
Coevolution in Coordination Games

González-Casado, Miguel Angel. (Supervisors: Sanchez, Anxo; San Miguel, Maxi)
Master Thesis (2022)

Algorithmic hospital catchment area estimation using label propagation

Challen, Robert J.; Griffith, Gareth J.; Lacasa, Lucas; Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira
BMC Health Services Research 22, 828, (2022)

Analysis of the European air route network: properties, evolution and resilience

Esteve, Pau (Advisors: Massimiliano Zanin & Jose J. Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2022)

Correlations of network trajectories

Lacasa, Lucas; Rodríguez, Jorge P.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
Physical Review Research 4, L042008 , (2022)

Quantifying mobility responses to COVID-19 containment strategies in Spain

Cuevas Blanco, Mar (Advisor: Sandro Meloni)
Master Thesis (2022)

Keep it local and bird-friendly: Exploring the social acceptance of wind energy in Switzerland, Estonia, and Ukraine

Vuichard, Pascal; Broughel, Anna; Wüstenhagen, Rolf; Tabi, Andrea; Knauf, Jakob
Energy Research & Social Science 88, 1-15 (2022)

¿Aumentan las renovables el riesgo de apagones en la red eléctrica?

Gomila, D; Carreras, B.A.; Colet, P.
The Conversation,, (2022)

The world-wide waste web

Martínez, Johann H; Romero, Sergi; Ramasco, Jose J.; Estrada, Ernesto
Nature Communications 13, 1615 (2022)

Quantum Consensus Dynamics by Entangling Maxwell Demon

New Journal of Physics 24, 033028 (2022)

Assessing Identifiability in Airport Delay Propagation Roles Through Deep Learning Classification

Ivanoska, Ilinka; Pastorino, Luisina; Zanin, Massimiliano
IEEE Access 10, 28520 - 28534 (2022)

Eigenvalues of random matrices with generalised correlations: a path integral approach

Baron, Joseph William; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review Letters 128, 120601 (1-6) (2022)

Impact of urban structure on infectious disease spreading

Aguilar,Javier;Bassolas,Aleix;Ghoshal, Gourab;Hazarie, Surendra;Kirkley,Alec;Mazzoli,Mattia;Meloni, Sandro;Mimar,Sayat;Nicosia,Vincenzo;Ramasco, Jose Javier;Sadilek, Adam;
Scientific Reports 12, 3816 (2022)

An interactive city choice model and its application for measuring the intercity interaction

Xiang-Yu Jia, Er-Jian Liu,Chun-Yan Chen, and Xiao-Yong Yan
Frontiers in Physics 10, 850415 (2022)

Coordination and equilibrium selection in games: the role of local effects

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 12, 3373 (2022)

Towards a taxonomy of learning dynamics in 2 × 2 games

Pangallo, Marco; Sanders, James B. T; Galla, Tobias; Farmer, J. Doyne
Games and Economic Behaviour 132, 1-21 (2022)

Reply to: On the difficulty of achieving differential privacy in practice: user-level guarantees in aggregate location data

Bassolas, A; Barbosa-Filho,H; Dickinson, B; Dotiwalla, X; Eastham, P; Gallotti, R; Gourab Ghoshal, Bryant Gipson, Surendra A. Hazarie, Henry Kautz, Onur Kucuktunc, Allison Lieber, Adam Sadilek & Jose J. Ramasco
Nature Communications 13, 30 (2022)

The shape of memory in temporal networks

Williams, Oliver; Lacasa, Lucas; Millán, Ana; Latora, Vito
Nature Communications 13, (2022)

From networked SIS model to the Gompertz function

Ernesto Estrada, Paolo Bartesaghi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 419, 126882 (2022)

Hubs-biased resistance distances on graphs and networks

Ernesto Estrada and Delio Mugnolo
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 507, 125728 (1-22) (2022)

The many facets of the Estrada indices of graphs and networks

Estrada, Ernesto
SeMA Journal 79, 57-125 (2022)

Extreme precipitation events in the Mediterranean area: contrasting two different models for moisture source identification

Cloux, Sara and Garaboa-Paz, Daniel and Insua-Costa, Damián and Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo and Pérez-Muñuzuri, Vicente
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25, 6465-6477 (2021)

Where to cut to delay a pandemic with minimum disruption? Mathematical analysis based on the SIS model

Bartesaghi, Paolo; Estrada, Ernesto
Mathematical Models and Methods in the Applied Sciences 31, 2571-2596 (2021)

Capturing the diversity of multilingual societies

Louf, Thomas; Sánchez, David; Ramasco José J.
Physical Review Research 3, 043146 (2021)

Quantifying the drivers behind collective attention in information ecosystems

Calleja-Solanas, Violeta; Pigani,Emanuele; Palazzi, María J; Solé-Ribalta, Albert; Suweis, Samir; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Meloni, Sandro
Journal of Physics: Complexity 2, 45014-45029 (2021)

Evolutionary Game Theory with payoff fluctuations: Bet-Hedging

Calvo Ibáñez, Ruben (supervisor Tobias Galla)
Master Thesis (2021)

