Lim, J. S.; Sanchez, D.; Lopez, R.
The Physics of Semiconductors (Ed. by T. Ihn , C. Roessler, A. Kozikov). AIP Conference Proceedings, , 363 (1-2) (2013)
Fahlvik Svensson, S.; Hoffmann, E. A.; Nakpathomkun, N.; Wu, P. M.; Xu, H. Q.;Nilsson, H. A.; Sanchez, D.; Kashcheyevs, V.; Linke, H.
New Journal of Physics 15, 105011 (1-14) (2013)
Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gianluca; López, Rosa; Sánchez, David; Serra, Llorenç; Zambrini, Roberta
Optica Pura y Aplicada 44, 301-307 (2011)
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