IFISCTalks & Presentations

Talks & Presentations

sorted by author


  • 2024


  • Risk of establishment of Pierce

    Giménez Romero, Alex; Galván, Javier; Montesinos, Marina; Bauzà, Joan; Godefroid, Martin; Fereres, Alberto; Ramasco, Jose; Matias, Manuel; Moralejo, Eduardo




  • The biased-voter model

    Raúl Toral
    Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions, Dresden (Germany) 2018

  • The biased-voter model

    Raúl Toral
    Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions, Dresden (Germany) 2018

  • The biased-voter model

    Raúl Toral
    Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions, Berlin (Germany) 2018



  • Lagrangian Flow Networks: Theory and applications

    Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
    Talk given at the 2nd HYDROGENCONNECT WORKSHOP, 12-13 October 2016, IMES-METU, Erdemli, Turkey. Work in collaboration with Vincent Rossi, Pedro Monroy, Cristóbal López (IFISC), Enrico Ser-Giacomi (IBENS, Paris), Mélodie Dubois (CRIOBE, Perpignan) 2016

  • About Kondo and Majorana physics

    Rosa López
    Seminar on "Kondo and Majorana Physics" given at Stanford University (CA,US) in the group of Prof. D. Goldhaber-Gordon. 2016


  • Cómic "Il·lumina't"

    Còmic editat en motiu de l'exposició "Il·lumina't", en commemoració de la declaració del 2015 com a Any Internacional de la Llum i les tecnologies basades en la llum. 2015

  • Cómic "Ilumínate"

    Cómic de la exposición "Ilumínate", organizada en motivo de la exposición organizada para conmemorar la declaración de la ONU del 2015 como Año Internacional de la Luz y las Tecnologías basadas en la luz. 2015




    An FP7 project on "Innovative policy modelling and governance tools for sustainable post-crisis urban development" [Web] 2013

  • Competitive patterns of interacting random walkers

    Emilio Hernandez-Garcia
    Talk at the 3rd Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex and Small Systems, Mallorca, September 9, 2013, and at the Institüt für Physik, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, November 21. A shorter version was presented at Dynamics Days 2013, Madrid. 2013

  • OPEN DAY @ IFISC: presentation videos

    San Miguel, M.; Eguiluz, V.M.; Lopez, R.; Fischer, I.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Toral, R.
    Videos of presentation of different research activities at IFISC, together with an exposition of the IFSIC Master in Complex Systems. This was part of the IFISC Open Day , February 21 2013



  • Horizontal Stirring in the global ocean

    Hernández-Carrasco, Ismael.; López, Cristobal.; Hernández-García, Emilio; Turiel, Antonio.
    Poster in workshop: "Coherent Structures in Dynamical Systems" in Leiden 2011

  • Presentation of IFISC

    Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
    A presentation of IFISC done to the attendants to the workshop on "Nonequilibrium Fluctuation Relations In Quantum Systems". Palma, September 2011 2011

  • Information processing using delay systems

    Ingo Fischer, Daniel Brunner, Miguel C. Soriano, Claudio R. Mirasso
    invited talk at 2nd International Conference on “LOW COST HIGH PHYSICS AND APPROPRIATE SOLUTIONS TO REAL LIFE PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES”, 6 – 8 December 2011, Yaounde, Cameroon 2011


  • Synchronization properties of coupled circadian oscillators

    Adrian C. Murza, Niko Komin, Emilio Hernández García, Raúl Toral,
    Poster presented at the 5th Biosim Conference (Copenhagen Denmark, August 2008) and in the conference Emergence and Design of Robustness ROBUST (Palma de Mallorca, 2010

  • Updating rules in social simulations

    Fernández-Gracia, Juan; M. Eguíluz, Víctor; San Miguel, Maxi.
    Presented in ROBUST - Emergence and Design Robustness: General Principles and Applications to Biological, Social and Industrial Networks. Palma de Mallorca 2010

  • Threshold model with external influence

    Gonzalez-Avella J.C.; Eguiluz V.M.; San Miguel M; Vega Redondo, Fernando; Marsili Metteo.
    Red Temática: Dinámica y fenómenos colectivos de sistemas socieconómicos 2do. Workshop. Velencia, Spain. 2010

  • Presentation of IFISC

    Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
    A presentation of the Institute done for the attendants to the MLMA10 workshop, April 2010 2010

