Signature of a cooperation agreement between IFISC and Logitravel Group

June 10, 2015

Maxi San Miguel, on behalf of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and Ovidio Andrés, President of the Group Logitravel, have signed today, June 10, 2015, a cooperation agreement that will allow the exchange of information and the development of scientific and technological research especially in the field of the management of large amounts of data (Big Data).

Under the agreement, Logitravel group will provide access to researchers to tourist mobility data obtained through its Smyland project, so that they can be analyzed by the CSIC through the Institute of interdisciplinary physics and complex systems, IFISC (CSIC-UIB), from the perspective of complex systems and sociotechnical systems. The ultimate goal is that the IFISC reports to Logitravel of the results of the analysis of data for the consideration of possible arrangements for the exploitation of these results. The data collected and their treatment are confidential.

This initiative is part of the field of study of human mobility through mass data (Big Data) that performs IFISC. It should bear in mind that this Institute has led European projects as EUNOIA to study mobility in cities, so you can set the bases of an urban design more sustainable and better suited to the real needs of citizens.

The Convention has a duration of three years from the time of the signing.

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