IFISC (UIB-CSIC) and the Institutional Representation of CSIC in the Balearic Islands join forces and create "Voces, CSIC Balears", a bimonthly podcast for the dissemination of science. Through interviews with scientists working at CSIC's centres in the Balearic Islands (IMEDEA CSIC-UIB, IFISC UIB-CSIC and ICTS SOCIB), it aims to increase the visibility of the science carried out in the region.
The second episode of “Voces, CSIC Balears” features Johann Martínez, postdoctoral researcher at IFISC on the NouLloguer project to better understand the influence of new market models of vacation renting vs. residential housing. During the interview Johann explains his latest research and how complex networks are very useful for finding solutions not only to scientific challenges, but also to social problems. Moreover, thanks to complex networks, worlds as seemingly different as renting a house or football have a lot in common.