- Abraham, Edward
Dragonfly, Wellington, New Zealand
Horizontal dispersal and Southern Ocean blooms
- Beron-Vera, Francisco
RSMAS, University of Miami, Miami, USA
Zonal jets as transport barriers in planetary atmospheres
- Birch, Daniel
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, USA
The evolution of tracer patches
- Boucharel, Julien
LEGOS, Toulouse, France
The non-stationary and non-Gaussian nature of ENSO: the role of climate shifts and nonlinearities.
- Branicki, Michal
Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
An adaptive method for computing invariant manifolds in unsteady, three-dimensional flows.
- Castanedo, Sonia
IH Cantabria, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
- Cessi, Paola
Scripps Oceanography University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA USA
On the importance of mesoscale eddies the general circulation of the ocean
- Dellnitz, Michael
Universit�t Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Set Oriented Numerical Methods for the Approximation
of Transport Phenomena
- Deluca Silberberg, Anna
Grupo de F�sica Estad�stica (UAB), Barcelona, Spain
Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Dynamics
- Dijkstra, Henk A
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
A nonlinear theory of the bimodality of the Kuroshio Extension
- Du Toit, Philip
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Hurricanes, Homoclinic Tangles, and Horseshoes.
- Espa, Stefania
Sapienza Universit� di Roma-DITS, Rome-Italy
- Feudel, Ulrike
Universit�t Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
Interplay between hydrodynamic motion and biological activity: Plankton blooms and marine aggregates.
- Garc�a-Ladona, Emilio
Dept de Oceanograf�a F�sica, Institut de Ci�ncies del Mar (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
- Gar�on, V�ronique
CNRS, Toulouse, France
Marine ecosystem dynamics and horizontal stirring and mixing.
- Haynes, Peter
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Local versus global control of mixing in smooth flows
- Hern�ndez-Carrasco, Ismael
Statistical properties and robustness of dispersion from surface velocity data
- Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Mixing, Lyapunov exponents, and biological activity in the Benguela and the Canary upwelling systems
- Iovino, Dorotea
LOCEAN - CNRS , Paris, France
- Jim�nez Madrid, Jos� A.
Instituto de Ciencias Matem�ticas (CSIC-UAM-UCM-UC3M), Madrid, Spain
Generalizing fixed points to aperiodic dynamical systems
- Jord� S�nchez, Gabriel
IMEDEA (CSIC - UIB), Laboratori d'Enginyeria Mar�tima (UPC), Esporles, Spain
- Kimmritz, Madlen
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany
- Koszalka, Inga
University of Oslo, Norway
Mesoscale, open-ocean anticyclones, vortex Rossby waves and strong vertical velocities
- Kuehl, Joe
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Kingston, USA
Identification of Cusp Catastrophe in Gap Leaping Western Boundary Current Problem
- Kwasniok, Frank
University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
The structure of predictability in a quasigeostrophic atmospheric model
- LaCasce, Joseph L.
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
The vortex merger rate in decaying 2D turbulence
- Liste Mu�oz, Mar�a
IH Cantabria- Universidad de Cantabria, SANTANDER, SPAIN
- Lopez, Cristobal
IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
- Lovejoy, Shaun
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Atmospheric complexity or scale by scale simplicity?
- Madrigal, Rafael
Laboratori d'Enginyeria Mar�tima/Universitat Polit�cnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Stochastic Models for a sea-surface transport prediction system of the
Catalan-Balearic Sea: A first stage test of some LSM�s with stochastic
flows and a first evaluation of the sea dispers
- Malek-Madani, Reza
Office of Naval Research, Washington, USA
Dynamical Systems and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: A historical perspective of recent analytical and computational progress.
- Mancho, Ana Maria
ICMAT, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
- Mari�, Louis
Laboratoire de Physique des Oc�ans, UMR 6523, Plouzan�, France
Zonal jet growth as a phase instability
- McKiver, William
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Statistical Properties of plankton ecosystems in turbulent flows
- Morales Mor�n, Tom�s
Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Tenerife
- Nieves, Ver�nica
Institut de Ci�ncies del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Statistical properties of scale-invariance in satellite-derived variables
- Olabarrieta Lizaso, Maitane
IH Cantabria- Universidad de Cantabria, Santander Spain
- Olascoaga, Maria Josefina
RSMAS, University of Miami, Miami, USA
Stirring and mixing in the West Florida Shelf
- Oss�, Albert
Grupo de F�sica Estad�stica. Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain).
Self-organization and criticality in hurricanes
- Ozsoy, Emin
Prof., Institute of Marine Sciences, METU, Erdemli, Mersin, Turkey
Dynamical response characteristics of the Turkish Straits and Black Sea system
- P�rez Mu�uzuri, Vicente
University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela
Influence of time and spatial scales on phytoplankton blooms
- Pont, Oriol
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Optimal wavelets for the realization of microcanonical multiplicative cascades in geophysical flows
- Roget, Elena
University of Girona, Girona, Catalonia, Spain
- Rossi, Vincent
Formation of a secondary upwelling front along the shelf break in simplified numerical models and in-situ data.
- Rypina, Irina
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Physical Oceanography (PO) department, Woods Hole, MA, USA
Transport and mixing in oceanic surface flows
- Scherer, Emilie
Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Dynamique, Ecole Normale Sup�rieure & Universit� Paris VI, Paris, France
Nonlinear geostrophic adjustment in the presence of frontal and topographic waveguides
- Seuront, Laurent
CNRS & Flinders U., Wimereux, France
Environmental intermittency versus behavioral intermittency: evolutionary perspectives.
- Shuckburgh, Emily
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
Quantifying eddy diffusivities in the ocean
- Thompson, Andrew
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Baroclinic Eddy Fluxes in Quasi-Geostrophic Turbulence with Simple Topography
- Tsang, Yue-Kin
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, USA
Energy-Enstrophy Stability of beta-plane Kolmogorov Flow with Drag
- Turiel, Antonio
Institut de Ci�ncies del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
- Tzella, Alexandra
Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Dynamique, Ecole Normale Sup�rieure, Paris, France
Small-scale spatial structure in plankton distributions: The role of a maturation time introduced into the biology
- Udovydchenkov, Ilya
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), AOPE department, Woods Hole, MA, USA
- Vulpiani, Angelo
U. La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
The Fluctuation-Response relation in Geophysical Systems
- Waugh, Darryn W.
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Johns Hopkins University. USA, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Stirring in the Global Surface Ocean from Altimetry
- Wiggins, Stephen
University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
The Dynamical Systems Approach to Transport Associated with Fronts and
Eddies in a Realistic Numerical Model of Flow in the Northwest
- Young, William R.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography , La Jolla, California, USA
Energy injection and the inverse cascade of body-forced, two-dimensional turbulence
*Satellite images from NASA and ESA