
Spatial patterns in mesic savannas: the local facilitation limit and the role of demographic stochasticity.

Martínez-García, Ricardo; Calabrese, Justin M.; López, Cristóbal
Journal of Theoretical Biology 333, 156-165 (2013)

On the effect of heterogeneity in stochastic interacting-particle systems

Lafuerza, Luis F.; Toral, Raul
Scientific Reports 3, 1189 (1-8) (2013)

Assessing the CO2 capture potential of seagrass restoration projects

Duarte, C.M.; Sintes, T.; Marbà, N.
Journal of Applied Ecology 50, 1341-1349 (2013)

A mathematical model for the effect of anti-angiogenic therapy in the treatment of cancer tumours by chemotherapy

Pinho, Suani T.R.; Souza Bacelar, Flora; Andrade, Roberto F.S.; Freedman, H.I.
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14, 815-828 (2013)

Genetic flow directionality and geographical segregation in Cymodocea Nodosa genetic diversity network

Masucci, A. Paolo; Arnaud-Haond, Sophie; Eguiluz, Victor M.; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Serrao, Ester A.
EPJ Data Science 1, 11 (1-11) (2012)

Swarming and pattern formation due to selective attraction and repulsion

Romanczuk,Pawel; Schimansky-Geier,Lutz
Interface Focus 2, 746-756 (2012)

Noise and oscillations in biological systems: multidisciplinary approach between experimental biology, theoretical modelling and synthetic biology

Ullner, E; Ares, S; Morelli; LG; Oates; AC; Julicher, F; Nicola; Ernesto M.; Heussen, R; Whitmore, D; Blyuss, K; Fryett, M; Zakharova, A; Koseska, A; Nene, NR; Zaikin, A.
International Journal of Modern Physics B 26, 1246009 (2012)

Diversity and noise effects in a model of homeostatic regulation of the sleep-wake cycle

Patriarca, M.; Postnova, S.; Braun, H.A.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Toral, R.
PLoS Computational Biology 8, e1002650 (1-17) (2012)

Dynamics and Synchronization of Motifs of Neuronal Populations in the Presence of Delayed Interactions

Gollo, Leonardo Lyra (Director: Claudio R. Mirasso)
PhD Thesis (2012)

Signal integration enhances the dynamic range in neuronal systems

Gollo, L. L.; Mirasso, C. R.; Eguíluz, V. M.
Physical Review E 85, 040902(R)(1-5) (2012)

Competitive Brownian and Levy walkers

Heinsalu, E.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Lopez, C.
Physical Review E 85, 041105 (1-10) (2012)

The diverse effects of mechanical loading on active hair bundles

Ó Maoiléidigh, Dáibhid; Nicola, Ernesto M.; Hudspeth, A. J.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 109, 1943-1948 (2012)

Cuando las neuronas sincronizan sus relojes

Vicente, R. and Mirasso, C. R.
Mente y Cerebro 53, 62-71 (2012)

Implication of extreme life span in clonal organisms : millenary clones in meadows of the threatened seagrass Posidonia oceanica.

Arnaud-Haond, S.; Duarte, C.; Diaz-Almela, E.; Marbà, N.; Sintes, T.; Serrao, E.
PLoS ONE 7, e30454 (2012)

Statistical physics approach to dendritic computation: The excitable-wave mean-field approximation

Gollo, L. L.; Kinouchi, O.; Copelli, M.
Physical Review E 85, 011911 (1-13) (2012)

A model of partial differential equations for HIV propagation in lymph nodes

B. S. Marinho, Euler; S. Bacelar, Flora; F. S. Andrade, Roberto
Physica A 391, 132-141 (2012)

Polarization of PAR Proteins by Advective Triggering of a Pattern-Forming System

Goehring, N.W.; Khuc Trong, P.; Bois, J.S.; Chowdhury, D.; Nicola, Ernesto M.; Hyman, A.A.; Grill, S.W.
Science 334, 1137-114 (2011)

Exact solution of a stochastic protein dynamics model with delayed degradation

Lafuerza, Luis F.; Toral, Raul
Physical Review E 84, 051121 (1-7) (2011)

Anticipated synchronization in a biologically plausible model of neuronal motifs

Matias,F. S.; Carelli, P. V.; Mirasso, C. R., Copelli, M.
Physical Review E 84, 021922 (2011)

Novel Simulation Approaches for Polymeric and Soft Matter Systems

Cerdà, Joan J.; Holm, Christian; Kremer, Kurt
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 20, 444-445 (2011)

Scaling properties of protein family phylogenies

Herrada, E.A.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Hernández-García, E.; Duarte, C.M.
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 155 (1-9) (2011)

Effect of the topology and delayed interactions in neuronal networks synchronization

Pérez, Toni; García, Guadalupe; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Vicente, Raúl; Pipa, Gordon; Mirasso, Claudio
PLoS ONE 6(5), e19900 (2011)

Theta band zero-lag long-range synchronization via hippocampal dynamical relaying

Gollo, L. L.; Mirasso, C.; Atienza, M.; Crespo-García, M.; Cantero, J. L.
PLoS ONE , e17756 (2011)

Oscillation patterns in tori of FHN neurons

Murza, Adrian C.
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35, 1096-1106 (2011)

Extracting directed information flow networks: an application to genetics and semantics

