
Design of a method to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in airports

March 21, 2023
CSIC researchers lead the development of a mathematical model that identifies the areas with the highest risk of contagion in means of transport. Implementing disinfection measures in crowded areas of airports, such as bars or restaurants, could reduce the risk ...

IFISC researchers propose a new protocol for data processing with Quantum Reservoir Computing

March 17, 2023
Researchers at IFISC (UIB-CSIC) propose a new protocol for processing sequential data using quantum machine learning.The study proposes a way to efficiently include quantum measurement while preserving the quantum advantage that characterises these systems. Researchers at the Institute for ...

Simulation of collective effects between the qubits of a quantum computer

March 10, 2023
An international team, involving researchers from IFISC (UIB-CSIC) in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and the startup Algorithmiq (Finland), has successfully simulated the collective and dissipative dynamics of two qubits in a real quantum computer. These results ...

IFISC research wins CSIC prize for relevant pHd theses

Feb. 27, 2023
Researcher Mattia Mazzoli, currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique (iPLesp), has won one of the prizes for relevant doctoral theses awarded by CSIC. His thesis, entitled "Human mobility: data analysis, theory ...

Analysing how the introduction of renewables affects the electricity grid on islands

Feb. 24, 2023
A study carried out by IFISC researchers proposes a model that emulates the behaviour of the electricity grid with high renewable production.The researchers used the increase in wind power generation on Gran Canaria as a case study. A new ...

Formation of biological patterns by pulsed signals

Feb. 6, 2023
Alan Turing first described how regular patterns found in living things, such as the stripes of zebras, appear.A collaborative study between IFISC and Princeton University proposes an alternative mechanism to explain this pattern formation. Understanding how regular shapes (patterns ...

11F: International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023

Feb. 3, 2023
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with the aim of achieving full and equal access to science for girls and women.  This year IFISC ...

Modeling the spread of Pierce's disease of grapevines

Jan. 30, 2023
Wine production is being decimated in some places by Pierce's disease, caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Researchers propose a model that takes into account the effect of ambient temperature to see how climate change will affect its spread ...

Traveling patterns in seagrass meadows

Jan. 9, 2023
In seagrass meadows there are patterns associated with high mortality of plants capable of moving while maintaining their shape.Researchers propose a model that reproduces these traveling patterns and at the same time is a diagnostic tool for the health ...

12 IFISC researchers in Stanford University's world ranking of scientists

Nov. 18, 2022
Stanford University has published the World’s Top 2 % Scientists 2022, a global ranking of the world's most cited scientists in various disciplines. This ranking is considered one of the most prestigious in the world and it’s based ...

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