
State transfer in Open Quantum Systems

Ballesteros Ferraz, Lorena (Supervisors Zambrini, Roberta; Giorgi, Gian Luca)
Master Thesis (2019)

Fluctuation-driven Coulomb drag in interacting quantum dot systems

Sierra, M. A.; Sánchez, D.; Jauho, A.-P.; Kaasbjerg, K.
Physical Review B 100, 081404 (1-5) (2019)

Exceptional points in 1D arrays of quantum harmonic oscillators

Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Longhi, Stefano; Zambrini, Roberta
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 127, 20001 (1-7) (2019)

Quantum synchronization in dimer atomic lattices

Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review Letters 123, 023604 (1-6) (2019)

Nonlinear chiral refrigerators

Sánchez, D.; Sánchez, R.; López, R.; Sothmann, B.
Physical Review B 99, 245304 (1-9) (2019)

Complex band-structure analysis and topological physics of Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
European Physical Journal B 92, 101 (1-19) (2019)

Nanowires: A route to efficient thermoelectric devices

Dominguez-Adame, F.; Martin-Gonzalez, M.; Sanchez, D.; Cantarero, A.
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems & Structures 113, 213-225 (2019)

Electrically and thermally driven transport in interacting quantum dot structures

Sierra, Miguel A. (Supervisor: Sánchez, David)
PhD Thesis (2019)

Magnetic orbital motion and 0.5e2/h conductance of quantum-anomalous-Hall hybrid strips

Osca, Javier: Serra, Llorenç
Applied Physics Letters 114, 133105 (1-5) (2019)

Landau–Zener Topological Quantum State Transfer

Longhi, Stefano; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2, 1800090 (1-10) (2019)

Thermoelectric transport through interacting quantum dots in graphene

Isern-Lozano, J. R.; Lim, J. S.; Grosu, I.; López, R.; Sánchez, D.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 227, 1969–1979 (2019)

Heat and charge transport in nanostructures: Interference, AC-driving, environment, and feedback

Guillem Rosselló (Supervisor: Rosa López)
PhD Thesis (2019)

Spatial coupling of quantum-anomalous-Hall and chiral-Majorana modes

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 227, 2025–2035 (2019)

Machine Learning Applied to Quantum Synchronization-Assisted Probing

Garau Estarellas, Gabriel; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Soriano, Miguel C.; Zambrini, Roberta
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2, 1800085 (2019)

Topologically Nontrivial Valley States in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Point Contacts

Overweg, H.; Knothe, A.; Fabian, T.; Linhart, L.; Rickhaus, P; Wernli, L; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Sánchez, D.; Burgdörfer, J.; Libisch, F.; Fal'ko, V. I.; Ensslin, K.; Ihn, T.
Physical Review Letters 121, 257702 (1-6) (2018)

Hallmarking quantum states: unified framework for coherence and correlations

Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Quantum 2, 109 (1-8) (2018)

Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects in a double quantum dot Josephson junction

Tomaszewski, D.; Busz, P.; López, R.; Lee, M.; Martinek, J.
Physical Review B 98 , 174504 (2018)

Unveiling noiseless clusters in complex quantum networks

Cabot, Albert; Galve, Fernando; Eguíluz, Victor; Klemm, Konstantin; Maniscalco, Sabrina; Zambrini, Roberta
npj Quantum Information 57, 4 (2018)

Entropy production and fluctuations in a Maxwell's refrigerator with squeezing

Manzano, Gonzalo
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 227, 285-300 (2018)

Conductance oscillations and speed of chiral Majorana mode in a quantum anomalous Hall two-dimensional strip

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 98, 121407(R)(1-4) (2018)

Thermally Driven Out-of-Equilibrium Two-Impurity Kondo System

Sierra, M A.;López, R; Lim, J S
Physical Review Letters 121, 096801 (1-6) (2018)

Quantum Fluctuation Theorems for Arbitrary Environments: Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic Entropy Production

Manzano, G.;Horowitz, J.M.; Parrondo, J.M.R.
Physical Review X 8, 031037 (2018)

Thermodynamics and Synchronization in Open Quantum Systems

Manzano Paule, Gonzalo (Supervisors: Parrondo, Juan M.R.; Zambrini, Roberta)
PhD Thesis, Springer Theses (2018)

Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects for local and nonlocal Cooper pairs

Domaszewski, Damian; Busz, Piotr; López, Rosa; Žitko, Rok; Lee, Minchul; Martinek, Jan
Physical Review B 97, 214506 (2018)

Completely subradiant multi-atom architectures through 2D photonic crystals

Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Annalen der Physik 530, 1800017(1-6) (2018)

