
Fluctuations impact on a pattern-forming model of population dynamics with non-local interactions

Lopez, Cristobal; Hernandez-Garcia, E
Physica D 199, 223-234 (2004)

Filament bifurcations in a one-dimensional model of reacting excitable fluid flow

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal; Neufeld, Zoltan
Physica A 327, 59-64 (2003)

Spatial Patterns in Chemically and Biologically Reacting Flows

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal; Neufeld, Zoltan
Chaos in Geophysical Flows, edited by G. Boffetta, G. Lacorata, G. Visconti, and A. Vulpiani, OTTO editore (Torino), 35-61 (2003)

Anticipating the response of excitable systems driven by random forcing,

M. Ciszak; O. Calvo; C. Masoller; C.R. Mirasso; R. Toral
Physical Review Letters 90, 204102 (1-4) (2003)

Small-scale structure of nonlinearly interacting species advected by chaotic flows

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal; Neufeld, Zoltan
Chaos 12, 470-480 (2002)

Pitch perception: A dynamical perspective.

Cartwright, Julyan H. E.; González, Diego L.; Piro, Oreste
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 98, 4855-4859 (2001)

Chaotic advection of reacting substances:Plankton dynamics on a meandering jet

Lopez, Cristobal; Neufeld, Zoltan; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Haynes, Peter H.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B 26, 313-317 (2001)

Essential nonlinearities in hearing

Eguiluz, Victor M.; Ospeck, M.; Choe, Y.; Hudspeth, A.J.; Magnasco, M.O.
Physical Review Letters 84, 5232-5235 (2000)

Complex dynamics of Physical, Biological and Socio-Economical systems

Eguíluz, Víctor M. (Directors E. Hernandez-Garcia and O. Piro)
PhD Thesis (1999)

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