
Echo chamber effects in signed networks

Vendeville, Antoine; Diaz-Diaz, Fernando
Submitted (2025)

Global Balance and Systemic Risk in Financial Correlation Networks

Bartesaghi, Paolo; Diaz-Diaz, Fernando; Grassi, Rosanna; Uberti, Pierpaolo
Submitted (2025)

Asymmetries in mutual intelligibility: An information-theoretic approach

Tarassov Colomar, Víctor (Sánchez, David)
Master Thesis (2024)

A cross-disciplinary research framework at institution level and beyond

Argyris, Apostolos; Hernández-García, Emilio; San Miguel, Maxi
Nature Communications 15, 10399 (1-3) (2024)

Entropy and type-token ratio in gigaword corpora

Rosillo-Rodes,Pablo;San Miguel,Maxi;Sanchez,David;
Submitted (2024)

Effective theory of collective deep learning

Arola-Fernández, Lluís; Lacasa, Lucas
Physical Review Research 6, L042040 (2024)

Understanding following patterns among high-performance athletes

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Arola-Fernández,Lluís
Journal of Physics: Complexity 5, 045007 (2024)

Editorial: Complexity in language variation and change

Heinsalu, E.; Patriarca, M.; Sánchez, D.
Frontiers in Complex Systems 2, 1497038 (1-2) (2024)

Aging and memory effects in social and economic dynamics

Abella, David (Supervisors: Ramasco, Jose J. and San Miguel, Maxi)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Segregation in urban systems and mobility

Dolc, Arnau (Advisors: Lopez Moreno, Jesus; Ramasco, Jose)
Master Thesis (2024)

Stochastic thermodynamics of imitation models

Irisarri, Luis (Supervisors: Manzano, Gonzalo; Toral, Raúl)
Master Thesis (2024)

Indirect social influence and diffusion of innovations: An experimental approach

Manuel Miranda, María Pereda, Angel Sánchez and Ernesto Estrada
PNAS Nexus 3, 10(409) (2024)

Temporal Network Embedding Using Classical Multidimensional Scaling

Marín Rodríguez, Francisco Javier (Supervisors: Arola-Fernánez, LLuis; Lacasa, Lucas)
Master Thesis (2024)

Exploring language relations through syntactic distances and geographic proximity

De Gregorio, Juan; Toral, Raúl; Sánchez, David
EPJ Data Science 13, 61 (1-27) (2024)

Innovation diffusion models

Miguel Rodríguez Shaw (Supervisors Raúl Toral and Pere Colet)
Master Thesis (2024)

Emergence of cooperation in the one-shot Prisoner’s dilemma through Discriminatory and Samaritan AIs

Zimmaro, Filippo; Miranda, Manuel; Ramos Fernández, José María; Moreno López, Jesús Arturo; Reddel, Max; Widler, Valeria; Antonioni, Alberto; Han, The Ahn
Journal of the Royal Society Interface , (2024)

Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks under Bias: A Study Based on the DeGroot Model

Ronquillo Guachamin, Saulo Javier; (Meloni, Sandro; San Miguel, Maxi;)
Master Thesis (2024)

Competition between group interactions and nonlinearity in voter dynamics on hypergraphs

Kim,Jihye; Lee, Deok-Sun; Min, Byungjoon; Porter, Mason A. ; San Miguel, Maxi; Goh,K.-I.
Submitted (2024)

Aproximación estadística al reparto de <b> y <v> en manuscritos latinos de autores hispanos

Miguel Franco, Ruth; Sánchez, David
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 140, 365-384 (2024)

Mathematical modeling of local balance in signed networks and its applications to global international analysis

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando; Bartesaghi, Paolo; Estrada, Ernesto
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing , (2024)

Information-theoretic metrics of higher-order interactions on graphs

Danovski, Kaloyan (Supervisors: Meloni, Sandro; Sánchez, David)
Master Thesis (2024)

A generalized vector-field framework for mobility

Liu, Erjian; Mazzoli, Mattia; Yan, Xiao-Yong; Ramasco, Jose J.
Communications Physics 7, 190 (2024)

High-order correlations reveal complex memory in temporal hypergraphs

Gallo, Luca; Lacasa, Lucas; Latora, Vito; Battiston, Federico
Nature Communications 15, (2024)

Shipping traffic through the Arctic Ocean: Spatial distribution, seasonal variation, and its dependence on the sea ice extent

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Klemm,Konstantin;Duarte,Carlos M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
iScience 27, 110236 (2024)

Noisy kinetic-exchange opinion model with aging

Vieira,Allan R.;Llabrés,Jaume;Toral,Raúl;Anteneodo,Celia
Phys. Rev. E 109, 064119 (2024)

Exploring the spatial segmentation of housing markets from online listings

Abella, David; Martínez, Johann H.; Mazzoli, Mattia; Le Corre, Thibault; Migozzi, Julien; Alonso-Paulí, Eduard; Crespí-Cladera, Rafel; Louail, Thomas; Ramasco, José J.
Submitted (2024)

