Around 200 scientists from 28 different countries participated in the Crossroads in Complex Systems conference, the central event of the agenda for the tenth anniversary of IFISC. Through four days, more than fifty scientists presented their latest researches in complex systems, revealing the wide range of possibilities the field offers, from human and animal mobility to quantum systems, through disease propagation, neuroscience or meteorology. The lectures given by Carlos Duarte (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), Alex Vespignani (Northeastern University of Boston), Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO), Angelo Vulpiani (University la Sapienza) and Rajarshi Roy (University of Maryland) are included in the Program Colloquia of Excellence 2017, which offers a special series of seminars by eminent speakers who are working at the forefront of complex systems and are inspiring the evolution of the field. On the other hand, more than 90 posters were presented throughout the conference.
As a first commemorative event, a round table was held with the participation of Herik J. Jensen (Center for Complexity Science), Yamir Moreno (Complex Systems Society), Luciano Pietronero (Institute for Complex Systems), Jan M. Rost (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems), Anxo Sánchez (ComplejiMad) and Stefan Turner (Complexity Science Hub), all of them directors of international centers of reference in complex systems research. They shared their personal visions about the field and set the new trends to follow. As a second commemorative event, this time addressed to the general public, Dra. Susanna Manrubia (National Center for Biotechnology) presented a lecture on genetics, concluding the tenth edition of the cycle of conferences "Explorando las Fronteras entre Saberes".
During the conference, IFISC’s new institutional video was presented, titled "Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems", which reviews some highlights of the center such as its interdisciplinary nature or its transversal organization.
Both seminars included in Colloquia of Excellence and the round table session are available for viewing on the internet.
El IFISC toma altura, diez años de investigación avanzada en la universidad - Diario de Mallorca
Diez años del IFISC y del ciclo Explorando las Fronteras entre Saberes -El diari de la UIB
Congreso internacional Crossroads in Complex Systems - El diari de la UIB
Genealogia i genètica, dos llegats divergents - Ara Balears
En la frontera de la física y la biología - El Mundo
“Tots els individus sentim una tensió entre pertànyer a un grup i individualitzar-nos” - Ara Balears
El IFISC y el IAS celebran sus aniversarios - CSIC
Entrevista a Maxi San Miguel - Cadena SER
Tertulia 10 años del IFISC - IB3 Ràdio