Cristóbal López

Cristóbal López Sánchez
  • Campus Universitat de les Illes Balears
    E-07122 Palma de Mallorca. Spain
  • Oficina 203
  • +34 971 17 26 68
  • Contact
Research interests: Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems in general. Applications to transport in fluids, biological modelling and oceanic processes.

Google scholar:

Scopus ID: 7401493306

Researcher ID: R-5410-2018

Orcid: 0000-0002-3445-4284

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Publicacions recents

Shear and transport in a flow environment determine spatial patterns and population dynamics in a model of nonlocal ecological competition

Silvano, Nathan O. ; Valeriano, João; Hernández-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal; Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo
Submitted (2024)

Simple physics-based adjustments reconcile the results of Eulerian and Lagrangian techniques for moisture tracking

Crespo-Otero, A.; Insua-Costa, D.; Hernández-García, E.; López, C.; Míguez-Macho, G.
Earth System Dynamics Discussions, in consideration for Earth System Dynamics 2024, (2024)

Complex Systems Perspectives on Large-Scale Weather and Climate Variability Patterns

Ehstand, Noémie (supervisors E. Hernandez-Garcia, C. Lopez and R.V. Donner)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Extinction and coexistence in a binary mixture of proliferating motile disks

Almodovar, Alejandro; Galla, Tobias; López, Cristóbal
Physical Review E 109, 064140 (2024)

Wave Breaking Events and their link to Rossby Wave Packets and Atmospheric Blockings during Southern Hemisphere Summer

Pérez-Fernández, Iago; Barreiro, Marcelo; Ehstand, Noémie; Hernández-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 129, e2022JD038380 (2024)

Projectes de recerca recents i vigents


Lagrangian transport of marIne litter and microplastics in coastal waters: structures of transport and connectivity patterns

I.P.: Emilio Hernández-García, Cristóbal López
The aim of this project is to further understand the role of oceanic transport in marine litter (microplastics and meso/macrolitter) dispersion and accumulation areas in the sea surface, along the water column ...


SEagrass DIversity in the MEditerranean basin in a global change scenario: a machine learNing approach from saTellite images

I.P.: Manuel Matías, Tomás Sintes
The main challenge of this project is to correlate the changes in the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Mediterranean basin with the spatial distribution and size of different seagrass species. We ...

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