QTD Website launch

Nov. 22, 2017

IFISC (CSIC-UIB) launches the new QTD Website, a platform for announcements of conferences, workshops, schools, journals special issues, positions and any other event related to Quantum Thermodynamics. QTD is a network of researchers that was first set up as the COST network MP1209 - "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime” and connects at present about 300 researchers in more than 32 countries. 

Its goal is to significantly advance the theory of thermodynamics and statistical physics, with a focus on applicability in the quantum regime and realise nanoscale and quantum thermodynamics experiments. Its research aims to establish and grow the scientific basis that can underpin future thermodynamic technologies at the nanoscale. 

Its website will be managed by IFISC (CSIC-UIB).


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