Semiconductor Laser Dynamics: Compound-cavity, Polarization and Transverse modes

Josep Mulet (Directors M. San Miguel, C.R. Mirasso)
PhD Thesis UIB , (2003)

PhD Thesis - Universitat de les Illes Balears-

This thesis is a contribution to the study of the physics and nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers. One of the major challenges is the identification of the physical mechanisms underlying the optical
instabilities. In the first part, we explore the fascinating dynamical behavior caused by delayed optical feedback, and the mutual coupling of two edge-emitting semiconductor lasers. In the second part, we investigate
spin dynamics, light polarization state, and transverse mode selection in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers.

Defense Date: 23-01-2003
Evaluation commitee:
President - Raul Toral (UIB)
Secretari - Salvador Balle (UIB)
Vocal 1 - Jesper Mork (DTU)
Vocal 2 - Angel Valle (UC)
Vocal 3 - Ingo Fischer (TUD)

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