Miguel C. Soriano

Miguel Cornelles Soriano

Miguel C. Soriano (Miguel Cornelles Soriano) is a tenured scientist at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and a staff researcher at IFISC. His research line covers the topics of information processing based on reservoir computing and nonlinear dynamics. His main research interests also include the experimental and numerical study of semiconductor lasers subject to delayed-coupling and the synchronization of chaotic oscillators.

Publicacions recents

Neural networks with quantum states of light

Labay-Mora, Adrià; García-Beni, Jorge; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Soriano, Miguel C.; Zambrini, Roberta
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 382, 20230346 (1-24) (2024)

Identifying Ordinal Similarities at Different Temporal Scales

Zunino, Luciano; Porte, Xavier; Soriano, Miguel C.
Entropy 26, 1016 (2024)

Role of coherence in many-body Quantum Reservoir Computing

Palacios, A; Martínez-Peña, R.; Soriano, M. C.; Giorgi, G. L.; Zambrini, R.
Communications Physics 7, 369 (2024)

Adaptive control of recurrent neural networks using conceptors

Pourcel, Guillaume; Goldmann, Mirko; Fischer, Ingo; Soriano, Miguel C.
Chaos 34, 103127 (2024)

Computing with Dynamical Systems: from implementations towards novel concepts

Goldmann, Mirko (Supervisors: Fischer, Ingo; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Soriano, Miguel C.)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Projectes de recerca recents i vigents


Neuromorphic-Enhanced Heterogeneously-Integrated FMCW LiDAR

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano
The NEHIL project, an EU-Korea partnership, is set to transform the landscape of digital technologies through groundbreaking neuromorphic architectures and advanced heterogeneous integration such as LiDAR systems. This collaborative initiative aims to ...


European Training Network on Post-Digital Computing +

I.P.: Miguel C. Soriano, Claudio Mirasso
The modern information and communication technology (ICT) world is ruled by an exploding generation of data due to growth of Internet applications and skyrocketing proliferation of a number of interconnected on-line broadband ...


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...


Information processing with coupled laser networks

I.P.: Apostolos Argyris, Miguel C. Soriano
In the INFOLANET project, we will combine the expertise of the PIs on dynamical systems and machine learning to advance information processing concepts, based on a high-speed photonic implementation. We anticipate that ...

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