Sistemes Complexos. Física Estadística i No Lineal

Els sistemes complexos es caracteritzen per fenòmens emergents i col·lectius de moltes unitats que interactuen entre sí. La comprensió bàsica d’aquests sistemes i el paradigma micro-macro prové de la Física Estadística juntament amb els Mètodes Computacionals, la Mecànica Quàntica, la Teoria de la Informació, les Xarxes Complexes, l’Anàlisi de Dades Grans i la Teoria de Sistemes Dinàmics, que engloben l’estudi de la dinàmica no lineal, el caos i l’efecte de les fluctuacions i els esdeveniments aleatoris en l'evolució del sistema.

Aquesta línia d’investigació de caràcter exploratori és la columna vertebral de l’IFISC. Desenvolupem nous conceptes i mètodes per l’estudi del Sistemes Complexos i analitzem fenòmens genèrics com la sincronització, les transicions de fase, les inestabilitats de no equilibri, la formació de patrons espaciotemporals i la dinàmica i evolució de xarxes complexes.


  • Pere Colet

    Pere Colet

  • Miguel C. Soriano

    Miguel C. Soriano

  • Ingo Fischer

    Ingo Fischer

  • Tobias Galla

    Tobias Galla

  • Damià Gomila

    Damià Gomila

  • Emilio Hernández-García

    Emilio Hernández-García

  • Rosa Lopez

    Rosa Lopez

  • Cristóbal López

    Cristóbal López

  • Víctor M. Eguíluz

    Víctor M. Eguíluz

  • Manuel Matías

    Manuel Matías

  • Claudio Mirasso

    Claudio Mirasso

  • Jose Javier Ramasco

    Jose Javier Ramasco

  • Maxi San Miguel

    Maxi San Miguel

  • David Sánchez

    David Sánchez

  • Llorenç Serra

    Llorenç Serra

  • Tomás Sintes

    Tomás Sintes

  • Raúl Toral

    Raúl Toral

  • Roberta Zambrini

    Roberta Zambrini

  • Massimiliano Zanin

    Massimiliano Zanin

  • Konstantin Klemm

    Konstantin Klemm

  • Sandro Meloni

    Sandro Meloni

Recent and ongoing Research projects


Air Transport as Information and Computation

I.P.: Massimiliano Zanin
This project is an ERC Starting Grant of panel SH2, "Institutions, Values, Environment and Space". Air transport has by and large been studied as a transportation process, in which different elements, e.g. ...


POST-DIGITAL: Neuromorphic computing in photonic and other nonlinear media

I.P.: Ingo Fischer, Claudio Mirasso
POST-DIGITAL is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. POST-DIGITAL is committed to form a new generation of engineers and researchers, affording ...

Ocean Citizen

Marine forest coastal restoration: an underwater gardening socio-ecological plan

I.P.: Damià Gomila
Following the non-achievement of the AICHI targets and most of the Good Environmental Status objectives for 2020, active restoration has been emerged (also envisaged by the EU) as one of the preferred ...


Connecting Quantum Hopfield Networks

I.P.: Roberta Zambrini
CoQHoNet is a Marie Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowships, which allows the hiring of Dr. Eliana Fiorelli to execute the following research project: Classical Neural Networks (NNs) are architectures successfully employed in Machine ...


Regional Economy / Travel Expectations

I.P.: Massimiliano Zanin
The assessment of the economic health of economies around the world has historically been based on reports prepared by multiple public and private institutions – from banks to governments. These describe how ...


Neuromorphic-Enhanced Heterogeneously-Integrated FMCW LiDAR

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano
The NEHIL project, an EU-Korea partnership, is set to transform the landscape of digital technologies through groundbreaking neuromorphic architectures and advanced heterogeneous integration such as LiDAR systems. This collaborative initiative aims to ...


Modelling island ecological complexity in the context of global change

I.P.: Lucas Lacasa
** This project (PID2020-114324GB-C22) is part of a coordinated project between IFISC and IMEDEA, both research centers from CSIC located in Mallorca. The project is funded by AEI and a PhD fellowship ...



