Synchronization and coalescence in a dissipative two-qubit system

Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: mathematical, physical and engineering sciences 477, 20200850 (2021)

The possibility of detuned spins displaying synchronous oscillations in local observables is analysed in the presence of coupling, collective dissipation and incoherent pumping. We show that there exist two distinct scenarios in which synchronization can emerge, related respectively to the presence of a non-degenerate long-lived eigenmode and to the presence of a single-frequency regime. Both scenarios can arise by tuning parameters in this system, owing to the presence of coalascence. The former, known as transient synchronization, is here generalized in the presence of incoherent pumping, and is due to long-lasting coherences leading to a progressive frequency selection. On the other hand, in spite of the spins detuning, the dynamics can be governed by a single frequency. Still, we show that synchronization can be established only after a transient, when phase-locking arises. Spectral features of synchronization in these two scenarios are analysed for two-time correlations.

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