Falcone, Gianluca Francica, Fernando Galve, Nicola Lo Gullo and Roberta Zambrini
Non-equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Bose gas [pdf]
Bernhard Rauer, Tim Langen, Sebastian Erne, Remi Geiger, Thomas Schweigler, Pjotrs Grisins, Igor Mazets, Thomas Gasenzer and Jörg Schmiedmayer
Kramers’ Turnover measured with a vacuum levitated nanoparticle
Loïc Rondin, Jan Gieseler, Romain Quidant, Christoph Dellago and Lukas Novotny.
Three terminal quantum Hall thermoelectrics [pdf]
Rafael Sánchez, Björn Sothmann and Andrew N. Jordan
Work and heat for two-level systems in dissipative environments: Strong driving and non-Markovian dynamics
Rebecca Schmidt, M Florencia Carusela, Jukka P. Pekola and Joachim Ankerhold
Equivalence of different engine types in the quantum regime and quantum thermodynamic signatures
Raam Uzdin and Ronnie Kosloff
A Framework for Information Theoretic and Thermodynamic Entropies
Mirjam Weilenmann, Lea Kraemer, Philippe Faist and Renato Renner
Maximum efficiency at given power output in 2 or 3 terminal thermoelectrics
Robert S. Whitney
Defining work and heat from operational postulates
Rodrigo Gallego, Henrik Wilming and Jens Eisert
Thermodynamics of trajectories of a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to N baths [pdf]
Simon Pigeon, Lorenzo Fusco, André Xuereb, Gabriele De Chiara and Mauro Paternostro
Poster awards:- Winner: Felix Binder, "Powerful quantum batteries"
- 1st finalist: Pietro Liuzzo Scorpo, "The role of quantum correlations in measurement-based feedback cooling"
- 2nd finalist: Bogna Bylicka, "Features of open quantum systems dynamics"
1 Paul Erker, Karen Hovhannisyan, Marcus Huber, Alex Monras and Marti Perarnau-Llobet. Mutual majorization of quantum marginals and the optimal conversion of energy to correlations.
2 Ian Ford, No long-term loans from the Bank of Entropy
3 Maria Isabel Alomar Bennassar, Llorenç Serra Crespí and David Sánchez Martín. Seebeck Effects in Two-Dimensional Electron Gases
4 Miguel Ambrosio Sierra Seco de Herrera and David Sánchez Martín. Nonlinear thermoelectric transport in Coulomb-blockaded quantum dots
5 Javier Osca, Daniel Ruiz and Llorenç Serra. Optical absorption of 2D Majorana nanowires
6 Antonio Alecce, Fernando Galve, Nicolino Lo Gullo, Roberta Zambrini, Francesco Plastina and Luca Dell'Anna. Quantum Otto Cycle with Inner Friction
7 Paul Erker. The Quantum Hourglass – a road towards thermal clocks
8 Kamil Korzekwa, Matteo Lostaglio, David Jennings and Terry Rudolph. Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics
9 Mohammad Mehboudi, Mariona Moreno-Cardoner, Gabriele de Chiara and Anna Sanpera. Thermometry in Strongly Correlated ultracold lattice gases
10 Pietro Liuzzo Scorpo, Luis A. Correa, Rebecca Schmidt and Gerardo Adesso. The role of quantum correlations in measurement-based feedback cooling [pdf]
11 Bogna Bylicka. Features of Open Quantum Systems Dynamics
12 Senaida Hernández Santana, Karen Hovhannisyan, Arnau Riera, Luca Tagliacozzo, Marti Perarnau-Llobet and Antonio Acín. Local temperature in interacting spin systems
13 Matteo Carrega, Paolo Solinas, Alessandro Braggio, Maura Sassetti and Ulrich Weiss. Path-integral formulation of heat exchange in open quantum systems
14 Riccardo Bosisio, Francesco Mazza, Stefano Valentini, Giuliano Benenti, Rosario Fazio, Vittorio Giovannetti and Fabio Taddei. Separation of heat and charge currents for boosted thermoelectric conversion
15 Karen Hovhannisyan, Marti Perarnau-Llobet, Marcus Huber, Paul Skrzypczyk, Nicolas Brunner and Antonio Acin. Extractable work from correlations
16 Felix Binder, Sai Vinjanampathy, John Goold and Kavan Modi. Powerful quantum batteries
17 Eyal Heifetz and Eliahu Cohen. Toward a Thermo-Hydrodynamic Description of Quantum Mechanics [pdf]
18 Max Frenzel, David Jennings and Terry Rudolph. Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction
19 Arnau Riera, Christian Gogolin, Martin Kliesch and Jens Eisert. Emergence of the Gibbs state in local Hamiltonians
20 Obinna Abah and Eric Lutz. Optimal performance of a quantum Otto refrigerator
21 Henrik Wilming, Rodrigo Gallego and Jens Eisert. Weak thermal contact is not universal for work extraction
22 Artur Malabarba, Anthony J. Short and Philipp Kammerlander. Clock-Driven Quantum Thermal Engines
23 Pietro Silvi, Giovanna Morigi, Tommaso Calarco and Simone Montangero. Emergence of quantum-classical interplay in 1D dynamical quantum phase transitions
24 Pjotrs Grisins, Bernhard Rauer, Tim Langen, Joerg Schmiedmayer and Igor Mazets. Dissipative cooling of degenerate Bose gases
25 Giulio Salvatori, Antonio Mandarino, Matteo G.A. Paris, Quantum metrology in Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick critical systems
Abstracts booklet