Biased versus unbiased numerical methods for stochastic simulations

Aguilar,Javier;Ramasco,Jose J.;Toral,Raúl
Communications Physics 7, 155 (2024)

Computational lexical analysis of Flamenco genres

Rosillo-Rodes, Pablo; San Miguel, Maxi; Sánchez, David
Submitted (2024)

Aging in some opinion formation models: a comparative study

Physics 6, 515-528 (2024)

Status quo and challenges in air transport management research

Wandelt, Sebastian; Antoniou, Constantinos; Birolini, Sebastian; Delahaye, Daniel; Dresner, Martin; Fu, Xiaowen; Gössling, Stefan; Hong, Seock-Jin; Odoni, Amedeo R.; Zanin, Massimiliano; Zhang, Anming; Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Yahua; Sun, Xiaoqian
Journal of the Air Transport Research Society 2, 100014 (2024)

Heterogeneous volatility in language shift models

Rodríguez Díaz, Juan María (supervisors: San Miguel, Maxi and Sánchez, David)
Master Thesis (2024)

Identification of suspicious behaviour through anomalies in the tracking data of fishing vessels

Rodríguez,Jorge P.;Irigoien,Xabier;Duarte,Carlos M.;Eguíluz,Víctor M.
EPJ Data Science 13, 23 (2024)

Patterns in temporal networks with higher-order egocentric structures

Arregui-García, Beatriz; Longa, Antonio; Lotito, Quintino Francesco; Meloni, Sandro; Cencetti, Giulia;
Entropy 26(3), 256 (2024)

Relationships of life satisfaction with commuting and built environment: A longitudinal analysis

Xiaoquan Wang, Weifeng Wang, Chaoying Yin, Chunfu Shao, Sida Luo, Erjian Liu
Transportation research part D: transport and environment , (2024)

Signed graphs in data sciences via communicability geometry

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando; Estrada, Ernesto
Submitted (2024)

Golden Laplacian Graphs

Akhter, S; Frasca, M.; Estrada, E.
Mathematics 12, 613 (2024)

Critical mobility in policy making for epidemic containment

Moreno López, Jesús A; Mateo, David; Hernando, Alberto; Meloni, Sandro; Ramasco, Jose J;
Submitted (2024)

Controlling systemic corruption through group size and salary dispersion of public servants

Valverde,P.;Fernandez,J.;Buenaño,E.;Gonzalez-Avella, J.C.; Cosenza, M.G.
Helyon Journal 10, e25148 (2024)

Metacommunity dynamics of complex life-cycles in exploited seascapes

Vasconcelos, Joana;Riera, Rodrigo;Vahdati Ali V.;Geppi, Eros F.;Sousa, Ricardo;Eguíluz, Victor M.;Pinto, Ana Rita;Melián, Carlos J.
American Naturalist , (2024)

Ordering dynamics and aging in the Symmetrical Threshold model

Abella, David; González-Avella, Juan Carlos; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, José J.
New Journal of Physics 26, 013033 (2024)

Reducing blackout risk by segmenting the European power grid with HVDC lines

Gomila, D; Carreras, B.A.; Reynolds-Barredo, J.M.; Martínez-Barbeito, M.; Colet, P.; Gomis-Bellmunt, O.
Submitted (2024)

Ordering dynamics of nonlinear voter models

Ramirez, Lucia; Vazquez, Federico; San Miguel, Maxi ; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 109, 034307 (2024)

Food Webs as Multilayer Networks

Melián, Carlos J.; Eguíluz, Victor M.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Third Edition), vol. 5. Edited by Samuel M. Scheiner, Elsevier, 84-91 (2024)

Algoritmos de agrupamiento y lingüística de corpus: ortografía y léxico en documentos mallorquines del siglo XVIII

Louf, T.; Sánchez, D.; Miguel Franco, R.
Scripta manent. Historia del español, documentación archivística y humanidades digitales (edited by Calderón Campos, M. and González Sopeña, I.), Peter Lang, 563-586 (2023)

Language dynamics within adaptive networks: an agent-based approach of nodes and links coevolution

Charalambous, C.; Sánchez, D.; Toral, R.
Frontiers in Complex Systems 1, 1304448 (1-12) (2023)

Modeling language ideologies for the dynamics of languages in contact

Rosillo-Rodes, Pablo; San Miguel, Maxi; Sanchez, David
Chaos 11, 113117 (1-16) (2023)

Asymmetric language shift in bilingual communities

Duran, Miquel (supervisors: San Miguel, Maxi and Sánchez, David)
Master Thesis (2023)

Aging effects in Coordination games

Ciardella, Samuele (supervisors: San Miguel, Maxi; Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2023)

Research and application of intervening opportunity class models for predicting human mobility

Liu, Erjian (Advisors: Yan, Xiao-Yong and Ramasco, Jose J)
PhD Thesis, joint between UIB and Jiaontong Beijing University (2023)

Big Data, memes, information diffusion in online social networks and opinion dynamics

Luque, Alvaro (Advisor: Ramasco, JJ)
Master Thesis (2023)

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