- Poster Week
- Poster Week 2021
- Poster Week 2022
The IFISC Poster Party is an annual activity where PhD students and postdoctoral researchers of IFISC present their research in a poster format. In a relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know first-hand what the young researchers at IFISC are working on.
This year, due to health restrictions for the Covid-19 pandemic, the Poster Party goes online. All the participants discuss their porters with the aid of a short video. You are welcome to contact them if you have questions or comments.
1st place
Quantum associative memory with a single driven-dissipative oscillator - Adrià Labay-Mora
The role of dissipations in Quantum reservoir computing - Antonio Sannia
Time-Series Processing with QuantumMeasurements - Pere Mujal
Photonic platform for real time Quantum Reservoir Computing - Jorge García-Beni
1st place
A simple model for pattern formation in coral reefs - Miguel Álvarez-Alegría
A Machine Learning Approach for Animal Trajectory Classification - J.M. Hernández
Best poster Award
1st place
Optimization of the efficiency of PhD students by employing cavity magnetrons - S17 Research Unit