
Estudi del comportament d'un filament magnètic ancorat sobre una superficie plana

Cabot Martorell, Albert (supervisor Joan J. Cerdà)
(Treball Fi de Grau, Física) (2015)

Métodos de variable compleja

Sánchez, D.
Métodos de variable compleja, Edicions UIB (2015)

Dominant transport pathways in an atmospheric blocking event

Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Vasile, Ruggero; Recuerda, Irene; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal
Chaos 25, 087413 (1-10) (2015)

Opinion dynamics within a virtual small group: the stubbornness effect

Guazzini, A; Cini, A; Bagnoli, F; Ramasco, JJ
Frontiers in Physics 3, 65 (2015)

Most probable paths in temporal weighted networks: An application to ocean transport

Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Vasile, Ruggero; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal
Physical Review E 92, 012818 (1-6) (2015)

Markets, herding and response to external information

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
PLOS ONE 10, e0133287 (2015)

Human diffusion and city influence

Lenormand, M; Gonçalves, B; Tugores, A; Ramasco, J J
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20150473 (2015)

Pattern Formation in Populations with Density-Dependent Movement and Two Interaction Scales

Martínez-García, Ricardo; Murgui, Clara; Hernández-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal
Plos One 10, e0132261 (1-14) (2015)

The transition between strong and weak chaos in delay systems: Stochastic modeling approach

Jüngling, Thomas; D'Huys, Otti; Kinzel, Wolfgang
Physical Review E 91, 062918 (1-10) (2015)

Modelling delay propagation trees for scheduled flights

Campanelli, B.; Ciruelos, C.; Arranz, A.; Etxebarria, I.; Peces, S.; Fleurquin, P.; Eguiluz, V.M. ; Ramasco, J.J.
Proceedings of the 11th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015, EUROCONTROL, 2015, (2015)

Dynamical properties induced by state-dependent delays in photonic systems

Martínez-Llinàs, Jade; Porte, Xavier; Soriano, Miguel C.; Colet, Pere; Fischer, Ingo
Nature Communications 6, 8425 (2015)

Determining the sub-Lyapunov exponent of delay systems from time series

Jüngling, Thomas; Soriano, Miguel C.; Fischer, Ingo
Physical Review E 91, 062908 (1-9) (2015)

Minimal approach to neuro-inspired information processing

Soriano, M. C.; Brunner, D.; Escalona-Moran, M.; Mirasso, C. R.; Fischer, I.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9, 68 (2015)

Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility

Lenormand, Maxime ; Louail, T; Cantu-Ros, O G; Picornell, M; R Herranz, R; Murillo Arias, J ; Barthelemy, M; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, Jose J
Scientific Reports 5, 10075 (2015)

A simple and bounded model of population dynamics in mutualistic networks

Pastor, J. M.; Garcia-Algarra, J.; Galenao, J. ; Iriondo, J. M.; Ramasco, J. J.
Networks and Heterogeneous Media (AIMS) 10, 53-70 (2015)

Dragging in mutualistic networks

Pastor, J. M.; Garcia-Algarra, J.; Iriondo, J. M.; Ramasco, J. J.; Galeano, J.
Networks and Heterogeneous Media (AIMS) 10, 37-52 (2015)

Assessing coupling dynamics from an ensemble of time series

Gómez-Herrero, G.; Wu, W.; Rutanen, K.; Soriano, M. C.; Pipa, G.; Vicente, R.
Entropy 17, 1958-1970 (2015)

Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior

Picornell, M.; Ruiz, T.; Lenormand, M.; Ramasco, J.J.; Dubernet, T.; Frías-Martínez, E.
Transportation 42, 647-668 (2015)

The effect of links on the interparticle dipolar correlations in supramolecular magnetic filaments

Sánchez, Pedro A.; Cerdà, Joan J. Cerdà; Sintes, Tomàs; Ivanov, Alexey O.; Kantorovich, Sofia S.
Soft Matter 11, 2963-2972 (2015)

Synchronization of tunable asymmetric square-wave pulses in delay-coupled optoelectronic oscillators

Martínez-Llinàs, Jade; Colet, Pere; Erneux, Thomas
Physical Review E 91, 032911 (1-14) (2015)

Spatial patterns of competing random walkers

Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Heinsalu, E., Lopez, C.
Ecological Complexity 21, 166-176 (2015)

Theory for the spatio-temporal dynamics of domain walls close to a nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition

Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere; Walgraef, Daniel
Physical Review Letters 114, 084101 (1-5) (2015)

Reservoir computing with a single time-delay autonomous Boolean node

Haynes, Nicholas D.; Soriano, Miguel C.; Rosin, David P.; Fischer, Ingo; Gauthier, Daniel J.
Physical Review E 91, 020801(R)(1-5) (2015)

Optimal recruitment strategies for groups of interacting walkers with leaders

Martínez-García, Ricardo, López, Cristóbal; Vazquez, Federico
Physical Review E 91, 022117 (2015)