Los límites matemáticos de la amistad, la enemistad y el Big Data

Estrada, Ernesto
Periodico ABC, Seccion ABCdario de la Matematicas, , (2021)

Statistical physics in a three-state extended voter model

Lázaro Sánchez, Teresa (supervisors: Tobias Galla, Konstantin Klemm)
Master Thesis (2021)

Household networks and bubbling: insights from percolation theory

Ellen Brooks-Pollock; Lucas Lacasa; Leon Danon
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376: 20200284 (2021) 376, (2021)

Interplay between mobility, multi-seeding and lockdowns shapes COVID-19 local impact

Mazzoli, Mattia; Pepe, Emanuele; Mateo, David ; Cattuto, Ciro; Gauvin, Laetitia ; Bajardi, Paolo; Tizzoni, Michele; Hernando, Alberto ; Meloni, Sandro; Ramasco, Jose J.
PLoS Computational Biology 17, e1009326 (2021)

Redes matemáticas para entender conflictos sociales

Ernesto Estrada
El Pais, , (2021)

Understanding migrations in Central America and Mexico using geolocated data

Rodriguez Gomez, Miguel (advisor: Ramasco, Jose J.)
Master Thesis (2021)

Estimates of regional infectivity of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom following imposition of social distancing measures

Robert Challen; Krasimira Tsaneva; Martin Pitt; Tom Edwards; Luke Gompels; Lucas Lacasa; Ellen Brooks-Pollock; Chris Martin; Gareth Griffith; Leon Danon
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B 376: 20200280 (2021) 376, (2021)

Assessing blackout risk with high penetration of variable renewable energies

Carreras, Benjamin A.; Colet, Pere; Reynolds-Barredo, José M.; Gomila, Damià
IEEE Access 9, 132663-132674 (2021)

Detecting zealots in the Noisy Voter Model using Bayesian inference

Alvarez-Sanchez, Miguel (Supervisors: Tobias Galla and Maxi San Miguel)
Master Thesis (2021)

Human mobility: data analysis, theory and models

Mazzoli, Mattia (Advisors: Colet, Pere and Ramasco, Jose J.)
PhD Thesis (2021)

Effects of Control Limitations on the Power Grid Fluctuations

Sadurní Parera, Marc (Advisors: Damià Gomila and Pere Colet)
Master Thesis (2021)

Path Laplacians versus fractional Laplacians as nonlocal operators on networks

Estrada, Ernesto
New Journal of Physics 073049, (2021)

Information processing in homophilic and heterophilic social networks: simple vs. complex contagion

Díaz Díaz, Fernando (Supervisors: Maxi San Miguel, Sandro Meloni)
Master Thesis (2021)

Cambio de la criticidad en modelos epidemicos debido al confinamiento

Garcia Lozano, Jaime (Tesis de fin de grado, supervisor: Ramasco, Jose J)
Tesis de fin de grado (2021)

Trends in Incidence and Transmission Patterns of COVID-19 in Valencia, Spain

Carolina Romero García; Adina Iftimi; Álvaro Briz-Redón; Massimiliano Zanin; Maria Otero; Mayte Ballester; José de Andrés; Giovanni Landoni; Dolores de las Marinas; Juan Carlos Catalá Bauset; Jesus Mandingorra
JAMA Network Open 4, e2113818 (2021)

Beyond pairwise network similarity: exploring mediation and suppression between networks

Lucas Lacasa, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Daniele Marinazzo
Communications Physics 4, (2021)

Data Analysis of Frequency Fluctuations in the Balearic Grid Before and After Coal Closure

Martínez-Barbeito, María; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
ENERGY 2021: The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, , , 13-18 (2021)

Persistent individual bias in a voter model with quenched disorder

Baron, Joseph William
Physical Review E 103, 052309 (2021)

Modeling financial distress propagation on customer-supplier networks

Nin, J; Salbanya, B; Fleurquin, P; Tomas, E; Arenas, A; Ramasco, JJ
Chaos 31, 053119 (2021)

Framing in multiple public goods games and donation to charities

Cardoso, Felipe M; Meloni, Sandro; Gracia-Lázaro, Carlos; Antonioni, Alberto; Cuesta, José A; Sánchez, Ángel; Moreno, Yamir;
Royal Society Open Science 8, 202117 (2021)

Uncovering the socioeconomic facets of human mobility

Barbosa, H; Hazarie, S; Dickinson, B;Bassolas, A; Frank, A; Kautz, H; Sadilek, A; Ramasco, JJ; Ghoshal, G
Scientific Reports 11, 8616 (2021)

Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on Affordability in Selected Cities in Europe

Le Goix, R; Ysebaert, R; Giraud, T; Lieury, M; Boulay, G; Coulon, M; Rey-Coyrehourcq, S; Lemoy, R; Ramasco, J J; Mazzoli, M; Colet, P; Theurillat, T; Segessemann, A; Marcińczak, S; Bartosiewicz, B
Cybergeo , 974 (2021)

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