
Metacommunity dynamics of complex life-cycles in exploited seascapes

Vasconcelos, Joana;Riera, Rodrigo;Vahdati Ali V.;Geppi, Eros F.;Sousa, Ricardo;Eguíluz, Victor M.;Pinto, Ana Rita;Melián, Carlos J.
Submitted (2025)

On the structure of species-function participation in multilayer ecological networks

Hervías-Parejo, Sandra; Cuevas-Blanco, Mar; Lacasa, Lucas; Traveset, Anna; Donoso, Isabel; Heleno, Rubén; Nogales, Manuel; Rodríguez-Echeverría, Susana; Melián, Carlos; Eguíluz, Victor
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

Shipping traffic through the Arctic Ocean: Spatial distribution, seasonal variation, and its dependence on the sea ice extent

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Klemm,Konstantin;Duarte,Carlos M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
iScience 27, 110236 (2024)

Identification of suspicious behaviour through anomalies in the tracking data of fishing vessels

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Irigoien,Xabier;Duarte,Carlos M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
EPJ Data Science 13, 23 (2024)

Food Webs as Multilayer Networks

Melián, Carlos J.; Eguíluz, Victor M.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Third Edition), vol. 5. Edited by Samuel M. Scheiner, Elsevier, 84-91 (2024)

Inference of leadership networks of marine megafauna from acoustic data

Corzo López, M. Teresa (supervisors Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Eguíluz, Víctor M. )
Master Thesis (2023)

Key epidemiological indicators and spatial autocorrelation patterns across five waves of COVID-19 in Catalonia

Belvis,Francesc; Aleta,Alberto; Padilla-Pozo,Álvaro; Pericàs,Juan M.; Fernández-Gracia,Juan; Rodríguez,Jorge P.; Eguíluz,Víctor M.; Novaes de Santana,Charles; Julià,Mireia; Benach,Joan
Scientific Reports 13, 9709 (2023)

Lyapunov Exponents for Temporal Networks

Caligiuri, Annalisa; Eguiluz, Victor; Di Gaetano, Leonardo; Galla, Tobias; Lacasa, Lucas
Physical Review E 107, 044305 (2023)

Coupling between infectious diseases leads to synchronization of their dynamics

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
Chaos 33, 021103 (2023)

Network analysis of marine megafauna movement

Lina Estefanía Navarro Alvarado (J.P. Rodríguez; V.M. Eguíluz)
Master Thesis (2022)


Kyosovska, Nicoleta (advisors: Raúl Vicente and Víctor M. Eguíluz)
Master Thesis (2022)

Characterization of hypergraphs in ecological networks

Cebrián, Daniel (Advisors: P. Colet, L. Lacasa, V.M. Eguíluz)
Master Thesis (2022)

Correlations of network trajectories

Lacasa, Lucas; Rodríguez, Jorge P.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
Physical Review Research 4, L042008 , (2022)

Inequalities in COVID-19 inequalities research: Who had the capacity to respond?

Benach, Joan; Cash-Gibson, Lucinda; Rojas-Gualdrón, Diego F; Padilla-Pozo, Álvaro; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; M Eguíluz, Víctor and COVID-SHINE group
Plos One 17, e0266132 (2022)

Global collision-risk hotspots of marine traffic and the world’s largest fish, the whale shark

Womersley, Freya C.; Humphries, Nicolas E. ; ...; Eguiluz, Víctor M., ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 1-10 (2022)

Rapid evolution of SARS-CoV-2 challenges human defenses

Duarte, Carlos M; Ketcheson, David I; Eguíluz, Víctor M; Agustí, Susana; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Jamil, Tahira; Laiolo, Elisa; Gojobori, Takashi; Alam, Intikhab
Scientific Reports 12, 1-8 (2022)

Comprehensive analytical approaches reveal species-specific search strategies in sympatric apex predatory sharks

Hannah J Calich; Jorge P Rodríguez; Víctor M Eguíluz, Neil Hammerschlag; Charitha Pattiaratchi; Carlos M Duarte; Ana MM Sequeira
Ecography 44, 1-13 (2021)

Host‐association as major driver of microbiome structure and composition in Red Sea seagrass ecosystems

N Garcias‐Bonet; VM Eguíluz; R Díaz‐Rúa; CM Duarte
Environmental Microbiology 23, 2021-2034 (2021)

The global network of ports supporting high seas fishing

Rodríguez, Jorge P; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Duarte, Carlos M; Irigoien, Xabier; Eguíluz, Víctor M
Science advances 7, eabe3470 (2021)