Optimal work extraction and thermodynamics of quantum measurements and correlations

Manzano, Gonzalo; Plastina, Francesco; Zambrini; Roberta
Physical Review Letters 121, 120602 (2018)

Reconfigurable optical implementation of quantum complex networks

Nokkala, Johannes; Arzani, Francesco; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta; Maniscalco, Sabrina; Piilo, Jyrki; Treps, Nicolas; Parigi, Valentina
New Journal of Physics 20, 053024 (2018)

Heat current through an artificial Kondo impurity beyond linear response

Sierra, M. A.; Sánchez, D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 969, 012144 (1-6) (2018)

Nonlinear heat transport in ferromagnetic-quantum dot-superconducting systems

Hwang, S.-Y.; Sánchez, D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 969, 012139 (1-6) (2018)

Circular dichroism of chiral Majorana states

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9, 1194-1199 (2018)

Coherent and radiative couplings through 2D structured environments

Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 97, 033846 (1-10) (2018)

How to distinguish between interacting and noninteracting molecules in tunnel junctions

Sierra, M. A.; Sánchez, D.; Garrigues, A. R.; del Barco, E.; Wang, L.; Nijhuis, C. A.
Nanoscale 10, 3904–3910 (2018)

Engineering drag currents in Coulomb coupled quantum dots

Lim, J. S.; Sánchez, D.; López, R.
New Journal of Physics 20, 023038 (1-12) (2018)

Probing the energy reactance with adiabatically driven quantum dots

Ludovico, M. F.; Arrachea, L.; Moskalets, M.; Sánchez, D.
Physical Review B 97, 041416(R) (1-6) (2018)

Dynamical and quantum effects of collective dissipation in optomechanical systems

Cabot, Albert; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
New Journal of Physics 19, 113007 (1-15) (2017)

Nonlinear electric and thermoelectric Andreev transport through a hybrid quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic and superconducting leads

Hwang, S.-Y. ; Sánchez, D.; López, R.
European Physical Journal B 90, 189 (1-7) (2017)

Spin and charge transport in thermally and ac driven nanodevices

Alomar, M. I. (supervisor: Sánchez, David)
PhD Thesis (2017)

Majorana states in prismatic core-shell nanowires

Manolescu, Andrei; Sitek, Anna; Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Stanescu, Tudor D.
Physical Review B 96, 125435 (1-13) (2017)

Multi-ion sensing of dipolar noise sources in ion traps

Galve, Fernando; Alonso, J. ; Zambrini, R.
Physical Review A 96, 033409 (2017)

Chiral Maxwell demon in a quantum Hall system with a localized impurity

Guillem Rosselló, Rosa López, Gloria Platero
Physical Review B 96, 075305 (1-5) (2017)

Fate of the spin-1/2 Kondo effect in the presence of temperature gradients

Sierra, M. A.; López, R.; Sánchez, D.
Physical Review B 96, 085416 (1-14) (2017)

Reversal of Thermoelectric Current in Tubular Nanowires

Erlingsson, S. I.; Manolescu, A.; Nemnes, G. A.; Bardarson, J. H.; Sánchez, D.
Physical Review Letters 119, 036804 (1-6) (2017)

Thermodynamics and synchronization in open quantum systems

Manzano, Gonzalo (Directors: Parrondo, Juan M. R.; Zambrini, Roberta)
PhD Thesis UCM (2017)

Topological suppression of magnetoconductance oscillations in normal-superconductor junctions

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physica Status Solidi B 254, 1700135 (2017)

Dynamical Coulomb blockade of thermal transport

Guillem Rosselló; Rosa López; Rafael Sánchez
Physical Review B 95, 235404 (1-9) (2017)

Quantum synchronization as a local signature of super and subradiance

Bellomo, B.; Giorgi, G. L.; Palma, G. M., Zambrini, R.
Physical Review A 95, 043807 (1-11) (2017)

Microscopic description for the emergence of collective dissipation in extended quantum systems

Galve, Fernando; Mandarino, Antonio; Paris, Matteo G. A; Benedetti, Claudia; Zambrini, Roberta
Scientific Reports 7, 42050 (1-10) (2017)

Current distributions in stripe Majorana junctions

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
The European Physical Journal B 90, 90:28(1-7) (2017)

Quantum correlations and synchronization measures

Galve, F; Giorgi, G.L.; Zambrini, R.
Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications, Edited by F. Fernandes Fanchini, D. de Oliveira Soares Pinto, G. Adesso, Springer, 393-420 (2017)

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