The stochastic skeleton model for the Madden-Julian Oscillation with time-dependent observation-based forcing

Ehstand, Noemie; Donner, Reik V.; Lopez, Cristobal; Barreiro, Marcelo; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
Submitted (2025)

We analyze solutions to the stochastic skeleton model, a minimal nonlinear oscillator model for the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). This model has been recognized for its ability to reproduce several large-scale features of the MJO. In previous studies, the model's forcings were predominantly chosen to be mathematically simple and time-independent. Here, we present solutions to the model with time-dependent observation-based forcing functions. Our results show that the model, with these more realistic forcing functions, successfully replicates key characteristics of MJO events, such as their lifetime, extent, and amplitude, whose statistics agree well with observations. However, we find that the seasonality of MJO events and the spatial variations in the MJO properties are not well reproduced. {Having implemented the model in the presence of time-dependent forcings, we can analyze the impact of temporal variability at different time scales. In particular, we study the model's ability} to reflect changes in MJO characteristics under the different phases of ENSO. We find that it does not capture differences in studied characteristics of MJO events in response to differences in conditions during El Niño, La Niña, and neutral ENSO.

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