Invited Talks
- Abraham, Edward
Dragonfly, Wellington, New Zealand
Horizontal dispersal and Southern Ocean blooms
- Dellnitz, Michael
Universit�t Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Set Oriented Numerical Methods for the Approximation
of Transport Phenomena
- Dijkstra, Henk A
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
A nonlinear theory of the bimodality of the Kuroshio Extension
- Feudel, Ulrike
Universit�t Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
Interplay between hydrodynamic motion and biological activity: Plankton blooms and marine aggregates.
- Gar�on, V�ronique
CNRS, Toulouse, France
Marine ecosystem dynamics and horizontal stirring and mixing.
- Haynes, Peter
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Local versus global control of mixing in smooth flows
- LaCasce, Joseph L.
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
The vortex merger rate in decaying 2D turbulence
- Lovejoy, Shaun
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Atmospheric complexity or scale by scale simplicity?
- Malek-Madani, Reza
Office of Naval Research, Washington, USA
Dynamical Systems and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: A historical perspective of recent analytical and computational progress.
- Seuront, Laurent
CNRS & Flinders U., Wimereux, France
Environmental intermittency versus behavioral intermittency: evolutionary perspectives.
- Vulpiani, Angelo
U. La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
The Fluctuation-Response relation in Geophysical Systems
- Waugh, Darryn W.
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Johns Hopkins University. USA, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Stirring in the Global Surface Ocean from Altimetry
- Wiggins, Stephen
University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
The Dynamical Systems Approach to Transport Associated with Fronts and
Eddies in a Realistic Numerical Model of Flow in the Northwest
- Young, William R.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography , La Jolla, California, USA
Energy injection and the inverse cascade of body-forced, two-dimensional turbulence
*Satellite images from NASA and ESA