
The behavior of a magnetic filament in flow under the influence of an external magnetic field

Lüsebrink, Daniel; Cerdà, Joan J.; Sánchez, Pedro A.; Kantorovich, Sofia; Sintes, Tomas
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 234902 (2016)

All-Optical Neuromorphic Computing in Optical Networks of Semiconductor Lasers

Brunner, Daniel; Reitzenstein, Stephan; Fischer, Ingo
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing 2016, IEEE, , (2016)

Pattern formation with repulsive soft-core interactions: Discrete particle dynamics and Dean-Kawasaki equation

Delfau, Jean-Baptiste; Ollivier, Hélène; López, Cristóbal; Blasius, Bernd; Hernández-García, Emilio
Physical Review E 94, 042120 (1-13) (2016)

Individual-based models of collective dynamics in socio-economic systems

Carro, Adrián (Supervisors: Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi)
PhD Thesis , (2016)

Consistency in experiments on multistable driven delay systems

Oliver, Neus; Larger, Laurent; Fischer, Ingo
Chaos 26, 103115 (1-7) (2016)

Photonic Reservoir Computing for Ultra-Fast Information Processing Using Semiconductor Lasers

Fischer, Ingo; Bueno, Julian; Brunner, Daniel; Soriano, Miguel C.; Mirasso, Claudio
Proceedings of ECOC 2016 (42nd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications), VDE VERLAG GMBH (Berlin, Offenbach), , 336-338 (2016)

Noise Effects in Kerr Frequency Combs

Juan Luis Gómez (supervisor: Damià Gomila)
Master Thesis (2016)

Network properties of genotype-phenotype mappings

de la Fuente, Rebeca (Supervisor: Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio)
Master Thesis (2016)

Cooperative Epidemic Spreading

Hoffman, Xavier (Supervisors: Boguñá, M. and Toral, R.)
Master Thesis (2016)

Robustness of Plant-Pollinator Mutualistic Networks to Phenological Mismatches

Payrató, Claudia (Supervisor: Ramasco, J.J.)
Master Thesis (2016)

Heat flux of a granular gas with homogeneous temperature

Khalil, Nagi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016, 103209 (2016)

Coupled dynamics of node and link states in complex networks: A model for language competition

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
New Journal of Physics 18, 113056 (2016)

Towards a better understanding of cities using mobility data

Lenormand, Maxime; Ramasco, José J.
Built Environment 42, 356-364 (2016)

A quantitative assessment of Arctic shipping in 2010-2014

Eguíluz, VM; Fernández-Gracia, J; X Irigoien, X; Duarte, CM
Scientifc Reports 6, 30682 (2016)

CONDENSE: A Reconfigurable Knowledge Acquisition Architecture for Future 5G IoT

Vukobratovic, Dejan; Jakovetic, Dusan; Skachek, Vitaly; Bajovic, Dragana; Sejdinovic, Dino; Karabulut Kurt, Gunes; Hollanti, Camilla; Fischer, Ingo
IEEE Access 4, 3360-3378 (2016)

Percolation-based precursors of transitions in extended systems

Rodriguez-Mendez, Victor; Eguiluz, Victor M.; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Ramasco, Jose J.
Scientific Reports 6, 29552 (1-10) (2016)

Ensemble Equivalence for Distinguishable Particles

Fernández-Peralta, Antonio.; Toral, Raúl
Entropy 18, 259 (2016)

Temporal interactions facilitate endemicity in the susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic model

Speidel, Leo; Klemm, Konstantin; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Masuda, Naoki
New Journal of Physics 18, 073013 (1-18) (2016)

Is spatial information in ICT data reliable?

Lenormand, Maxime; Louail, Thomas; Barthelemy, Marc; Ramasco, José J.
Procs. of the Spatial Accuracy Conference, Montpellier, France, 2016., , , 9-17 (2016)

Dark solitons in the Lugiato-Lefever equation with normal dispersion

Parra-Rivas, Pedro; Gomila, Damià; Knobloch, Edgar; Gelens, Lendert
Physical Review A 93, 063839 (1-17) (2016)

Collective behavior of strongly confined suspensions of squirmers

Europhysics Letters 114, 24001 (1-5) (2016)

Correlation networks from flows. The case of forced and time-dependent advection-diffusion dynamics

Tupikina, L.; Molkenthin, N.; Lopez, C.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Marwan, N.; Kurths, J.
PLoS One 11, e0153703 (1-12) (2016)

Origin and stability of dark pulse Kerr combs in normal dispersion resonators

Parra-Rivas, Pedro; Gomila, Damià; Knobloch, Edgar; Coen, Stephane; Gelens, Lendert
Optics Letters 41, 2402-2405 (2016)

Collective intelligence: aggregation of information from neighbors in a guessing game

Perez, Toni; Zamora, Jordi; Eguiluz, Victor M.
PLoS ONE 11(4), e0153586 (2016)

Touristic site attractiveness seen through Twitter

Bassolas, A; Lenormand, M; Tugores, A; Goncalves, B; Ramasco, JJ
EPJ Data Science 5, 12 (2016)

Systemic propagation of delays in the air-transportation network

Fleurquin, Pablo, (Supervisors: Eguiluz, VM and Ramasco, JJ)
PhD Thesis (2016)

Competition in the presence of aging: dominance, coexistence, and alternation between states