The soundscape of the Anthropocene ocean

Duarte, CM; Chapuis, L; Collin, SP; Costa, DP; Devassy, RP; Eguiluz, VM; Erbe, C; Gordon, TAC; Halpern, BS; Harding, HR; Havlik, MN; Meekan, M; Merchant, ND; Miksis-Olds, JL; Parsons, M; Predragovic, M; et al
Science 371, eaba4658 (2021)

Editorial on the Research Topic Fundamentals and Applications of AI: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Eguiluz, V.; Mirasso, C. R.; Vicente, R.
Frontiers in Physics Interdisciplinary Physics 19, (2021)

Risk of secondary infection waves of COVID-19 in an insular region: the case of the Balearic Islands, Spain

Eguíluz,Victor M;Fernández-Gracia,Juan;Rodríguez,Jorge P;Pericàs, Juan M;Melián, Carlos J
Frontiers in Medicine 7, 563455 (2020)

Análisis de Riesgo de Segunda Ola de COVID-19 en las Islas Baleares

Eguíluz, V.M.;Fernández-Gracia, J.; Rodríguez, J.P.; Pericàs, J.M.; Melián, C.
Medicina Balear 35, 27-30 (2020)

Dynamic Information Routing in Neuronal Circuits

Jorge Medina Hernández (Advisors: Mirasso, Claudio R.; Eguíluz, Víctor M. )
Master Thesis (2020)

Sequencing effort dictates gene discovery in marine microbial metagenomes

Duarte, Carlos M; Ngugi, David K; Alam, Intikhab; Pearman, John; Kamau, Allan; Eguiluz, Victor M; Gojobori, Takashi; Acinas, Silvia G; Gasol, Josep M; Bajic, Vladimir; Irigoien, Xabier
Environmental Microbiology 22, 4589-4603 (2020)

Robustness to extinction and plasticity derived from mutualistic bipartite ecological networks

Sheykhali,Somaye;Fernández-Gracia,Juan;Traveset,Anna;Ziegler,Maren;Voolstra,Christian R.;Duarte,Carlos M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
Scientific Reports 10, 9783 (2020)

Scaling of species distribution explains the vast potential marine prokaryote diversity

Eguíluz,Victor M;Salazar,Guillem;Fernández-Gracia,Juan;Pearman,John K;Gasol,Josep M;Acinas,Silvia G;Sunagawa,Shinichi;Irigoien,Xabier;Duarte,Carlos M
Scientific Reports 9, 18710 (2019)

Overhauling ocean spatial planning to improve marine megafauna conservation

Sequeira,A M M;Hays,G C;Sims,D W;Eguíluz,V M;Rodríguez,J P;Heupel,M R;Harcourt,R;Calich,H;Queiroz,N;Costa,D P;Fernández-Gracia,J;Ferreira,L C;Goldsworthy,S D;Hindell,M A;Lea,M-A;Meekan,M G;Pagano,A M;Shaffer,S A;Reisser,J;Thums,M;Weise,M;Duarte,C M
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 639 (2019)

Can Fish and Cell Phones Teach Us about Our Health?

Lee, Michael A; Duarte, Carlos M; Eguíluz, Víctor M; Heller, Daniel A; Langer, Robert; Meekan, Mark G; Sikes, Hadley D; Srivastava, Mani; Strano, Michael S; Wilson, Rory P
ACS sensors 4, 2566-2570 (2019)

Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries

Queiroz, N; Humphries, NE; Couto, A; Vedor, M; da Costa, I; Sequeira, AMM; Mucientes, G; Santos, AM; Abascal, FJ; Abercrombie, DL; Abrantes, K; Acuña-Marrero, D; Afonso, AS; Afonso, P; Anders, D; Araujo, G; [...]; Irigoien, X; Eguiluz, VM; Duarte, CM; Sousa, LL; Simpson, SJ; Southall, EJ; Sims, DW
Nature 572, 461–466 (2019)

Animal-Borne Telemetry: An Integral Component of the Ocean Observing Toolkit

Harcourt,R;[...]Eguíluz,VM (31); Fernández-Gracia,J (33);[...]
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 326 (2019)

Host-dependent nitrogen recycling as a mechanism of symbiont control in Aiptasia

Cui, Guoxin; Liew, Yi Jin; Li, Yong; Kharbatia, Najeh; Zahran, Noura I; Emwas, Abdul-Hamid; Eguiluz, Victor M; Aranda, Manuel
PLoS genetics 15, e1008189 (2019)

