
Bosonic Mpemba effect with non-classical states of light

Longhi, Stefano
APL Quantum 1, 046110 (1-7) (2024)

La enfermedad de Pierce, una nueva amenaza para los viñedos del sur de Europa

Moralejo, Eduardo; Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.
Phytoma España 363, 14-16 (2024)

Evaluating Time Irreversibility Tests Using Geometric Brownian Motions with Stochastic Resetting

Zanin, Massimiliano; Trajanovski, Pece; Jolakoski, Petar; Sandev, Trifce; Kocarev, Ljupco
Symmetry 16, 1445 (2024)

Understanding following patterns among high-performance athletes

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Arola-Fernández,Lluís
Journal of Physics: Complexity 5, 045007 (2024)

DESIGN and be SMART: Eleven engineering challenges to achieve sustainable air transportation under safety assurance in the year 2050

Wandelt, Sebastian; Blom, Henk; Krömer, Marius Magnus; Li, Daochun; Mitici, Mihaela; Ryley, Tim; Stumpf, Eike; Wang, Kun; Yang, Bin; Zanin, Massimiliano; Sun, Xiaoqian
Journal of the Air Transport Research Society , (2024)

On the structure of species-function participation in multilayer ecological networks

Hervías-Parejo, Sandra; Cuevas-Blanco, Mar; Lacasa, Lucas; Traveset, Anna; Donoso, Isabel; Heleno, Rubén; Nogales, Manuel; Rodríguez-Echeverría, Susana; Melián, Carlos; Eguíluz, Victor
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

Adaptive control of recurrent neural networks using conceptors

Pourcel, Guillaume; Goldmann, Mirko; Fischer, Ingo; Soriano, Miguel C.
Chaos 34, 103127 (2024)

Subdiffusive dynamics in photonic random walks probed with classical light

Longhi, Stefano
Optics Letters 49, 5989-5992 (2024)

Editorial: Complexity in language variation and change

Heinsalu, E.; Patriarca, M.; Sánchez, D.
Frontiers in Complex Systems 2, 1497038 (1-2) (2024)

Aging and memory effects in social and economic dynamics

Abella, David (Supervisors: Ramasco, Jose J. and San Miguel, Maxi)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Clonal Growth Patterns in Colonial Anthozoan Corals

Re, E; Schmidt-Roach, S; Llabres, E; Sintes, T; Duarte, CM
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, CRC Press, 248-266 (2024)

Computing with Dynamical Systems: from implementations towards novel concepts

Goldmann, Mirko (Supervisors: Fischer, Ingo; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Soriano, Miguel C.)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Linking intercontinental biogeographic events to decipher how European vineyards escaped Pierce's disease

Moralejo, Eduardo; Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Matías, Manuel A.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291, 20241130 (1-12) (2024)

Deep Learning models for the analysis of time series: A practical introduction for the statistical physics practitioner

Crespo-Otero, Alfredo; Esteve, Pau; Zanin, Massimiliano
Chaos Solitons & Fractals 187, 115359 (2024)

Indirect social influence and diffusion of innovations: An experimental approach

Manuel Miranda, María Pereda, Angel Sánchez and Ernesto Estrada
PNAS Nexus 3, 10(409) (2024)

Exploring language relations through syntactic distances and geographic proximity

De Gregorio, Juan; Toral, Raúl; Sánchez, David
EPJ Data Science 13, 61 (1-27) (2024)

Emergence of cooperation in the one-shot Prisoner’s dilemma through Discriminatory and Samaritan AIs

Zimmaro, Filippo; Miranda, Manuel; Ramos Fernández, José María; Moreno López, Jesús Arturo; Reddel, Max; Widler, Valeria; Antonioni, Alberto; Han, The Ahn
Journal of the Royal Society Interface , (2024)

A generalized numerical model for clonal growth in scleractinian coral colonies.

Llabrés, E.; Re, E; Pluma, N; Sintes, T; Duarte, CM
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291, 20241327 (2024)

Commentary: A road map for future data-driven urban planning and environmental health research

Dyer, Georgia M.C. et al.; Ramasco, JJ
Cities 155, 105340 (2024)

Power grid dynamics and stability with a high penetration of renewable energies

Martínez-Barbeito, María (Supervisors: Colet, Pere; Gomila, Damià)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Photonic Mpemba effect

Longhi, Stefano
Optics Letters 49, 5188-5191 (2024)

Engineered dissipation to mitigate barren plateaus

Sannia, Antonio; Tacchino, Francesco; Tavernelli, Ivano; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
npj Quantum Information 10, (2024)

Low-energy modeling of three-dimensional topological insulator nanostructures

Zsurka,Eduárd; Wang, Cheng; Legendre, Julian; Di Miceli, Daniele; Serra, Llorenç; Grützmacher, Detlev; Schmidt, Thomas L.; Rüßmann, Philipp; Moors, Kristof
Physical Review Materials 8, 084204 (1-11) (2024)

Topological properties of finite-size heterostructures of magnetic topological insulators and superconductors

Legendre, Julian; Zsurka, Eduárd; Di Miceli, Daniele; Serra, Llorenç; Moors, Kristof; Schmidt, Thomas L.
Physical Review B 110, 075426 (1-14) (2024)

Temporal Goos-Hänchen Shift in Synthetic Discrete-Time Heterolattices

Qin,Chengzhi; Wang, Shulin ; Wang ,Bing; Hu, Xinyuan; Liu, Chenyu; Li, Yinglan; Zhao, Lange ; Ye,Han; Longhi, Stefano; Lu, Peixiang
Physical Review Letters 133, 083802 (1-6) (2024)

