
Polarization and Intensity Noise in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers

Mulet, Josep (Directors M. San Miguel and C.R. Mirasso )
Memoria d'Investigacio UIB (2001)

Coherence Resonance in Chaotic Systems

Palenzuela, Carlos; Toral, Raúl; Mirasso, Claudio; Calvo, Oscar; Gunton, James
Europhysics Letters 56, 347-353 (2001)

Analytical and Numerical Studies of Noise-induced Synchronization of Chaotic Systems

Toral, Raúl; Mirasso, Claudio; Hernández-García, Emilio; Piro, Oreste
Chaos 11, 665-673 (2001)

Coherence Resonance in Chaotic Electronic Circuits

O. Calvo, C. R. Mirasso and R. Toral
Electronics Letters 37, 1062 (2001)

Polarization Resolved Intensity Noise in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers

Mulet, J.; Mirasso, C.R.; San Miguel, M.
Physical Review A 64, 023817 (2001)

Main Resonances in Directly Modulated Semiconductor Lasers: Effect of Spontaneous Emission and Gain Saturation

Mayol, Catalina; Turovets, Sergei I.; Toral, Raul; Mirasso, Claudio R. and Pesquera, Luis.
IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, , 148, 41 (2001)

Chaos Synchronization and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Symmetrically Delay Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsasser, J. Mulet and C. Mirasso
Physical Review Letters 86, 795-798 (2001)

Dynamical Behavior of Two Distant Mutually-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

Mulet, J.; Mirasso, C.R.; Heil, T., Fischer, I.
Procs. of SPIE 4283, 293-302 (2001)

Transverse and Polarization Mode Selection in VCSELs

Mulet, J.; Mirasso, C.R.; Balle, S.; San Miguel, M.
Procs. of SPIE 4283, 139-149 (2001)

Applications of Semiconductor Lasers to Secure Communications

Claudio R. Mirasso
Fundamental Issue of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics, Ed. by B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra , 112-127 (2000)

Synchronization of Chaotic Systems by Common Random Forcing

Raul Toral, Claudio R. Mirasso,E. Hernandez-Garcia and Oreste Piro
Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations: UPON'99, Second international conference. D. Abbot, L. Kish, editors., American Institute of Physics, Melville NY, 255-262 (2000)

Combined effects of semiconductor gain dynamics, spin dynamics and thermal shift in polarization selection in VCSELs

San Miguel, M.; Balle, S.; Mulet, J.; Mirasso, C.R.; Tolkachova, E.; and Tredicce, J.R.
In Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VIII, SPIE Procs. 3944, 242-251 (2000)

Coherence and Synchronization in Diode-Laser Arrays with Delayed Global Coupling

Garcia-Ojalvo, J.; Casademont, J.; Mirasso C. R.; Torrent, M. C.; and Sancho, J. M.
Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 9, 2225-2230 (1999)

Statistical Properties of low Frequency Fluctuations under Single Mode Operation in DFB lasers: Experiments and Modelling

Heil, T.; Mulet, J.; Fischer, I.; Elsasser, W. and Mirasso, C.R.
Optics Letters 24, 1275 (1999)

Lyapunov Potential Description for Laser Dynamics

Mayol, Catalina; Toral, Raul and Mirasso, Claudio R.
Phys. Rev. A 59, 4690-4698 (1999)

Analysis of optical chaos synchronisation in frequency detuned external cavity VCSELs

Spencer, P.S. and Mirasso, C.R.
IEEE J. Quantum. Electron. 35, 803-809 (1999)

Self-Pulsating Semiconductor Lasers: Theory and Experiment

Mirasso, C; van Tartwijk, G., Hernandez-Garcia, E., Lenstra, D; Lynch, S.; Landais, P.; Phelan, P.; O´Gorman, J.; San Miguel, M.; and Elsasser, W.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 35, 764-770 (1999)

Numerical Statistics of Power Dropouts Based on the Lang-Kobayashi Model

Mulet, J.; Mirasso, C.
Physical Review E 59, 5400-5405 (1999)

Encoded Gbit/s Digital Communications with Synchronized Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers

Sanchez-Diaz, A.; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Colet, Pere; and Garcia-Fernandez, P.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 35, 292-297 (1999)

Generator of Ultrashort Optical Pulses for Time Division Multiplexing

Dellunde, J; Mirasso, C.R.; Torrent, M.C. and Sancho, J.M.
IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 45, 2122-2130 (1998)

Modelling of Optical Synchronization of Chaotic External Cavity VCSELs

Spencer, P.S.; Mirasso, C.R.; Colet, P. and Shore, K.A.
J. Quantum Electron. 34, 1673-1679 (1998)

High Bit Rate Generation of Low Chirped Pulses from Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers via External Axial Magnetic Field

van der Lem, Han; Martin-Regalado, J.; Balle, S.; Mirasso, C. R.
Photonics Technology Letters 10, 21-23 (1998)

Effect of Strong Optical Feedback on Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers

Spencer, P.S.; Mirasso, C.R., Shore, K.A.
Phot. Tech. Lett.: 10, 191-193 (1998)

Fiber Based Dispersion Compensation Schemes in Nonlinear Fibers for Diode Pulses in High Bit Rate IM/DD Systems