The importance of sample size in marine megafauna tagging studies

Sequeira,A. M. M.;Heupel,M. R.;Lea,M.‐A.;Eguíluz,V. M.;Duarte,C. M.;Meekan,M. G.;Thums,M.;Calich,H. J.;Carmichael,R. H.;Costa,D. P.;Ferreira,L. C.;Fernandéz‐Gracia,J.;Harcourt,R.;Harrison,A.‐L.;Jonsen,I.;McMahon,C. R.;Sims,D. W.;Wilson,R. P.;Hays,G. C.
Ecological Applications 29, e01947 (2019)

Extinction-induced community reorganization in bipartite networks

Sheykhali, S; Fernández-Gracia, J; Traveset, A; Eguíluz, VM
Applied Network Science 4, 23 (2019)

Particle velocity controls phase transitions in contagion dynamics

Rodríguez, JP; Ghanbarnejad, F; Eguíluz, VM
Scientific reports 9, 6463 (2019)

Unveiling noiseless clusters in complex quantum networks

Cabot, Albert; Galve, Fernando; Eguíluz, Victor; Klemm, Konstantin; Maniscalco, Sabrina; Zambrini, Roberta
npj Quantum Information 57, 4 (2018)

The complexity of movement: Empirical data analysis and modelling of dynamical processes

Rodriguez, Jorge P. (Supervisor: Victor M. Eguíluz)
PhD Thesis (2018)

From Continuous to Discontinuous Transitions in Social Diffusion

Tuzón,Paula;Fernández-Gracia,Juan;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
Frontiers in Physics 6, 21 (2018)

Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans

Sequeira,A. M. M.;Rodríguez,J. P.;Eguíluz,V. M.;Harcourt,R.;Hindell,M.;Sims,D. W.;Duarte,C. M.;Costa,D. P.;Fernández-Gracia,J.;Ferreira,L. C.;Hays,G.C.;Heupel,M. R.;Meekan,M. G.;et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 3072-3077 (2018)

How Big Data Fast Tracked Human Mobility Research and the Lessons for Animal Movement Ecology

Thums,Michele;Fernández-Gracia,Juan;Sequeira,Ana M. M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.;Duarte,Carlos M.;Meekan,Mark G.
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 21 (2018)

Rare symbionts may contribute to the resilience of coral–algal assemblages

Ziegler, Maren; Eguíluz, Víctor M; Duarte, Carlos M; Voolstra, Christian R
The ISME Journal 12, 161–172 (2018)

Risk of coinfection outbreaks in temporal networks: a case study of a hospital contact network

Rodríguez, Jorge P.; Ghanbarnejad, Fakhteh; Eguíluz, Víctor M.
Frontiers in Physics 5, 46 (2017)

Epidemic Threshold in Temporally-Switching Networks

Speidel, L; Klemm, K; Eguíluz, VM; Masuda, N
in Temporal Network Epidemiology. (Edited by Masuda, N. and Holme, P.), Springer, 161-177 (2017)

Spread of pathogens in the patient transfer network of US hospitals

Juan Fernández-Gracia; Jukka-Pekka Onnela; Michael Barnett; Victor M Eguiluz; Nicholas Christakis
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling. SBP-BRiMS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, 271-280 (2017)

Influence of a patient transfer network of US inpatient facilities on the incidence of nosocomial infections

Juan Fernández-Gracia; Jukka-Pekka Onnela; Michael L Barnett; Víctor M Eguíluz; Nicholas A Christakis
Scientific Reports 7, 2930 (2017)

Analysing Human Mobility Patterns of Hiking Activities through Complex Network Theory

Isaac Lera; Toni Pérez; Carlos Guerrero; Víctor M. Eguíluz; Carlos Juiz
PLoS ONE 12, e0177712 (2017)

The Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in the North Atlantic branch of the Thermohaline Circulation

Andrés Cózar; Elisa Martí; Carlos M Duarte; Juan García-de-Lomas; Erik van Sebille; Thomas J Ballatore; Victor M Eguíluz; J Ignacio González-Gordillo; Maria L Pedrotti; Fidel Echevarría; Romain Troublè; Xabier Irigoien
Science Advances 3, e1600582 (2017)

Dynamical leaps due to microscopic changes in multiplex networks

Diakonova, Marina; Ramasco, José J.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 117, 48004 (2017)

Big data analyses reveal patterns and drivers of the movements of southern elephant seals

Rodríguez, Jorge P.; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Thums, Michele; Hindell, Mark A.; Sequeira, Ana M. M.; Meekan, Mark G.; Costa, Daniel P.; Guinet, Christophe; Harcourt, Robert G.; McMahon, Clive R.; Muelbert, Monica; Duarte, Carlos M.; Eguíluz, Víctor M.
Scientific Reports 7, 112 (2017)

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