Postdoctoral position (AEI’s CATSUIT project)

IFISC offers a new postdoctoral position, funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación through the forthcoming Incentivación de la consolidación investigadora’s project CATSUIT (Climbing At The SoUrce of IrreversibiliTy), on evaluating and manipulating the irreversibility of real-world systems. 

IFISC’s strategic objective is the study, exploration and development of information processing in and by complex systems. This comprises connecting existing approaches in different fields, developing common frameworks and the synthesis of novel information processing concepts. Within this context, CATSUIT proposes the study of the irreversibility of real-world complex systems going beyond its simple observation. We will ask the question: given a time-reversible time series, is it possible to modify its values in order to make it irreversible? And, if so, what is the minimum perturbation that enables such change? Such new concept will be tested against synthetic and biological time series; and an open-source software library for its calculation will be made public. 

Your tasks will be:

  • Leveraging previous results obtained by the group, construct a computational framework to evaluate and manipulate the irreversibility of synthetic and real-world time series.
  • Delve on the theoretical foundations of irreversibility, to answer the question: what does it mean to manipulate it?
  • Contribute to the definition of new ideas, metrics, and analyses.
  • Presenting results in meetings and through manuscripts. 

What we offer: 

  • Up to 2 years full time contract, gross salary of approx. 29.000 €/year, plus mobility funds for research stays.
  • Multidisciplinary, international and inspiring environment.
  • The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish public health and social security system.


  • Theoretical and computational knowledge of the concept of irreversibility, including its potential from a data analysis perspective. Demonstrable expertise (e.g. through publications) will positively be evaluated.
  • Ability for independent, analytical and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • PhD academic degree. Note that the degree must be recognised according to Spanish regulations.
  • English language fluency. 

Application submissions should be made by sending an email to, with “Postdoctoral position CATSUIT” as subject, and including:

  • Letter of motivation
  • Updated CV with full academic record
  • Copy of previously-published scientific papers. 

The position will remain open until filled. 

Further inquiries about the position are welcome and should be addressed to the same email address. 

IFISC is an equal opportunity institution. Applications to this position by female or minority group scientists are particularly encouraged.

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