Flow networks: A characterization of geophysical fluid transport

Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Rossi, Vincent; Lopez, Cristobal; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
Chaos 25, 036404 (1-18) (2015)

Anomalous scaling in an age-dependent branching model

Keller-Schmidt, S.; Tugrul, M.; Eguiluz, V.M.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Klemm, K.
Physical Review E 91, 022803 (1-6) (2015)

Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

Louail, T; Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, M; García Cantú, O; Herranz, R; Fría-Martinez, E; Ramasco, Jose J; Barthelemy, M
Nature Communications 6, 6007 (2015)

Information Recovery In Behavioral Networks

Squartini, Tiziano; Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Garlaschelli, Diego; Judge, George
Plos One 10, e0125077 (1-11) (2015)

Delay-based Reservoir Computing: Noise Effects in a Combined Analog and Digital Implementation

Soriano, Miguel C.; Ortín, Silvia; Keuninckx, Lars; Appeltant, Lennert; Danckaert, Jan; Pesquera, Luis; Van der Sande, Guy
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 26, 388-393 (2015)

Descending from infinity: Convergence of tailed distributions

Van den Broeck,Christian;Harbola,Upendra;Toral,Raul;Lindenberg,Katja
Physical Review E 91, 012128 (2015)

Impact of substrate interactions on the phase behavior of Y-shaped molecules

Ruth, D.P.;Toral, R.;Holz, D.;Rickman, J.M.;J.D. Gunton
Thin Solid Films 597, 188-192 (2015)

Learning and coordinating in a multilayer network

Lugo, Haydee; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 5, 7776 (2015)

Constructing optimized binary masks for reservoir computing with delay systems

Appeltant, Lennert; Van der Sande, Guy; Danckaert, Jan; Fischer, Ingo
Scientific Reports 4, 3629 (2014)

Effects of inhomogeneities and drift on the dynamics of temporal solitons in fiber cavities and microresonators

Parra-Rivas, P.; Gomila, D.; Matias, M.A.; Colet, P.; Gelens, L.
Optics Express 22, 30943-30954 (2014)

Multivariate nonlinear time-series estimation using delay-based reservoir computing

Escalona-Morán, M. A.; Soriano, M. C.; García-Prieto, J.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C. R.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 223, 2903-2912 (2014)

Autocorrelation properties of chaotic delay dynamical systems: A study on semiconductor lasers

Porte, Xavier; D'Huys, Otti; Jüngling, Thomas; Brunner, Daniel; Soriano, Miguel C.; Fischer, Ingo
Physical Review E 90, 052911 (1-10) (2014)

Synchronizability of Networks with Strongly Delayed Links: A Universal Classification

Flunkert, V.; Yanchuk, S.; Dahms, T.; Schöll, E.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 202, 809-824 (2014)

Master Thesis: Time Series Analysis of Online Social Media

Artime, Oriol (M. San Miguel; JJ Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2014)

Stochastic switching in delay-coupled oscillators

D'Huys, O.; Jüngling, T.; Kinzel, W.
Physical review E 90, 032918 (1-9) (2014)

Rethinking the logistic approach for population dynamics of mutualistic interactions

Garcia-Algarra, J; Galeano, J; Pastor, JM; Iriondo, JM; Ramasco, JJ
Journal of Theoretical Biology 363, 332-343 (2014)

Simulating non-Markovian stochastic processes

Boguna, Marian; Lafuerza, Luis F.; Toral ,Raul; Serrano, M. Angeles
Physical Review E 90, 042108 (2014)

Stochastic functionals and fluctuation theorem for multikangaroo processes

Van den Broeck,Christian;Toral,Raul
Physical Review E 89, 062124 (2014)

Social imitation vs strategic choice, or consensus vs cooperation in the networked Prisoner’s Dilemma

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, Jose J.; Sanchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 90, 022810 (2014)

Tweets on the road

Lenormand, Maxime;Tugores, Antonia; Colet, Pere; Ramasco, Jose J
PLoS ONE 9, e105407 (2014)

Cross-checking different sources of mobility information

Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, Miguel; Cantu-Ros, Oliva; Tugores, Antonia; Louail, Thomas; Herranz, Ricardo; Barthelemy, Marc; Frias-Martinez, Enrique; Ramasco, Jose J.
PLoS ONE 9, e105184 (2014)

Synchronization and application of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers

Hicke, Konstantin;(Supervisor: Fischer,Ingo)
PhD thesis (2014)

Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics in Ecology: Vegetation Patterns, Animal Mobility and Temporal Fluctuations.

Martínez-García, Ricardo (Supervisor: López, Cristóbal)
PhD Thesis (2014)

Parameter-space topology of models for cell polarity

Khuc Trong, P.; Nicola, E.M.; Goehring, N.W.; Kumar, V.; Grill, S.W.
New Journal of Physics 16, 065009 (1-18) (2014)

Deriving partition functions and entropic functionals from thermodynamics

Plastino, A.; Curado, E.M.F.; Nobre, F.D.
Physica A 403, 13-20 (2014)

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