Levels of reality in weather forecasting: the lesson by Richardson and von Neumann

  • IFISC Colloquium

  • Angelo Vulpiani
  • Università di Roma
  • June 8, 2017, 9:30 a.m.
  • Auditorium (Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos building)
  • Announcement file

At first glance weather forecasting appears just a topic of
practical relevance. An analysis of its main aspects shows
the presence of conceptual topics which are rather interesting
in complex systems:

a) limits of extreme reductionism

b) limits of naive inductivism

c) relevance of old (apparently very far) classical issues

d) role of models at different scales

e) importance of the proper level of description.

[1] A. Dahan- Dalmedico History and Epistemology of Models: Meteorology as a Case Study Archive for History of Exact Sciences 55, 395 (2001).

[2] P. Lynch The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction: Richardson’s Dream (Cambridge University
Press, 2006)

[3] S. Chibbaro, L. Rondoni and Vulpiani Reductionism,
Emergence and Levels of Reality (Springer-Verlag,

IFISC Colloquia

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