Fotònica No Lineal

Dins d'aquesta línia de recerca explorem fenòmens complexos utilitzant fonts fotòniques modernes, integrant-les en sistemes complexos funcionals. El nostre laboratori de fotònica no lineal, que treballa en estreta col·laboració amb un sòlid equip teòric, té com a objectiu fonamental obtenir una comprensió més profunda dels fenòmens complexos en fotònica. A nivell pràctic, proporcionem solucions noves en camps tan diversos com les comunicacions òptiques i el processament de la informació, transferint el nostre coneixement a l'àrea de les Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions (TIC).

Abordem, principalment, estudis sobre les propietats d'emissió no lineal i espai-temporal dels làsers de semiconductor. Les implementacions pràctiques es realitzen, sobretot, en xarxes òptiques complexes que utilitzen aquests làsers. En el laboratori de fotònica no lineal també avancem en el desenvolupament de tècniques de caracterització i explorem aplicacions dels sistemes fotònics complexos a les tecnologies de la informació. Els nostres objectius inclouen aplicacions de xifrat òptic i processament ultra-ràpido de la informació utilitzant sistemes fotònics neuro-inspirats.


  • Apostolos Argyris

    Apostolos Argyris

  • Pere Colet

    Pere Colet

  • Miguel C. Soriano

    Miguel C. Soriano

  • Ingo Fischer

    Ingo Fischer

  • Damià Gomila

    Damià Gomila

  • Claudio Mirasso

    Claudio Mirasso

  • Roberta Zambrini

    Roberta Zambrini

Recent and ongoing Research projects


POST-DIGITAL: Neuromorphic computing in photonic and other nonlinear media

I.P.: Ingo Fischer, Claudio Mirasso
POST-DIGITAL is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. POST-DIGITAL is committed to form a new generation of engineers and researchers, affording ...


Adaptive Optical Dendrites

I.P.: Ingo Fischer, Claudio Mirasso
The increased demand for computation with low energy consumption requires entirely novel hardware concepts. In ADOPD we develop ultra-fast computational units based on optical-fiber technologies exploiting information processing principles used by neurons ...


Neuromorphic-Enhanced Heterogeneously-Integrated FMCW LiDAR

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano
The NEHIL project, an EU-Korea partnership, is set to transform the landscape of digital technologies through groundbreaking neuromorphic architectures and advanced heterogeneous integration such as LiDAR systems. This collaborative initiative aims to ...


European Training Network on Post-Digital Computing +

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano, Claudio Mirasso
The modern information and communication technology (ICT) world is ruled by an exploding generation of data due to growth of Internet applications and skyrocketing proliferation of a number of interconnected on-line broadband ...


Quantum machine learning using reservoir computing

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano, Roberta Zambrini
The QuaResC project engages in a new collaboration UIB and CSIC researchers at IFISC with the objective to address an interdisciplinary topic between artificial intelligence and quantum physics: quantum machine learning using ...


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...


Information processing with coupled laser networks

I.P.: Apostolos Argyris, Miguel C. Soriano
In the INFOLANET project, we will combine the expertise of the PIs on dynamical systems and machine learning to advance information processing concepts, based on a high-speed photonic implementation. We anticipate that ...


Brain Network Organization and Dynamics

I.P.: Leonardo Lyra Gollo
This project explores the intricate architecture and temporal evolution of brain networks through the lens of neurophysics and complex systems. Utilizing tools from dynamical systems, network theory, and statistical physics, we aim ...



I.P.: Jose Javier Ramasco
HUB CSIC for fomenting the research and services on Artificial Intelligence.

Publicacions recents

A cross-disciplinary research framework at institution level and beyond

Argyris, Apostolos; Hernández-García, Emilio; San Miguel, Maxi
Nature Communications 15, 10399 (1-3) (2024)

Identifying Ordinal Similarities at Different Temporal Scales

Zunino, Luciano; Porte, Xavier; Soriano, Miguel C.
Entropy 26, 1016 (2024)

Bosonic Mpemba effect with non-classical states of light

Longhi, Stefano
APL Quantum 1, 046110 (1-7) (2024)

Subdiffusive dynamics in photonic random walks probed with classical light

Longhi, Stefano
Optics Letters 49, 5989-5992 (2024)

Computing with Dynamical Systems: from implementations towards novel concepts

Goldmann, Mirko (Supervisors: Fischer, Ingo; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Soriano, Miguel C.)
PhD Thesis (2024)

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