J. Danckaert; M. Peeters; C. Mirasso; M. San Miguel; G. Verschaffelt; J. Albert; B. Nagler; H. Unold; R. Michalzik; G. Giacomelli; F. Marin
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10, 911-917 (2004)
Tessone, C.J.; Toral, R.; Mirasso, C.R.;Gunton, J.D.
Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLV: The Physics of Complex Systems (New Advances and Perspectives) , Ed. by F. Mallamace and H.E. Stanley, IOS Press (Amsterdam), 461 (2004)
Tilmann Heil; Josep Mulet; Ingo Fischer; Claudio R. Mirasso; Michael Peil; Pere Colet; Wolfgang Elsasser
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 1162-1170 (2002)
J.M.Buldu, F.Rogister, J.Trull,C.Serrat,M.C.Torrent, J.Garcia-Ojalvo and C. Mirasso
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 4, 415 (2002)
Buldú, J. M.; Rogister, F.; Trull, J.; Torrent, M. C.; Mirasso, C. R.; García-Ojalvo, J.
SPIE Proceedings, Physics and Simulations of Optoelectronic Devices X , (2002)
Mulet, Josep (Directors M. San Miguel and C.R. Mirasso )
Memoria d'Investigacio UIB (2001)
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