
IFISC at the Science Fair. Palma, May 13 - 15.

May 11, 2010
IFISC has participated at the Science Fair of the Balearic Islands 2010 with two scientific outreaching projects: IFISC AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS 50 YEARS OF LASER with the collaboration of the Associació de Físics de les Illes Balears (ASFIB)   This outreaching ...

La revista Physical Review Letters publica un article dels investigadors de l'IFISC

April 26, 2010
La revista Physical Review Letters, una de les més prestigioses en l'àmbit de la física, ha publicat un article dels investigadors Manuel A. Matias, Pere Colet i Damià Gomila, de l'Institut de Física Interdisciplinària i Sistemes Complexos (IFISC ...

PHOCUS: IFISC coordinates an european research project to design photonic systems capable to make complex calculations.

April 5, 2010
PHOCUS  PROJECT     Nota de Premsa UIB L’IFISC coordina el projecte europeu de recerca PHOCUS. Diario de Mallorca, 15 de Abril de 2010 Bits a la Velocitat de la luz. El Mundo Baleares, 13 de Abril de 2010 Un mallorquín ...

IFISC Exploratory Workshop . 9,10 March 2010

March 9, 2010
The Institute of Cross Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC) organizes the first IFISC Exploratory Workshop to focus the discussion on the question: how does nformation processing emerge in the brain? and address the challenge of understanding how our brain ...

Conference Series: Exploring Boundaries between disciplines. 10, 24, 31 March

March 3, 2010
Poster Program   UIB Press release Microbios y Humanos tienen varios comportamientos sociales similares. Diario de Mallorca, 11 de Marzo de 2010 Conferències interdisciplinàries sobre el Coneixement, Diari de Balears, 10 de Marzo de 2010 Física, Matemáticas y Sostenibilitat. Diario de ...

Demolab IFISC, March 29 and April 19

March 1, 2010
El pasado mes de Abril, el IFISC participó en el Programa Demolab destinado a promover los estudios científicos entre el alumnado de secundaria. Mas de 40 alumnos participaron en un taller de Laseres de Semiconductor y visitaron el laboratorio de ...

Surface mixing and biological activity in the four Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems

Jan. 13, 2010
Rossi, Vincent; López, Cristóbal; Hernández-García, Emilio; Sudre, Joel; Garcon, Veronique; Morel, Yves. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 16, 557-568 (2009) Has been commented on the 29th issue (December 2009) of 'The EGGS ...

Tres jóvenes investigadores descubren que algunas propiedades cuánticas se dan en el mundo cotidiano

Jan. 13, 2010
La revista de tecnología más antigua del mundo, Technology Review, destaca en su último número, dentro de las reseñas de su sección de blogs del arXiv, uno de los trabajos realizados por David Zueco, investigador post-doc del Instituto de Ciencia ...

Complexity Tags

Dec. 16, 2009
International symposium . Changing Cultures, Cultures of Change. CRISIS EMERGENCE EVOLUTION HETEROGENEITY ORDER/DISORDER

Cultures of change. Social Atoms and electronics Lives

Dec. 10, 2009
Project within the international symposium ATACD: "Changing Cultures, Cultures of Change" Problems of Social Consensus: Voting, Language, Culture... By Maxi San Miguel in  "Cultures of change. Social Atoms and Electronics Lives" Network of ressources about the history of Complexity in ...

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