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Heterogeneity effects on the synchronization and entrainment of coupled circadian oscillators

By Emilio Hernández-García, Niko Komin, Adrian Murza, Raúl Toral
Talk at the NOLTA 2012 meeting, Palma de Mallorca. Session on Modelling Nonlinear Brain Dynamics: Synchronization, Diversty, and Noise 2012

Circadian rhythms in mammals are controlled by neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, which are very efficiently entrained by the 24-hour light-dark cycle. Motivated by recent findings on the relevance of neuronal heterogeneity, we model neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus as chemically-coupled oscillators with non-negligible heterogeneity in their periods. The system response to the light-dark cycle is studied as a function of the coupling strength, forcing amplitude and neuronal heterogeneity. Our results indicate that neurons respond more coherently to external forcing when the right amount of heterogeneity is present.

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Spanish National Research Council Universitat de les Illes Balears