Perez, Toni; Klemm, Konstantin; Eguiluz, Victor
Scientific Reports 6, 21128 (2016)

Signal bi-amplification in networks of unidirectionally coupled MEMS

Tchakui, Murielle Vanessa; Woafo, Paul; Colet, Pere
European Physical Journal B 89, 22 (2016)

Competition between drift and spatial defects leads to oscillatory and excitable dynamics of dissipative solitons

Parra-Rivas, P.; Gomila, D.; Matias M.A.; Colet, P.; Gelens, L.
Physical Review E 93, 012211 (1-17) (2016)

Systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models

Lenormand, M; Bassolas, A; Ramasco, JJ
Journal of Transport Geography 51, 158-169 (2016)

Flexible magnetic filaments under the influence of external magnetic fields in the limit of infinite dilution

Cerdà, Joan J.; Sánchez, Pedro A.; Lusebrink, Daniel; Kantorovich, Sofia; Sintes, Tomas
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 12616--12625 (2016)

Magnetic filament brushes: tuning the properties of a magnetoresponsive supracolloidal coating

Sánchez, Pedro A.; Pyanzina, Elena; Novak, Ekaterina; Cerdà, Joan J.; Sintes, Tomas; Kantorovich, Sofia
Faraday Discussions 186, 241-263 (2016)

Semantic Space as a Metapopulation System: Modelling the Wikipedia Information Flow Network

Masucci, A.Paolo; Kalampokis, Alkiviadis; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Hernández-García, Emilio
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Complex Linguistic Networks (edited by A. Mehler, A. Lücking, S. Banisch, Ph. Blanchard and B. Job), Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg), 133-151 (2016)

Dynamical origins of the community structure of an online multi-layer society

Klimek, Peter; Diakonova, Marina; Eguiluz, Victor M.; San Miguel, Maxi; Thurner, Stefan
New Journal of Physics 18, 083045 (2016)

Dynamics of Dissipative Solitons in Presence of Inhomogeneities and Drift

Parra-Rivas, P.; Gomila, D.; Gelens, L.; Matías, M.A.; Colet, P.
Nonlinear Optical Cavity Dynamics: From Microresonators to Fiber Lasers (Ph. Grelu, ed.), Wiley, 107-127 (2016)

Irreducibility of multilayer network dynamics

Diakonova, Marina; Nicosia, Vincenzo; Latora, Vito; San Miguel, Maxi
New Journal of Physics 18, 023010 (2016)

Rescue of endemic states in interconnected networks with adaptive coupling

Vazquez,Federico;Serrano, M. Angeles; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 6, 29342 (2016)

A complex network theory approach to oceanic and atmospheric transport phenomena

Ser-Giacomi, Enrico (Supervisors: Hernandez-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal)
PhD Thesis (2015)

Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities

Lenormand, M; Cantú-Ros, OG; Picornell, M;Louail, T; Herranz, R;Barthelemy, M;Frías-Martínez, E; San Miguel, M; Ramasco, JJ
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150449 (2015)

Constructive effects of diversity in a multi-neuron model of the homeostatic regulation of the sleep-wake cycle

Patriarca, Marco; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Toral, Raul
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 81, part B, 567-574 (2015)

TREE model: a tool to explore delay reduction scenarios in the ECAC area

Campanelli, Bruno; Fleurquin, Pablo; Ciruelos, Carla; Arranz, Andres; Eguiluz, V.M.; Ramasco, J.J.
Proceedings of the Fifth SESAR Innovation Days (Schaefer, Dirk, Editor), EUROCONTROL, 2015, (2015)

Synchronization of Heterogeneous Oscillators by Noninvasive Time-Delayed Cross Coupling

Jüngling, Thomas; Fischer, Ingo; Schöll, Eckehard; Just, Wolfram
Physical Review Letters 115, 194101 (1-5) (2015)

Supramolecular Magnetic Brushes: The Impact of Dipolar Interactions on the Equilibrium Structure

Sánchez, P. A.; Pyanzina, E. S.; Novak, E. V.; Cerdà, J.J.; Sintes, T.; Kantorovich, S. S.
Macromolecules 48, 7658-7669 (2015)

A Unified Framework for Reservoir Computing and Extreme Learning Machines based on a Single Time-delayed Neuron

Ortín, Silvia; Soriano, Miguel C.; Pesquera, Luis; Brunner, Daniel; San-Martín, Daniel; Fischer, Ingo; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Gutiérrez, José Manuel
Scientific Reports 5, 14945 (2015)

Digital Implementation of a Single Dynamical Node Reservoir Computer

Alomar, M. L.; Soriano, M. C.; Escalona-Moran, M.; Canals, V.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C. R.; Rossello, J. L.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 62, 977-981 (2015)

Anticipated synchronization in coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau systems

Physical Review E 92, 032911 (2015)

Stochastic thermodynamics for linear kinetic equations

Van den Broeck,C.;Toral,R.
Physical Review E 92, 012127 (2015)

Computational Properties of Delay-Coupled Systems

Escalona Morán, Miguel Ángel (Supervisors: Claudio R. Mirasso, Miguel C. Soriano)
PhD Thesis (2015)

In-phase, out-of-phase and T/4 synchronization of square waves in delay-coupled non-identical optoelectronic oscillators

Martínez-Llinàs, Jade; Colet, Pere
Optics Express 23 (19), 24785-24799 (2015)

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