I.P.: Rosa Lopez, Llorenç Serra
The aim of this project is to investigate the heat and energy transport properties in nanoconductors considering complex phenomena due to either many-body interactions and/or the presence of quantum materials.


Dynamics of Temporal Networks: Memory and Deep Learning

I.P.: Lucas Lacasa
The interaction between elements of a complex system arising in physics, biology or sociology can be modelled as a mathematical graph. The precise architecture of this interaction backbone plays a fundamental role ...


A Physics approach to sociotechnical systems: from theory to data analysis.

I.P.: Tobias Galla, Sandro Meloni, Maxi San Miguel, Raúl Toral
APASOS objective is to use mathematical and computational methods combined with data and physics thinking to model complex socio-technical systems. APASOS is organized into two workpackages (WP). WP 1 focuses on models ...


Complex DYnamics of CoastaL Ecosystems: Resilience to Climate Change. Modelling and Simulations.

I.P.: Damià Gomila, Tomás Sintes
Complex Dynamics of Coastal Ecosystems: Resilience to Climate Change (CYCLE) is a coordinated multidisciplinary research project that brings together the efforts of experts in the fields of marine ecology and the physics ...


SEagrass DIversity in the MEditerranean basin in a global change scenario: a machine learNing approach from saTellite images

I.P.: Manuel Matías, Tomás Sintes
The main challenge of this project is to correlate the changes in the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Mediterranean basin with the spatial distribution and size of different seagrass species. We ...


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...


Complex Quantum Systems: machine learning, thermodynamics, and emergent phenomena

I.P.: Gian Luca Giorgi, Gonzalo Manzano, Roberta Zambrini
CoQuSy is a coordinated project and joins all the researchers at IFISC (belonging either to CSIC or UIB) working in the common line of complex quantum systems. The coordination is motivated by ...


Climbing at the Source of Irreversibility

I.P.: Massimiliano Zanin
Irreversibility, i.e. the lack of invariance of the statistical properties of a system or time series under the operation of time reversal, has attracted the interest of the physics community since the ...


Surfing Multiterminal Quantum Thermodynamics and Topology

I.P.: Rosa Lopez, Llorenç Serra
Our project is devoted to the investigation of the novel physics and the functionalities emerging from the combination of three fundamental aspects such as quantum behavior, thermodynamics and topology in transport through ...


Spatiotemporal Nonlocal and Non-conservative Diffusion on Graphs

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada
Complex systems permeate biological life, society, and modern infrastructures. Their functioning depends primarily on the dynamic processes that take place between interacting entities that form network structures. Such structures can be appropriately ...


Analysis of stability and resilience of Cameroon's power grid on the incorporation of renewable energy sources

I.P.: Pere Colet
Stable operation of the electric power grid is based on several control methods and suitable management that includes demand forecasting, technical maintenance, generation and transmission planning, etc. The grid operator is the ...


Quantum thermodynamics: information, fluctuations and complexity

I.P.: Gonzalo Manzano
In the last two decades, thermodynamics has been extended to describe small systems, where the action of environmental noise “blurs” traditional thermodynamic constraints and information plays a central role. While the first ...


Brain Network Organization and Dynamics

I.P.: Leonardo Lyra Gollo
This project explores the intricate architecture and temporal evolution of brain networks through the lens of neurophysics and complex systems. Utilizing tools from dynamical systems, network theory, and statistical physics, we aim ...

Publicacions recents

Characterising the dynamics of unlabelled temporal networks

Annalisa Caligiuri, Tobias Galla and Lucas Lacasa
Submitted (2025)

Aging in coevolving voter models

Min, Byungjoon; San Miguel, Maxi
Submitted (2025)

Mapping and modeling age-related changes in intrinsic neural timescales

Wu, Kaichao; Gollo, Leonardo L.
Communications Biology , (2025)

Reducing blackout risk by segmenting the European power grid with HVDC lines

Gomila, D; Carreras, B.A.; Reynolds-Barredo, J.M.; Martínez-Barbeito, M.; Colet, P.; Gomis-Bellmunt, O.
Submitted (2025)

Mathematical analysis of signed networks: structure and dynamics

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando (Directors: Estrada, Ernesto; Meloni, Sandro)
PhD Thesis (2025)

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