Masucci, A.P.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Hernández-Garcia, E.; Kalampokis, A.;
Physical Review E 83, 026103 (1-6) (2011)

Synchronization and entrainment of coupled circadian oscillators

Komin, Niko; Murza, Adrian C.; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Toral , Raul
Interface Focus 1, 167-176 (2011)

A Complex Network Approach to Phylogenetic Trees: From Genes to the Tree of Life

Herrada, E.A. (Directors: Emilio Hernández-García, Víctor M. Eguíluz and Carlos M. Duarte.)
PhD Thesis (2011)

Life history and mating systems select for male biased parasitism mediated through natural selection and ecological feedbacks

S. Bacelar, Flora; White, Andrew; Boots, Mike
Journal of Theoretical Biology 269, 131 - 137 (2011)

Spatial clustering of interacting bugs: Levy flights versus Gaussian jumps

Heinsalu, Els; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 92, 40011 (1-6) (2010)

Biological Impact of Ocean Transport: A Finite-Size Lyapunov Characterization

Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Bettencourt, J.H.; Garcon, V.; Hernandez-Carrasco, I.; Lopez, C.; Rossi, V.; Sudre, J.; Tew Kai, E.
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Ankara, July 2010 (Ed. by D. Baleanu, Z.B. Guvenc and O. Defterli),, , Article Number 54 (2010)

Nonlinear Dynamics and Regime Shifts in Ecosystems

S. Bacelar, Flora (Director: Emílio Hernández-García)
PhD Thesis (2010)

Stochastic resonance in a surface dipole

Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco; Marchesoni, Fabio
Chemical Physics 375, 410-415 (2010)

Mobility induces global synchronization of oscillators in periodic extended systems

Peruani, Fernando; Nicola, Ernesto M.; Morelli, Luis G.
New Journal of Physics 12, 093029 (2010)

A biophysical model for modulation frequency encoding in the cochlear nucleus

Eguía M. C., García G.C. and Romano S.A.
Journal of Physiology Paris 104, 118-127 (2010)

Epidemics and chaotic synchronization in recombining monogamous populations

Vazquez, Federico; Zanette, Damian
Physica D 239, 1922-1928 (2010)

Inward Rotating Spiral Waves in Glycolysis

Straube, R; Vermeer, S; Nicola, Ernesto M.; Mair T.
Biophysical Journal 99, L4-L6 (2010)

The constructive role of diversity on the global response of coupled neuron systems

Perez, Toni; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Toral, Raul; Gunton, James
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 368, 5619-5632 (2010)

Preface "Nonlinear processes in oceanic and atmospheric flows"

Mancho, A.M.; Wiggins, S.; Turiel, A.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Lopez, C.; Garcia-Ladona, E.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 17, 283-285 (2010)

Anomalies in the transcriptional regulatory network of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Tugrul, Murat; Kabakcioglu, Alkan
Journal of Theoretical Biology 263, 328-336 (2010)

How Gaussian competition leads to lumpy or uniform species distributions

Pigolotti, Simone; López, Cristóbal; Hernández-García, Emilio; Andersen, Ken H.
Theoretical Ecology 3, 89-96 (2010)

Robustness of Transcriptional Regulation in Yeast-like Model Boolean Networks

Tugrul, Murat; Kabakcioglu, Alkan
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20, 929-935 (2010)

Simple models for scaling in phylogenetic trees

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Tugrul, Murat; Herrada, E. Alejandro; Eguíluz, V.M.; Klemm, Konstantin
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20, 805-811 (2010)

Difusioonist jõuväljades

Heinsalu, Els
Eesti Füüsika Seltsi Aastaraamat 2009, Eesti Füüsika Selts, 62-92 (2010)

Dynamical phase coexistence: a simple solution to the savanna problem

Vazquez, Federico; López, Cristobal; Calabrese, Justin and Muñoz, Miguel Angel
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264, 360-366 (2010)

The independent and interactive effects of tree-tree establishment competition and fire on savanna structure and dynamics

Calabrese, Justin; Vazquez, Federico; López, Cristóbal; San Miguel, Maxi; Grimm, Volker
The American Naturalist 175, E44-E65 (2010)

Dynamic control for synchronization of separated cortical areas through thalamic relay

Gollo, L. L.; Mirasso, C. R.; Villa, A. E. P.
Neuroimage 52, 947-955 (2010)

Far in space and yet in synchrony: neuronal mechanisms for zero-lag long-range synchronization

Vicente, R.; Gollo L. L.; Mirasso, C. R.; Fischer, I; Pipa, G.
Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks, Springer, 143-168 (2009)

Spherical brushes within spherical cavities: A self- consistent field and Monte Carlo study.

Cerdà, J.J.; Sintes, T.; Toral, R.
Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 134901 (2009)

Modeling approach to regime shifts of primary production in shallow coastal ecosystems

Zaldívar, J.M.;Bacelar, F.S.; Dueri, S.; Marinov, D.; Viaroli, P.; Hernández-García, E.
Ecological Modelling 220, 3100-3110 (2009)

RED: A Set of Molecular Descriptors Based on Renyi Entropy

Delgado-Soler, Laura; Toral, Raul; Santos Tomás, M.; Rubio-Martinez, Jaime
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 49, 2457-2468 (2009)

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