
Summer School on Complex Socio-Technical Systems

Sept. 5, 2017
The science of complex systems has a privileged position to contribute greatly to the advancement of knowledge in social and economic systems. In this context, the ease of information technology in generating large amounts of data has brought an unprecedented ...

Reversal of thermoelectric current in tubular nanowires

Sept. 4, 2017
An international team of researchers, including an IFISC (CSIC-UIB) member, predicts an inversed current in nanowires subjected to strong thermal gradients.The thermoelectric effect arises when the sides of a conductive material are held at different temperatures. The resulting energy ...

A PhD student of IFISC wins the LT28 best poster award

Aug. 23, 2017
IFISC PhD student Miguel A. Sierra has won the “Best Poster Award” given by the organization of the 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT28). The Low Temperature Physics Conference is an international event held every three years, under ...

A study unravels the formation of 'fairy circles' in the posidonia meadows

Aug. 17, 2017
Los llamados ‘círculos de hadas’ son claros sin vegetación de forma circular que surgen en las praderas submarinas de Posidonia oceanica del Mediterráneo, entre otros entornos. Hasta ahora se desconocía  como se forman estos vacíos, pero un nuevo modelo matemático ...

Paper selected in "Most Cited Articles" by Chaos

Aug. 16, 2017
"Flow networks: A characterization of geophysical fluid transport" by Enrico Ser-Giacomi, Vincent Rossi, Cristóbal López and Emilio Hernández-García has been included in the "most cited articles" list by the interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science Chaos.The full list of selected ...

The Fall of the Empire: The Americanization of English

July 21, 2017
An interdisciplinary team of researchers, including physicists from IFISC (UIB-CSIC) and a UIB linguist, has mapped the global use of the British and American varieties of English analyzing the process of Americanization of this language over the last two centuries ...

Robin Hood, from the bow to Big Data

June 30, 2017
Tal como hiciera Robin Hood luchando contra la desigualdad en la distribución de la riqueza en Nottingham armado con su arco, un estudio publicado por investigadores españoles y franceses propone un método para promover la redistribución de oportunidades económicas en ...

Majoranas in Majorca

June 27, 2017
Around 150 scientists participated last May in the Majorana States in Condensed Matter conference, held in Mallorca. Along the conference the latest developments in the ongoing experimental search for Majorana states in condensed matter were discussed, including semiconductor nanowires, quantum ...

IFISC at the crossroads in complex systems

June 20, 2017
Around 200 scientists from 28 different countries participated in the Crossroads in Complex Systems conference, the central event of the agenda for the tenth anniversary of IFISC. Through four days, more than fifty scientists presented their latest researches in complex ...

Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos, 10 años explorando la complejidad

June 2, 2017
El IFISC conmemora su décimo aniversario con la celebración de dos actos en los que se repasará la trayectoria del centro y se plantearán nuevos retos para el futuro. El Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC), centro de ...

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