
Conservative vs. non-conservative diffusion towards a target in a networked environment

Estrada, E.
Target Search Problems, Springer-Nature, 511-540 (2024)

Navigational bottlenecks in nonconservative diffusion dynamics on networks

Soares, Giovanni G.; Estrada, Ernesto
AIMS Mathematics Volume 9, , 24297-24325 (2024)

What is a mathematician doing…in a chemistry class?

Estrada, Ernesto
foundations of Chemistry 26, 141–166 (2024)

Indirect social influence and diffusion of innovations: An experimental approach

Miranda, Manuel; Pereda, Maria; Sánchez; Angel; Estrada, Ernesto
PNAS Nexus 3, pgae09 (2024)

Mathematical modeling of local balance in signed networks and its applications to global international analysis

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando; Bartesaghi, Paolo; Estrada, Ernesto
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 70, 6195-6218 (2024)

Signed graphs in data sciences via communicability geometry

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando; Estrada, Ernesto
Submitted (2024)

Golden Laplacian Graphs

Akhter, S; Frasca, M.; Estrada, E.
Mathematics 12, 613 (2024)

Communicability cosine distance: similarity and symmetry in graphs/networks

Estrada, E.
Computational and Applied Mathematics 43, (2024)

What is a complex system, after all?

Estrada, E.
Foundations of Science 29, 1143–1170 (2024)

What Is in a Simplicial Complex? A Metaplex-Based Approach to Its Structure and Dynamics

Manuel Miranda, Gissell Estrada-Rodríguez and Ernesto Estrada
Entropy 12, 1599 (2023)

Network bypasses sustain complexity

Estrada, Ernesto; Gómez-Gardeñes, Jesús; Lacasa, Lucas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 120, e2305001120 (2023)

Topologically-induced suppression of explosive synchronization

Miranda, Manuel; Frasca, Mattia; Estrada, Ernesto
Chaos 33, 053103 (2023)

Fractional-Modified Bessel Function of the First Kind of Integer Order

Martin, Andres; Estrada, Ernesto
Mathematics 11, 1-13 (2023)

Every nonsingular spherical Euclidean Distance Matrix is a resistance distance matrix

Ernesto Estrada
Linear Algebra and its Applications 656, 198-209 (2023)

Professional Feature. Ernesto Estrada

Ernesto Estrada
DSWeb, , (2022)

Degree-Biased Advection-Diffusion on undirected graphs/networks

Miranda, Manuel.; Estrada, Ernesto.
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 17, 30 (2022)

Communicability in time-varying networks with memory

Ernesto Estrada
New Journal of Physics 24, 063017 (1-16) (2022)

Statistical–mechanical theory of topological indices

Ernesto Estrada
Physica A 602, 127612 (1-10) (2022)

The world-wide waste web

Martínez, Johann H; Romero, Sergi; Ramasco, Jose J.; Estrada, Ernesto
Nature Communications 13, 1615 (2022)

From networked SIS model to the Gompertz function

Ernesto Estrada, Paolo Bartesaghi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 419, 126882 (2022)

Hubs-biased resistance distances on graphs and networks

Ernesto Estrada and Delio Mugnolo
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 507, 125728 (1-22) (2022)

Non-uniform random graphs on the plane: A scaling study

CT Martinez-Martinez, JA Mendez-Bermudez, Francisco A Rodrigues, Ernesto Estrada
Physical Review E 105, 1-13 (2022)

The many facets of the Estrada indices of graphs and networks

Estrada, Ernesto
SeMA Journal 79, 57-125 (2022)

Where to cut to delay a pandemic with minimum disruption? Mathematical analysis based on the SIS model

Bartesaghi, Paolo; Estrada, Ernesto
Mathematical Models and Methods in the Applied Sciences 31, 2571-2596 (2021)

Path Laplacians versus fractional Laplacians as nonlocal operators on networks

Estrada, Ernesto
New Journal of Physics 073049, (2021)

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