

Validació d’un model de graus-dia per predir l’aparició de les primeres nimfes de Philaenus spumarius a les Illes Balears

I.P.: Manuel Matías
This is a contract (encàrrec de gestió) with the Conselleria d'Agricultura of the Balearic Government that has as goal to develop an informatic tool to predict the time of hatching of eggs ...


Quantum thermodynamics: information, fluctuations and complexity

I.P.: Gonzalo Manzano
In the last two decades, thermodynamics has been extended to describe small systems, where the action of environmental noise “blurs” traditional thermodynamic constraints and information plays a central role. While the first ...

Quantum Spain

Quantum Spain

I.P.: Roberta Zambrini
Reserach topic: QUANTUM MACHINE LEARNING Convenio en el BOE: IFISC participation both as UIB and as CSIC (2 separate budgets)


De l'Euro al Joule

I.P.: Raúl Toral
The success of the energy transition process is based on a transformation of the social mindset (FROM THE EURO TO THE JOULE), which places the value of the economy and energy efficiency ...


Brain Network Organization and Dynamics

I.P.: Leonardo Lyra Gollo
This project explores the intricate architecture and temporal evolution of brain networks through the lens of neurophysics and complex systems. Utilizing tools from dynamical systems, network theory, and statistical physics, we aim ...

Salud Global

Salud Global

I.P.: Jose Javier Ramasco
CSIC PTI (Interdisciplinar Platform) to foment the scientific collaborations between CSIC groups/institutes and industrial partners in the ambit of one health.


Enhancing coral reef restoration success through data-driven projections of future reef formation

I.P.: Damià Gomila, Manuel Matías
Coral reef restoration efforts are rapidly intensifying amid escalating concerns over ongoing degradation, attracting significant financial investment. While mathematical models are invaluable for projecting reef impacts and guiding management, available restoration models ...

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