Among the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations, the ninth one is to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”, while the eleventh one is to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. Two key factors contributing to a city’s living standard are a well-functioning public transportation system, and high availability of services. In this talk I will illustrate two of the projects developed in the ongoing Digital Platforms for a Sustainable World collaboration between Sony Computer Science Laboratories Rome and Sapienza University of Rome. First, I will show how an agent-based approach, using GTFS-Realtime data, can be used to quantify the impact of public transportation delays on accessibility from the passengers’ point of view, focusing on the public transportation system of Rome. Then, I will present a toolset (relying on OpenStreetMap data) to quantify how close a city is to the 15-minute city ideal proposed by Carlos Moreno. Finally, I will show our in-development online platform that will allow citizens and stakeholders to visualize accessibility metrics and perform case studies.
The talk will be online at
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