Transport i Informació en Sistemes Quàntics

La comprensió dels fenòmens complexos quàntics juga un paper clau en el desenvolupament de les tecnologies quàntiques, identificades com una de les àreas més estratègiques per a la investigació i la innovació futures.

En aquesta línia d’investigació ens dediquem a qüestions relacionades amb el transport quàntic de càrrega (nanoelèctrica), espí (espintrònica), energia (termoelectricitat) i informació (correlacions quàntiques), amb especial atenció a les nanoestructures. A més, investiguem els efectes de la decoherència en entorns complexos, explorem sondes quàntiques i fenòmens emergents com la sincronització, amb una especial atenció a les correlacions i la termodinàmica quàntiques i el seu impacte en el processament de la informació.

En IFISC administrem la plataforma QTD, anunciant esdeveniments i places entre les xarxes de científics que treballen en termodinàmica cuàntica, i la web de la QTTS, una societat que fa recerca en termodinàmica de sistemes quàntics i transport quàntic.


  • Rosa Lopez

    Rosa Lopez

  • David Sánchez

    David Sánchez

  • Llorenç Serra

    Llorenç Serra

  • Roberta Zambrini

    Roberta Zambrini

  • Gian Luca Giorgi

    Gian Luca Giorgi

  • Michael Moskalets

    Michael Moskalets

Recent and ongoing Research projects



I.P.: Llorenç Serra
Magnetic topological insulators (MTIs) display a fascinating interplay between magnetic order and topologically nontrivial band structures. In the MAGMA project (“Magnetic topological insulators for robust Majorana bound states”), which is funded by ...


Connecting Quantum Hopfield Networks

I.P.: Roberta Zambrini
CoQHoNet is a Marie Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowships, which allows the hiring of Dr. Eliana Fiorelli to execute the following research project: Classical Neural Networks (NNs) are architectures successfully employed in Machine ...


Quantum machine learning using reservoir computing

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano, Roberta Zambrini
The QuaResC project engages in a new collaboration UIB and CSIC researchers at IFISC with the objective to address an interdisciplinary topic between artificial intelligence and quantum physics: quantum machine learning using ...



I.P.: Rosa Lopez, Llorenç Serra
The aim of this project is to investigate the heat and energy transport properties in nanoconductors considering complex phenomena due to either many-body interactions and/or the presence of quantum materials.


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...


Complex Quantum Systems: machine learning, thermodynamics, and emergent phenomena

I.P.: Gian Luca Giorgi, Gonzalo Manzano, Roberta Zambrini
CoQuSy is a coordinated project and joins all the researchers at IFISC (belonging either to CSIC or UIB) working in the common line of complex quantum systems. The coordination is motivated by ...


Quantum thermodynamics: information, fluctuations and complexity

I.P.: Gonzalo Manzano
In the last two decades, thermodynamics has been extended to describe small systems, where the action of environmental noise “blurs” traditional thermodynamic constraints and information plays a central role. While the first ...



I.P.: Jose Javier Ramasco
HUB CSIC for fomenting the research and services on Artificial Intelligence.

Publicacions recents

Observing the collapse of super-Bloch oscillations in strong-driving photonic temporal lattices

Hu, Xinyuan; Wang, Shulin; Qin, Chengzhi ; Liu, Chenyu; Zhao, Lange; Li, Yinglan ; Ye, Han; Liu, Weiwei; Longhi, Stefano ; Lu, Peixiang ; Wang, Bing
Advanced Photonics 6, 046001 (1-11) (2024)

Observation of discrete-light temporal refraction by moving potentials with broken Galilean invariance

Qin, Chengzhi; Ye, Han ; Wang, Shulin; Zhao, Lange ; Liu, Menglin; Li, Yinglan ; Hu, Xinyuan ; Liu, Chenyu ; Wang, Bing ; Longhi, Stefano; Lu, Peixiang
Nature Communications 15, 5444 (1-11) (2024)

Non-Hermitian dynamical topological winding in photonic mesh lattices

Longhi, Stefano
Optics Letters 49, 3672-3675 (2024)

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