- María de Maeztu 2018-2022
- María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence
- Research lines
- Committees
The scientific coordination, decision-taking and follow-up of the project is carried out by the IFISC-MdM Executive Committee composed by: Claudio Mirasso (IP of the MdM program, President), Ingo Fischer (Co-PI of the MdM program), Maxi San Miguel (IFISC Director), Emilio Hernández-García (IFISC Deputy Director), Raúl Toral (Head of the Department of Complex Systems), Pere Colet (Head of the Department of Cross-Disciplinary Physics), and 3 guarantor researchers: Victor M. Eguiluz, Roberta Zambrini and Jose J. Ramasco (Secretary of the Commission). The role of the committee includes: determining the number of contracts of researchers and technical personnel that is offered, establishing criteria for budget allocation (personnel, infrastructures and other categories) and how to access resources, establishing criteria for assigning scientific staff to the research lines, propose the best conditions for the development of the María de Maeztu Programme, guarantee the scientific quality of the research carried out and promote synergies between the research lines, as well as to encourage international cooperation.
The INTERNAL SELECTION COMMITTEE, composed by the director and deputy director of IFISC, the scientific director and co-director, and one representative of the “garantes”, the IFISC manager (who will act as secretary of the commission with voice and without vote) will be in charge of the selection process for new researchers following the HRS4R criteria and recommendations (the University of Islas Baleares will start the HRS4R logo procedure at the beginning of 2018). This committee will be responsible for the allocation of new researchers in priority research projects.