  • IFISC: Una Introducción a los Sistemas Complejos

    Juan Carlos González-Avella
    Charla Presentada en el Museo de Menorca en la Ciudad de Mahón los días 11, 12 y 13 de Noviembre del  2010, en el Marco de la "Semana de la Ciencia y Tecnología y 18 Octubre y 19 de Noviembre de  2010 2010

  • Diversity effects in a homeostatic model of the wake-sleep cycle

    M. Patriarca, E. Hernandez-Garcia, R. Toral, S. Postnova, and H.A. Braun
    STATPHYS 24, the XXIV International Conference on Statistical Physics of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 19-23 July, 2010. 2010

  • Fast Integrated Tunable Laser using Filtered Feedback

    Pozo, J.; Docter, B.; Raz, O.; Calabretta, N.; Beri, S.; Ermakov, I. V.; Danckaert, J.; Smit M. K.
    Presented on 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2010, (Cambridge, United Kingdom), April 06--09, 2010. 2010

  • Divide and conquer

    Vaz Martins, T.; Pineda, M.; Toral, R.
    Poster presented at the ROBUST (Emergence and Design of Robustness) conference, Palma de Mallorca, 21-25 September 2010. 2010


  • The macroscopic description of agent-based models

    Federico Vázquez, Cristóbal López and Maxi San Miguel
    Talk given in the European Conference on Complex Systems, 21-25th September 2009, in Warwick, United Kingdom, as a part of a parallel sesion on the PATRES project. 2009

  • Shapes of Phylogenetic Trees: Age Model and Likelihoods

    Keller-Schmidt, Stephanie; Tugrul, Murat; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Hernández-García; Emilio; Klemm, Konstantin
    Poster presented at the International Workshop on 150 Years after Darwin: From Molecular Evolution to Language. Trends in Complex Systems series, Palma de Mallorca, 23-27 November 2009 2009

  • Role of diversity in a neuronal model of wake-sleep cycle

    Marco Patriarca, Emilio Hernandez-Garcia, Raul Toral
    Poster - Trends in Complex SystemsSynchronization and Multiscale Complex Dynamics in the Brain International Workshop - November 02 - 06, 2009 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden &nbs 2009

  • Effect of diversity in a neuronal model for the wake-sleep cycle

    Marco Patriarca, Emilio Hernández-­García, Raúl Toral
    Talk presented by M. Patriarca on April 2nd 2009 at the meeting of the BioSym Network of excellence METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES FOR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY: Linking networks, crossing scales. Venice, 2009 March 30th - ­ April 3rd. 2009

  • Divide and conquer

    Teresa Vaz Martins and Raúl Toral
    Poster presented at the Summer School "Climate variability and climate change: estimating and reducing uncertainties", 8-17 June 2009, in Visegrad, Hungary 2009

  • Competitive induced resonance

    Teresa Vaz Martins, Ana Majtey, Raúl Toral
    Poster presented at  the European Conference on Complex Systems, 21-25th September 2009, in Warwick, United Kingdom 2009

  • Can age explain macroevolution?

    Tugrul, Murat; Keller-Schmidt, Stephanie; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Hernández-García; Emilio; Klemm, Konstantin
    Poster presented at the International Workshop on 150 Years after Darwin: From Molecular Evolution to Language. Trends in Complex Systems series. Palma de Mallorca, 23-27 NOvember 2009 2009


  • Universal branching in phylogenetic trees

    Emilio Hernández-García, E. Alejandro Herrada, Claudio J. Tessone, Konstantin Klemm, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Carlos M. Duarte
    Invited talk at the International Conference on Modelling and Computation on Complex Networks and Related Topics, Net-Works 2008. Pamplona, Spain, June 2008

  • Fluctuations in Surface Reactions

    Miguel Pineda
    Invited Conference: (ETISC 2008) School and Interdisciplinary Workshop of Complex Systems, Venezuela, Isla de Margarita, 27-30 October 2008. 2008


  • PATRES - Pattern Resilience (043268)

    Program NEST: New and Emerging Science and Technologies, Pathfinder Call in Complexity. 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission (2007-2010). PI: M. San Miguel. [Web] 2007

  • Scaling properties in the Tree of Life

    E. Alejandro Herrada, Claudio J. Tessone, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Emilio Hernández-García and Carlos M. Duarte
    Presentation by Alejandro Herrada at June 2007 EDEN meeting 2007










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Spanish National Research Council Universitat de les Illes Balears