
Quantum thermodynamics under continuous monitoring: a general framework

Manzano, Gonzalo; Zambrini, Roberta
AVS Quantum Science 4, 025302 (2022)

Lagrangian transport of sinking particles. From theoretical characterization to oceanic applications

de la Fuente, Rebeca (Supervisors: Cristobal Lopez and Emilio Hernandez-Garcia)
PhD Thesis (2022)

Statistical–mechanical theory of topological indices

Ernesto Estrada
Physica A 602, 127612 (1-10) (2022)

Analyzing international events through the lens of statistical physics: The case of Ukraine

Zanin, Massimiliano; Martínez, Johann H.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32, 051103 (1-8) (2022)

Inequalities in COVID-19 inequalities research: Who had the capacity to respond?

Benach, Joan; Cash-Gibson, Lucinda; Rojas-Gualdrón, Diego F; Padilla-Pozo, Álvaro; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; M Eguíluz, Víctor and COVID-SHINE group
Plos One 17, e0266132 (2022)

Optimal Cost-Based Strengthening of Complex Networks

Rong, Qingnan; Zhang, Jun; Sun, Xiaoqian; Wandelt, Sebastian; Zanin, Massimiliano; Tian, Liang
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 9, 1117 - 1127 (2022)

20 years of ordinal patterns: Perspectives and challenges

Leyva Callejas, Inmaculada; Martinez, Johann; Masoller, Cristina; Rosso, Osvaldo A.; Zanin, Massimiliano
EPL 138, 31001 (1-7) (2022)

¿Aumentan las renovables el riesgo de apagones en la red eléctrica?

Gomila, D; Carreras, B.A.; Colet, P.
The Conversation,, (2022)

Permutation Jensen-Shannon distance: A versatile and fast symbolic tool for complex time-series analysis

Luciano Zunino, Felipe Olivares, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, and Osvaldo A. Rosso
Physical Review E 105, 1-21 (2022)

Seagrass spatiotemporal dynamics with a time-dependent mortality

Mampel, Jorge (Advisors: Gomila, Damià; Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel)
Master Thesis (2022)

The world-wide waste web

Martínez, Johann H; Romero, Sergi; Ramasco, Jose J.; Estrada, Ernesto
Nature Communications 13, 1615 (2022)

Quantum Consensus Dynamics by Entangling Maxwell Demon

New Journal of Physics 24, 033028 (2022)

Assessing Identifiability in Airport Delay Propagation Roles Through Deep Learning Classification

Ivanoska, Ilinka; Pastorino, Luisina; Zanin, Massimiliano
IEEE Access 10, 28520 - 28534 (2022)

Editorial: The Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem Today

Gudowska-Nowak Ewa, OliveiraFernando A. and Wio Horacio Sergio
Frontiers in Physics 10, 859799 (3) (2022)

Eigenvalues of random matrices with generalised correlations: a path integral approach

Baron, Joseph William; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review Letters 128, 120601 (1-6) (2022)

Inferring work by quantum superposing forward and time-reversal evolutions

Rubino, Giulia; Manzano, Gonzalo; Rozema, Lee A.; Walther, Philip; Parrondo, Juan M. R.; Brukner, Časlav
Physical Review Research 4, 013208 (2022)

Network meta‐analysis and random walks

Davies, Annabel L.; Papakonstantinou, Theodorus; Nikolakopoulou, Adriani; Rücker, Gerta; Galla, Tobias
Statistics in Medicine 41, 2091-2114 (2022)

Coordination and equilibrium selection in games: the role of local effects

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 12, 3373 (2022)

Towards a taxonomy of learning dynamics in 2 × 2 games

Pangallo, Marco; Sanders, James B. T; Galla, Tobias; Farmer, J. Doyne
Games and Economic Behaviour 132, 1-21 (2022)

Plant–insect chemical communication in ecological communities: An information theory perspective

Peng-Juan, Zu; García-García, Reinaldo; Schuman, Meredith C.; Saavedra,Sergei; Melián, Carlos J.
Journal of Systematics and Evolution , (2022)

Non-Gaussian random matrices determine the stability of Lotka-Volterra communities

Baron, Joseph W.; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Submitted (2022)

Survival and extreme statistics of work, heat and entropy production in steady-state heat engines

