
Living systems are the paradigm of complex systems, with nonlinear interactions occurring at all spatial and temporal scales, from molecules and genes to the planetary scales defining the global biosphere. One of the focus of our research is the ecological level where we consider modes of organisms’ mobility and their interplay with food search, disease propagation, spatial patterning, and also with the basic ecological interactions such as competition, predation, or mutualism. Another focal issue in our studies is understanding brain function, which requires approaches at scales that range from individual neurons to the whole brain. At the neuronal level, we concentrate on aspects of synchronization between interacting neuronal populations and study how information flows. With the help of statistical measures, we analyze experimental data and compare the results with neuronal models.


  • Juan Fernández Gracia

    Juan Fernández Gracia

  • Ingo Fischer

    Ingo Fischer

  • Tobias Galla

    Tobias Galla

  • Damià Gomila

    Damià Gomila

  • Emilio Hernández-García

    Emilio Hernández-García

  • Cristóbal López

    Cristóbal López

  • Víctor M. Eguíluz

    Víctor M. Eguíluz

  • Manuel Matías

    Manuel Matías

  • Claudio Mirasso

    Claudio Mirasso

  • Tomás Sintes

    Tomás Sintes

  • Raúl Toral

    Raúl Toral

  • Konstantin Klemm

    Konstantin Klemm

  • Sandro Meloni

    Sandro Meloni

Recent and ongoing Research projects

Ocean Citizen

Marine forest coastal restoration: an underwater gardening socio-ecological plan

P.I.: Damià Gomila
Following the non-achievement of the AICHI targets and most of the Good Environmental Status objectives for 2020, active restoration has been emerged (also envisaged by the EU) as one of the preferred ...


Modelling island ecological complexity in the context of global change

P.I.: Lucas Lacasa
** This project (PID2020-114324GB-C22) is part of a coordinated project between IFISC and IMEDEA, both research centers from CSIC located in Mallorca. The project is funded by AEI and a PhD fellowship ...


Complex DYnamics of CoastaL Ecosystems: Resilience to Climate Change. Modelling and Simulations.

P.I.: Damià Gomila, Tomás Sintes
Complex Dynamics of Coastal Ecosystems: Resilience to Climate Change (CYCLE) is a coordinated multidisciplinary research project that brings together the efforts of experts in the fields of marine ecology and the physics ...


Updating the brain’s memory base: computational perspective

P.I.: Claudio Mirasso
In this project we bring together systems neuroscience (Subproject 1, IP: Santiago Canals) and computational perspectives (Subproject 2, IP: Claudio Mirasso), to investigate how hippocampal (HC) dependent episodic memories are updated to ...


SEagrass DIversity in the MEditerranean basin in a global change scenario: a machine learNing approach from saTellite images

P.I.: Manuel Matías, Tomás Sintes
The main challenge of this project is to correlate the changes in the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Mediterranean basin with the spatial distribution and size of different seagrass species. We ...


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

P.I.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...


Climbing at the Source of Irreversibility

P.I.: Massimiliano Zanin
Irreversibility, i.e. the lack of invariance of the statistical properties of a system or time series under the operation of time reversal, has attracted the interest of the physics community since the ...


Validació d’un model de graus-dia per predir l’aparició de les primeres nimfes de Philaenus spumarius a les Illes Balears

P.I.: Manuel Matías
This is a contract (encàrrec de gestió) with the Conselleria d'Agricultura of the Balearic Government that has as goal to develop an informatic tool to predict the time of hatching of eggs ...


Brain Network Organization and Dynamics

P.I.: Leonardo Lyra Gollo
This project explores the intricate architecture and temporal evolution of brain networks through the lens of neurophysics and complex systems. Utilizing tools from dynamical systems, network theory, and statistical physics, we aim ...



P.I.: Jose Javier Ramasco
HUB CSIC for fomenting the research and services on Artificial Intelligence.


Enhancing coral reef restoration success through data-driven projections of future reef formation

P.I.: Damià Gomila, Manuel Matías
Coral reef restoration efforts are rapidly intensifying amid escalating concerns over ongoing degradation, attracting significant financial investment. While mathematical models are invaluable for projecting reef impacts and guiding management, available restoration models ...

Recent Publications

How spatiotemporal dynamics can enhance ecosystem resilience

Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Rietkerk, Max; Gomila, Damià
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 122, e2412522122 (2025)

Excitable dynamics and coral reef formation: A simple model of macro-scale structure development

Álvarez-Alegría, Miguel; Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Matias, Manuel A; Gomila, Damià
Physical Review Research (accepted), (2025)

Thermodynamic inference in molecular motors: a Martingale approach

Nadal-Rosa,Adrián and Manzano, Gonzalo
Submitted (2025)

Leaf susceptibility of Macaronesian laurel forest species to Phytophthora ramorum

Moralejo, Eduardo; García-Muñoz, José A.; Denman, Sandra; Giménez-Romero, Àlex
European Journal of Forest Research , (2025)

Metacommunity dynamics of complex life-cycles in exploited seascapes

Vasconcelos, Joana;Riera, Rodrigo;Vahdati Ali V.;Geppi, Eros F.;Sousa, Ricardo;Eguíluz, Victor M.;Pinto, Ana Rita;Melián, Carlos J.
Submitted (2025)

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New study uncovers the early-warning signals hidden in dynamical plant formations

March 17, 2025
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IFISC researchers uncover universal spatial patterns in coral reefs worldwide

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Researchers reveal universal spatial patterns in coral reefs, uncovering consistent ecological laws across diverse marine environments.These findings provide new insights into reef conservation and restoration by linking coral reef structures to mathematical principles.A groundbreaking study published in the ...

IFISC highlighted in Nature Communications as a model of interdisciplinary research

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The article highlights that the Institute explores scientific territories at the frontiers between traditional fields, facilitating the emergence of new areas of knowledge.  The Institute for Cross-disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC, UIB-CSIC) is the protagonist of a new article ...

New mathematical framework reveals architecture of biotic interactions

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An interdisciplinary team with IFISC participation has developed a model that integrates multiple types of biotic interactions in a single framework. What is innovative about this mathematical framework is that it is not limited to ecological networks, but can be ...

How European vineyards dodged a devastating American disease

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Study reveals how Europe escaped Pierce's disease and warns of increasing risk due to climate change  A team of researchers, including researchers from IFISC (UIB-CSIC), has revealed the reasons why European vineyards escaped the devastating Pierce's disease, caused ...

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