JAE Intro 2020


The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) launches the program JAE Intro 2020: Introduction to research fellowships for undergraduate and master students. The call is open from 9 March to 10 June 2020.

IFISC offers 5 projects within this call:  

  • JAEINT20_EX_0553: “Evolutionary branching angle selection in clonal-growth plants”. Supervisor: Damià Gomila
  • JAEINT20_EX_0805: "Epidemiología computacional basado en datos satelitales y Machine Learning en plantas". Supervisor: Sandro Meloni
  • JAEINT20_EX_0855: "Procesos de nacimiento, muerte y movilidad en sistemas de partículas interactuantes". Supervisor: Emilio Hernández
  • JAEINT20_EX_0888: "Renewable energy sources and power grid stability". Supervisor: Pere Colet
  • JAEINT20_EX_0890: "Statistical physics of complex systems". Supervisor: Tobias Galla

Each fellowship offers 3000 € for work done during 5 consecutive months starting on 1st September or 1st October with the possibility to extend it to 4 more months. Eligible students include: i) those who finish their undergraduate degree in the academic year 2019-2020 and have applied for admission, or enrolment to an official University Master's for the 2020-2021 academic year. ii) Students who are enrolled in an official master's degree in the 2019-2020 academic year. The main objective is to initiate them in the research activity in the diverse scientific areas and provide a first contact with the CSIC institutes or research centers.

More information and application form https://sede.csic.gob.es/intro2020

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