Sanchez-Diaz, A.; Garcia-Fernandez, P.; Soto-Crespo, J.M.; Mirasso, C.R.
Optics Communications 143, 294-300 (1997)

Visualization of the Sisyphus Attractor

Mirasso, C.R.; Mulder, M.; Spoelder, H.J.W.; Lenstra, D.
Computers in Physics 11, 282-286 (1997)

Prevention of Coherence Collapse in Diode Lasers by Dynamic Targeting

Wieland, J.; Mirasso C.R.; Lenstra, D.
Optics Letters 22, 469 (1997)

Effect of Optical Feedback on Fast Modulated Semiconductor Lasers

Homar, V.; Mirasso, C.R.
IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics 144, 30 (1997)

Analytical Study of Non-Linear Chirped Pulses: Propagation in Dispersive Optical Fibers

Lozano, C.; García-Fernández, P.; Mirasso, C.R.
Optics Communications 123, 752 (1996)

Synchronization of Chaotic Semicondcutor Lasers: Application to Encoded Communications

Mirasso, C. R.; Colet, P.; García-Fernández, P.
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 8, 299-301 (1996)

Visualization Dynamic of a Diode Laser with Feedback

Mulder, M; Spoelder, H.J.W.; Mirasso, C.R.; Lenstra, D.
Communique Data Explorer IBM 4, 13 (1996)

Modulation Response of Quantum Well Lasers with Carrier Transport Effects under Weak Optical Feedback

Homar, M.; Mirasso, C. R.; Esquivias, I.; San Miguel, M.
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 8, 861-863 (1996)

Effect of Phase Conjugate Optical Feedback on Turn-on Jitter in Laser Diodes

Revuelta, J.; Pesquera, L.; Hernández-García, E.; Mirasso, C. R.
Opt. Lett. 20, 2213-2215 (1995)

Analytical Calculations of Switch-on Time and Timing Jitter in Diode Lasers Subjected to Optical Feedback and External Light Injection

Dellunde, J.; Torrent, M. C.; Mirasso, C. R.; Hernández-García, E.; Sancho, J. M.
Optics Communications 115, 523-527 (1995)

Current Modulation and Transient Dynamics of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers under Different Feedback Conditions

Mirasso, C.R.; Hernández-García, E.; Dellunde, J.; Torrent M.C.; Sancho, J.M.
IEE Proc.-J. Optoelectronics 142, 17-22 (1995)

Transient dynamics of single -mode semiclassical lasers subjected to both optical feedback and external light injection

Dellunde , J.; Mirasso, C. R.; Torrent, M. C.; Sancho, J. M.; Hernández-García, E.
Optical and Quantum Electronics 27, 755-760 (1995)

Turn-On Jitter of External Cavity Semiconductor Lasers

Hernández-García, E.; Mirasso, C. R.; San Miguel, M.; Shore, K. A.
IEEE J Quantum Elect 30, 241-248 (1994)

Effects of Current Modulation on Timing Jitter of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers in Short External Cavities

Mirasso, C. R.; Hernández-García, E.;
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 30, 2281-2286 (1994)

Simple Method for Estimating the Memory Diagram in Single Mode Semiconductor Lasers

Mirasso, C. R.; Valle, A.; Pesquera, L.; Colet, P.
IEE Proc. J-Optoelectronics 141, 109-113 (1994)

Pulse-To-Pulse Frequency Jitter in Diode Lasers and Soliton Transmission

Mirasso, C. R.; L. Pesquera, L.; Mecozzi, A.
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 5, 1455 (1993)

Analytical Results of the Switch-on Time Statistics in DFB Laser Diodes Driven by ShortTriangular Pulses

Balle, S.; Mirasso, C. R.; Sapia, A.; Spano, P.
Appl. Phys.Lett. 63, 1721 (1993)

Dependence of Timing Jitter on Bias Level for Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers under High Speed Operation

Mirasso, C. R.; Colet, C.; San Miguel, M.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 29, 23-32 (1993)

Memory Diagram of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers

Colet, P.; Mirasso, C. R.; San Miguel, M.
IEEE J.Quantum Electron. 29, 1624-1630 (1993)

Pseudorandom Word Modulation of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers at Gigahertz Rates

Mirasso C.R.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
IEE Proc. J.Optoelectronics 140, 26-29 (1993)

Analytical Calculation of Timing Jitter in Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers under Fast-Periodic Modulation

Valle, A.; Rodriguez, M.; Mirasso, C.R.
Opt. Lett. 17, 1523-1525 (1992)

Least-Energy Configuration in Orthorhombic Lattices of Dipoles

Massidda, V.; Mirasso, C.
J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 116, 277-281 (1992)

Pattern Effects in Time Jitter of Semiconductor Lasers

Sapia, A.; P. Spano, P.; Mirasso, C. R.; P. Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1748-1750 (1992)

Lattice Covering Time Problem for k-Times Visited Sites

Mirasso, C.; Martin H.
Z. Phys. B 82, 433 (1991)

Conmensurate Configurations in the Ground State of a f4 Model with Next-Nearest-Neighbour Interactions

Mirasso, C.; Toral, R.
J. of Physics Condensed Matter 3, 8999 (1991)

Pulse Statistics in Single Mode Semiconductor Lasers Modulated at GHz Rates

Mirasso, C.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Opt. Lett. 16, 1753-1755 (1991)

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