Probing coherent quantum thermodynamics using a trapped ion

Onishchenko, O.; Guarnieri, G.; Rosillo-Rodes, P.; Pijn, D.; Hilder, J.; Poschinger, U.G.; Perarnau-Llobet, M.; Eisert, J.; Schmidt-Kaler, F.
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

Aproximación estadística al reparto de <b> y <v> en manuscritos latinos de autores hispanos

Miguel Franco, Ruth; Sánchez, David
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 140, 365-384 (2024)

Mathematical modeling of local balance in signed networks and its applications to global international analysis

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando; Bartesaghi, Paolo; Estrada, Ernesto
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing , (2024)

Nonequilibrium Transition between Dissipative Time Crystals

Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
PRX Quantum 5 , 030325 (1-22) (2024)

Shortest path or random walks? A framework for path weights in network meta‐analysis

Rücker, Gerta.; Papakonstantinou, Theodoros; Nikolakopoulou, Adriani; Schwarzer, Guido.; Galla, Tobias; Davies, Annabel L
Statistics in Medicine 43, 4287-4304 (2024)

Retrieving past quantum features with deep hybrid classical-quantum reservoir computing

Nokkala, Johannes; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5, 035022 (1-14) (2024)

Complex Systems Perspectives on Large-Scale Weather and Climate Variability Patterns

Ehstand, Noémie (supervisors E. Hernandez-Garcia, C. Lopez and R.V. Donner)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Experimental multi-bit header classification at 28.5 Gb/s with step-index few-mode fibers

Pflüger, Moritz; Ortín, Silvia; Leininger, Lars; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Argyris, Apostolos
Journal of Lightwave Technology 42 (22), 7962 - 7968 (2024)

Observing the collapse of super-Bloch oscillations in strong-driving photonic temporal lattices

Hu, Xinyuan; Wang, Shulin; Qin, Chengzhi ; Liu, Chenyu; Zhao, Lange; Li, Yinglan ; Ye, Han; Liu, Weiwei; Longhi, Stefano ; Lu, Peixiang ; Wang, Bing
Advanced Photonics 6, 046001 (1-11) (2024)

How Diet and Lifestyle Can Fine-Tune Gut Microbiomes for Healthy Aging

Tamayo, M.; M. Olivares, M.; Ruas-Madiedo, P.; Margolles, A.; Espín, J. C.; Medina, I.; Moreno-Arribas, M. V.; Canals, S.. ; Mirasso, C. R.; Ortín, S.; Beltrán-Sánchez, H.; Palloni, A.; Tomás-Barberán, F.; Sanz, Y.
Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 15, 283–305 (2024)

Observation of discrete-light temporal refraction by moving potentials with broken Galilean invariance

Qin, Chengzhi; Ye, Han ; Wang, Shulin; Zhao, Lange ; Liu, Menglin; Li, Yinglan ; Hu, Xinyuan ; Liu, Chenyu ; Wang, Bing ; Longhi, Stefano; Lu, Peixiang
Nature Communications 15, 5444 (1-11) (2024)

A photonics perspective on computing with physical substrates

Abreu; Boikov; Goldmann, M.; Jonuzi; Lupo; Masaad; Nguyen; Picco; Pourcel; Skalli; Talandier, L.; Vettelschoss; Vlieg; Argyris, A.; Bienstman; Brunner; Dambre; Daudet; Domenech; Fischer, I.; Horst; Massar; Mirasso, C.R.; Offrein; Rossi; Soriano, M. C.; Sygletos; Turitsyn
Reviews in Physics 12, 100093 (2024)

Non-Hermitian dynamical topological winding in photonic mesh lattices

Longhi, Stefano
Optics Letters 49, 3672-3675 (2024)

Skin effect in quantum neural networks

Sannia, Antonio; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Longhi, Stefano; Zambrini, Roberta
Submitted (2024)

Extinction and coexistence in a binary mixture of proliferating motile disks

Almodovar, Alejandro; Galla, Tobias; López, Cristóbal
Physical Review E 109, 064140 (2024)

A generalized vector-field framework for mobility

Liu, Erjian; Mazzoli, Mattia; Yan, Xiao-Yong; Ramasco, Jose J.
Communications Physics 7, 190 (2024)

High-order correlations reveal complex memory in temporal hypergraphs

Gallo, Luca; Lacasa, Lucas; Latora, Vito; Battiston, Federico
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

‘Xylella fastidiosa’ y el cambio climático amenazan la viticultura europea: hemos calculado cuánto

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Moralejo, Eduardo; Matías, Manuel A.
The Conversation, , (2024)

Shipping traffic through the Arctic Ocean: Spatial distribution, seasonal variation, and its dependence on the sea ice extent

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Klemm,Konstantin;Duarte,Carlos M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
iScience 27, 110236 (2024)

Noisy kinetic-exchange opinion model with aging

Vieira,Allan R.;Llabrés,Jaume;Toral,Raúl;Anteneodo,Celia
Phys. Rev. E 109, 064119 (2024)

NEURAL DYNAMICS AND INFORMATION TRANSMISSION: from cortical circuits to the hippocampal modelling

Jaime Sánchez Claros (Supervisors Claudio Mirasso and Santiago Canals)
PhD Thesis (2024)

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