We will have a lecture-like sociomeeting given by Gonzalo Manzano. Note the change of time and place: meeting room 215 at 14:00.
Abstract: In this sociomeeting, I will present some recent ideas regarding the application of basic methods in stochastic thermodynamics to analyze social opinion dynamical models from a new perspective. I will focus on a microscopically reversible model describing non-linear herding and anti-conformity in all-to-all configurations. Avoiding the uncomfortable definition of energy in social processes, we will nevertheless see how a "second law of thermodynamics" can be derived that put constraints on the opinion fluxes, and conveys information about the statistical unbalance of herding and anti-conformity processes under stationary conditions. Most of the presented material appears or is related to the TFM of Luis Irisarri, defended few months ago at IFISC.
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