
Mapping and modeling age-related changes in intrinsic neural timescales

Wu, Kaichao; Gollo, Leonardo L.
Communications Biology , (2025)

On the stability of competitive ecological communities with pairwise and higher-order interactions

Duran-Sala, Marc; Meloni, Sandro; Calleja-Solanas, Violeta;
Submitted (2025)

A comprehensive dataset on global coral reefs size and geometry

Giménez-Romero, Alex; Matias, Manuel A.; Duarte, Carlos M.
Submitted (2025)

Excitable dynamics and coral reef formation: A simple model of macro-scale structure development

Álvarez-Alegría, Miguel; Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Matias, Manuel A; Gomila, Damià
Submitted (2025)

High-resolution climate data reveals increased risk of Pierce's Disease for grapevines worldwide

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Moralejo, Eduardo; Matías, Manuel A.
Submitted (2025)

Leaf susceptibility of Macaronesian laurel forest species to Phytophthora ramorum

Moralejo, Eduardo; García-Muñoz, José A.; Denman, Sandra; Giménez-Romero, Àlex
Submitted (2025)

Mapping the distribution of seagrass meadows from space with deep convolutional neural networks

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Ferchichi, Dhafer; Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Sintes, Tomàs; Matías, Manuel A.
Submitted (2025)

Shear and transport in a flow environment determine spatial patterns and population dynamics in a model of nonlocal ecological competition

Silvano, Nathan O. ; Valeriano, João; Hernández-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal; Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo
Submitted (2025)

Unravelling the universal spatial properties of coral reefs

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.; Duarte, Carlos M.
Global Ecology and Biogeography 34, e13939 (1-12) (2025)

Analyzing bacterial networks and interactions in skin and gills of Sparus aurata with microalgae-based additive feeding

Cerezo, Isabel María; Herrada, Ernesto Alejandro; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Sáez-Casado, M. I.; Martos-Sitcha, J. A.; Moriñigo, M. A.; Tapia-Paniagua, S. T.
Scientific Reports 14, 31696 (2024)

Deep Learning Unravels Differences Between Kinematic and Kinetic Gait Cycle Time Series from Two Control Samples of Healthy Children Assessed in Two Different Gait Laboratories

De Gorostegui Álvarez de Miranda, Alfonso; Kiernan, Damien; Martín-Gonzalo, Juan-Andrés; López-López, Javier; Pulido-Valdeolivas, Irene; Rausell, Estrella; Zanin, Massimiliano; Gómez-Andrés, David
Sensors 25, 110 (2024)

Non-local transitions and ground state switching in the self-organization of vascular networks

Klemm, Konstantin; Martens, Erik A.
Chaos 34, 123157 (1-10) (2024)

Six decades of the FitzHugh–Nagumo model: A guide through its spatio-temporal dynamics and influence across disciplines

Cebrián-Lacasa, Daniel; Parra-Rivas, Pedro; Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Gelens, Lendert;
Physics Reports 1096, 1-39 (2024)

Cómo los viñedos europeos escaparon de una devastadora enfermedad… por ahora

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.
The Conversation, , (2024)

Spatial heterogeneity accelerates phase-to-trigger wave transitions in frog egg extracts

Puls, Owen; Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Tavella, Franco; Jin, Minjun; Kim, Yeonghoon; Gelens, Lendert; Yang, Qiong;
Nature Communications 15, 10455 (2024)

A cross-disciplinary research framework at institution level and beyond

Argyris, Apostolos; Hernández-García, Emilio; San Miguel, Maxi
Nature Communications 15, 10399 (1-3) (2024)

Theoretical and data-driven models in Ecology

Giménez-Romero, Àlex (Supervisor: Matias, Manuel A.)
PhD Thesis (2024)

La enfermedad de Pierce, una nueva amenaza para los viñedos del sur de Europa

Moralejo, Eduardo; Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.
Phytoma España 363, 14-16 (2024)

On the structure of species-function participation in multilayer ecological networks

Hervías-Parejo, Sandra; Cuevas-Blanco, Mar; Lacasa, Lucas; Traveset, Anna; Donoso, Isabel; Heleno, Rubén; Nogales, Manuel; Rodríguez-Echeverría, Susana; Melián, Carlos; Eguíluz, Victor
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

Clonal Growth Patterns in Colonial Anthozoan Corals

Re, E; Schmidt-Roach, S; Llabres, E; Sintes, T; Duarte, CM
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, CRC Press, 248-266 (2024)

Efficiency in the self assembly of viral capsids.

Aguilar Rosero, Daniel (Sintes, Tomas)
Master Thesis (2024)

Linking intercontinental biogeographic events to decipher how European vineyards escaped Pierce's disease

Moralejo, Eduardo; Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291, 20241130 (1-12) (2024)

Temporal Network Embedding Using Classical Multidimensional Scaling

Marín Rodríguez, Francisco Javier (Supervisors: Arola-Fernánez, Lluís; Lacasa, Lucas)
Master Thesis (2024)

Fluctuations in molecular motors: thermodynamics of F1-ATPase

Nadal Rosa; Adrian (Supervisor: Manzano, Gonzalo)
Master Thesis (2024)

Emergence of cooperation in the one-shot Prisoner’s dilemma through Discriminatory and Samaritan AIs

Zimmaro, Filippo; Miranda, Manuel; Ramos Fernández, José María; Moreno López, Jesús Arturo; Reddel, Max; Widler, Valeria; Antonioni, Alberto; Han, The Ahn
Journal of the Royal Society Interface , (2024)

Generating functional analysis of a thresholded random generalised Lotka-Volterra model

Roig Oliver, Adrian (supervisor: Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2024)

A generalized numerical model for clonal growth in scleractinian coral colonies.

