A major challenge in many modern economic, epidemiological, ecological and biological questions is to understand the randomness in the network structure of the entities they study: for example, the SARS epidemic showed how preventing epidemics relies on a keen understanding of random interactions in social networks, whereas progress in curing complex diseases is aided by a robust data-driven network approach to biology.

Although analysis of data on networks goes back to at least the 1930s, the importance of statistical network modelling for many areas of substantial science has only been recognised in the past decade. The USA is at the forefront of institutionalizing this field of science through various interdisciplinary projects and networks. Also in Europe there are excellent statistical network scientists, but until now cross-disciplinary collaboration has been slow.

This Action aims to facilitate interaction and collaboration between diverse groups of statistical network modellers, establishing a large and vibrant interconnected and inclusive community of network scientists. The aim of this interdisciplinary Action is two-fold. On the scientific level, the aim is to critically assess commonalities and opportunities for cross-fertilization of statistical network models in various applications, with a particular attention to scalability in the face of Big Data. On a meta-level, the aim is to create a broad community which includes researchers across the whole of Europe and at every stage in their scientific career and to facilitate contact with stakeholders.


  • Maxi San Miguel

    Maxi San Miguel

  • Konstantin Klemm

    Konstantin Klemm

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