Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using HVDC lines

D. Gomila, B.A. Carreras, J.M. Reynolds-Barredo, P. Colet, and O. Gomis-Bellmunt
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 148, 108947 (2023)

Large electrical transmission networks are susceptible to undergo very large blackouts due to cascading failures, with a very large associated economical cost. In this work we propose segmenting large power grids using controllable lines, such as high-voltage direct-current lines, to reduce the risk of blackouts. The method consists in modifying the power flowing through the lines interconnecting different zones during cascading failures in order to minimize the load shed. As a result, the segmented grids have a substantially lower risk of blackouts than the original network, with reductions up to 60% in some cases. The control method is shown to be specially efficient in reducing blackouts affecting more than one zone.

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