Llabrés, E.; Re, E; Pluma, N; Sintes, T; Duarte, CM
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291, 20241327 (2024)

Shortest path or random walks? A framework for path weights in network meta‐analysis

Rücker, Gerta.; Papakonstantinou, Theodoros; Nikolakopoulou, Adriani; Schwarzer, Guido.; Galla, Tobias; Davies, Annabel L
Statistics in Medicine 43, 4287-4304 (2024)

Understanding the role of top-down input in visual information processing

Sofía Gil Rodrigo (Supervisors: Javier Galván and Claudio Mirasso)
Master Thesis (2024)

How Diet and Lifestyle Can Fine-Tune Gut Microbiomes for Healthy Aging

Tamayo, M.; M. Olivares, M.; Ruas-Madiedo, P.; Margolles, A.; Espín, J. C.; Medina, I.; Moreno-Arribas, M. V.; Canals, S.. ; Mirasso, C. R.; Ortín, S.; Beltrán-Sánchez, H.; Palloni, A.; Tomás-Barberán, F.; Sanz, Y.
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 15, 283–305 (2024)

High-order correlations reveal complex memory in temporal hypergraphs

Gallo, Luca; Lacasa, Lucas; Latora, Vito; Battiston, Federico
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

‘Xylella fastidiosa’ y el cambio climático amenazan la viticultura europea: hemos calculado cuánto

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Moralejo, Eduardo; Matías, Manuel A.
The Conversation, , (2024)

NEURAL DYNAMICS AND INFORMATION TRANSMISSION: from cortical circuits to the hippocampal modelling

Jaime Sánchez Claros (Supervisors Claudio Mirasso and Santiago Canals)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Eigenvalue spectra of finely structured random matrices

Poley, Lyle; Galla, Tobias; Baron, Joseph
Physical Review E 109, 064301 (2024)

Global warming significantly increases the risk of Pierce's disease epidemics in European vineyards

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Iturbide, Maialen; Moralejo, Eduardo; Gutiérrez, José M.; Matías, Manuel A.
Scientific Reports 14, 9648 (1-12) (2024)

Reconstructing brain functional networks through identifiability and deep learning

Zanin, Massimiliano; Aktürk, Tuba; Yıldırım, Ebru; Yerlikaya, Deniz; Yener, Görsev; Güntekin, Bahar
Network Neuroscience 8, 241–259 (2024)

Pulsed interactions unify reaction-diffusion and spatial nonlocal models for biological pattern formation

Eduardo H. Colombo, Ricardo Martinez-Garcia, Justin M. Calabrese, Cristobal Lopez, Emilio Hernandez-Garcia
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2024, 034001 (2024)

Deviation from neutral species abundance distributions unveils geographical differences in the structure of diatom communities

Pigani, E; Hay Mele, B; Campese, L; Ser-Giacomi, E; Ribera, M; Iudicone, D; Suweis,S
Science Advances 10, (2024)

Modeling circuit mechanisms of opposing cortical responses to visual flow perturbations

Galván Fraile, J; Scherr, F; Ramasco, J. J.; Arkhipov, A.; Maass, W; Mirasso, C. R.
Plos Computational Biology 20, e1011921 (2024)

Metacommunity dynamics of complex life-cycles in exploited seascapes

Vasconcelos, Joana;Riera, Rodrigo;Vahdati Ali V.;Geppi, Eros F.;Sousa, Ricardo;Eguíluz, Victor M.;Pinto, Ana Rita;Melián, Carlos J.
American Naturalist , (2024)

A model for seagrass species competition: dynamics of the symmetric case

Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Gomila, Damià
Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena 19, 2 (1-18) (2024)

Food Webs as Multilayer Networks

Melián, Carlos J.; Eguíluz, Victor M.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Third Edition), vol. 5. Edited by Samuel M. Scheiner, Elsevier, 84-91 (2024)

Descifrando el fondo marino desde el espacio con los ojos de la inteligencia artificial

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.
The Conversation, , (2023)

Optimal wave reflection as a mechanism for seagrass self-organization

van de Vijsel, Roeland C. ; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio ; Orfila, Alejandro; Gomila, Damia
Scientific Reports 13, 20278 (1-15) (2023)

A compartmental model for Xylella fastidiosa diseases with explicit vector seasonal dynamics

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Moralejo, Eduardo; Matias, Manuel A.
Phytopathology 113, 1686-1696 (2023)

Age of infection disease modeling: from Kermack and McKendrick to multi-compartment models

Bousakla El Boujdaini, Mustapha (supervisors: Matias, Manuel A.; Giménez-Romero, Alex)
Master Thesis (2023)

Higher-order interactions as stabilising mechanism for competitive communities

Duran Sala, Marc; ( supervisors: Calleja-Solanas, Violeta; Meloni, Sandro)
Master Thesis (2023)

Inference of leadership networks of marine megafauna from acoustic data

Corzo López, M. Teresa (supervisors Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Eguíluz, Víctor M. )
Master Thesis (2023)

Bifurcations in adaptive vascular networks: toward model calibration

Klemm, Konstantin; Martens, Erik Andreas
Chaos 33, 093135 (1-8) (2023)

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