Manzano, Gonzalo; Roldán, Édgar
Physical Review E 105, 024112 (2022)

From random failures to targeted attacks in network dismantling

Wandelt, Sebastian; Lin, Wei; Sun, Xiaoqian; Zanin, Massimiliano
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 218, 108146 (2022)

Premio Nobel de Física 2021: Otorgado por “Contribuciones revolucionarias en la comprensión de los sistemas físicos complejos”

Ramasco, José Javier; Gutiérrez, José Manuel; San Miguel, Maxi
Revista Española de Física 35, 15-17 (2022)

The shape of memory in temporal networks

Williams, Oliver; Lacasa, Lucas; Millán, Ana; Latora, Vito
Nature Communications 13, (2022)

Air delay propagation patterns in Europe from 2015 to 2018: an information processing perspective

Pastorino, Luisina; Zanin, Massimiliano
J. Phys. Complex. 3, 015001 (2022)

A Fast Transform for Brain Connectivity Difference Evaluation

Zanin, Massimiliano; Ivanoska, Ilinka; Güntekin, Bahar; Yener, Görsev; Loncar-Turukalo, Tatjana; Jakovljevic, Niksa; Sveljo, Olivera; Papo, David
Neuroinformatics 20, 285-299 (2022)

From networked SIS model to the Gompertz function

Ernesto Estrada, Paolo Bartesaghi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 419, 126882 (2022)

Hubs-biased resistance distances on graphs and networks

Ernesto Estrada and Delio Mugnolo
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 507, 125728 (1-22) (2022)

Non-uniform random graphs on the plane: A scaling study

CT Martinez-Martinez, JA Mendez-Bermudez, Francisco A Rodrigues, Ernesto Estrada
Physical Review E 105, 1-13 (2022)

Retarded kernels for longitudinal survival analysis and dynamic prediction

Davies, Annabel L.; Coolen, Anthony C. C.; Galla, Tobias
Submitted (2022)

Signal transmission in a chain of unidirectionally coupled self-sustained Van der Pol oscillators: effect of additional nonlinearities and noisy chain units

Tchakui, Murielle Vanessa, Woafo, Paul; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
European Physical Journal Plus 137, 3 (1-13) (2022)

The many facets of the Estrada indices of graphs and networks

Estrada, Ernesto
SeMA Journal 79, 57-125 (2022)

Time and space generalized diffusion equation on graph/networks

Estrada, Ernesto; Diaz-Diaz, Fernando
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 156, 111791 (1-9) (2022)

Where to cut to delay a pandemic with minimum disruption? Mathematical analysis based on the SIS model

Bartesaghi, Paolo; Estrada, Ernesto
Mathematical Models and Methods in the Applied Sciences 31, 2571-2596 (2021)

Synchronization and collective phenomena in quantum dissipative systems

Cabot, Albert (supervisors: Zambrini, Roberta; Giorgi, Gian Luca)
PhD Thesis (2021)

Traveling pulses in type-I excitable media

Arinyo-i-Prats, Andreu; Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Matias, Manuel A.; Gomila, Damià
Physical Review E 104, L052203 (2021)

Evolutionary Game Theory with payoff fluctuations: Bet-Hedging

Calvo Ibáñez, Ruben (supervisor Tobias Galla)
Master Thesis (2021)

Los límites matemáticos de la amistad, la enemistad y el Big Data

Estrada, Ernesto
Periodico ABC, Seccion ABCdario de la Matematicas, , (2021)

Statistical physics in a three-state extended voter model

Lázaro Sánchez, Teresa (supervisors: Tobias Galla, Konstantin Klemm)
Master Thesis (2021)

Assessing time series irreversibility through micro-scale trends

Zanin, Massimiliano
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, 103118 (2021)

Unveiling the role of plasticity rules in reservoir computing

Morales, Guillermo B.; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Soriano, Miguel C.
Neurocomputing 461, 705-715 (2021)

A normal form for excitable vegetation dynamics

Martorell, Carles (Advisors: Gomila, Damià; Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo)
Master Thesis (2021)

Metastable quantum entrainment

Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
New Journal of Physics 23, 103017 (2021)

Household networks and bubbling: insights from percolation theory

Ellen Brooks-Pollock; Lucas Lacasa; Leon Danon
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376: 20200284 (2021) 376, (2021)

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