Researcher Mattia Mazzoli, currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique (iPLesp), has won one of the prizes for relevant doctoral theses awarded by CSIC. His thesis, entitled "Human mobility: data analysis, theory and models" was carried out at IFSIC (UIB-CSIC) under the supervision of researchers Pere Colet and José J. Ramasco, and was defended in July 2021. The thesis has been selected among the 20 awarded, within the global area "society". Mazzoli's work consisted of proposing and testing new methods to study human mobility in different contexts, scales and applications, such as using Twitter data on the Venezuelan exodus, the spread of epidemics in airports or how urban structure affected the spread of Covid.
According to the CSIC, this award "aims to recognise and thank the fundamental work carried out in our organization by research staff in training, professionals whose work is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the CSIC". Around 200 doctoral theses were submitted to the competition in its first phase, of which only 20 were selected.