
Macroscopic quantum fluctuations in noise-sustained optical patterns

Zambrini, Roberta; Barnett, Stephen M.; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review A 65, 023813 (2002)

Growth laws and stable droplets close to the modulational instability of a domain wall

Gomila, Damià (Director P. Colet)
Memòria d'investigació (2001)

Stable droplets and growth laws close to the modulational instability of a domain wall

Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere; Oppo, Gian-Luca; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review Letters 87, 194101 (1-4) (2001)

Stochastic resonance in the thermohaline circulation

Velez Belchi, P.; Alvarez, A.; Colet, P.; Tintoré, J.; Haney, R.L.
Geophysical Research Letters 28, 2053-2056 (2001)

Transverse Patterns in Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators

Izus, Gonzalo; Santagiustina, Marco; San Miguel, Maxi; Colet, Pere.
NATO ARW Series: Nonlinearity and Disorder: Theory and Applications. , 315-322 (2001)

Pattern Formation in a Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator

Izus, G.; Santagiustina, M.; San Miguel, M. and Colet, P.
Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VIII, in press. , (2001)

Quantum fluctuations in a continuous vectorial Kerr medium model

Zambrini, R.; Hoyuelos, M.; Gatti, A.; Colet, P.; Lugiato, L.; San Miguel, M.
Physical Review A 62, 063801 (2000)

Dynamics of localized structures in vectorial waves

Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Hoyuelos, M.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Physical Review Letters 85, 744-747 (2000)

Spatiotemporal chaos, localized structures and synchronization in the vector complex Ginzburg-Landau equation.

Hernández-García, Emilio; Hoyuelos, Miguel; Colet, Pere; Montagne, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9, 2257-2264 (1999)

Defect-freezing and Defect-unbinding in the Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation.

Hoyuelos, M.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Computer Physics Communications 121-122, 414-419 (1999)

Pattern formation in presence of walk-off for a Type-II optical parametric oscillator

Izus, Gonzalo; Santagiustina, Marco; San Miguel, Maxi; Colet, Pere
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 16, 1592-1596 (1999)

Two dimensional vectorial localized structures in optical cavities

Colet, P.; Gallego, R.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Hoyuelos, M.; Oppo, GL; San Miguel, M.; Santagiustina, M.
Nonlinear guided waves and their applications. , (1999)

Encoded Gbit/s Digital Communications with Synchronized Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers

Sanchez-Diaz, A.; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Colet, Pere; and Garcia-Fernandez, P.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 35, 292-297 (1999)

Convective and Absolute Instabilities in the Subcritical Ginzburg-Landau Equation

Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi; Walgraef, Daniel
European Physical Journal B 11, 517-524 (1999)

Space inversion symmetry breaking and pattern selection in nonlinear optics

Santagiustina, Marco; Colet, Pere; Walgraef, Daniel; and San Miguel, Maxi
JEOS B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 1, 191-197 (1999)

Spatial pump-meter quantum correlations in a vectorial Kerr medium model

Hoyuelos, Miguel; Sinatra, Alice; Colet, Pere, Lugiato, Luigi; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review A, 59, 1622-1632 (1999)

Diffusion Parameter Control of Spatiotemporal Chaos

Montagne, Raul; Colet, Pere
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos 8, 1849-1856 (1998)

Modelling of Optical Synchronization of Chaotic External Cavity VCSELs

Spencer, P.S.; Mirasso, C.R.; Colet, P. and Shore, K.A.
J. Quantum Electron. 34, 1673-1679 (1998)

Moving Pictures (Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Complex Vector Fields)

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Amengual, Antoni; Montagne, Raul; San Miguel, Maxi; Colet, Pere; Hoyuelos, Miguel
Europhysics News 29, 184-187 (1998)

Polarization patterns in Kerr Media

Hoyuelos, Miguel; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi; Walgraef, Daniel
Physical Review E 58, 2992-3007 (1998)

Two-Dimensional Noise-Sustained Structures in Optical Parametric Oscillators

Santagiustina, Marco; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi; Walgraef, Daniel
Physical Review E 58, 3843-3853 (1998)

Walk-Off and Pattern Selection in Optical Parametric Oscillators

Santagiustina, Marco; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi; Walgraef, Daniel
Optics Letters 23, 1167-1169 (1998)

Growth dynamics of noise-sustained structures in nonlinear optical resonators

Santagiustina, Marco; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi; Walgraef, Daniel
Optics Express 3, 63-70 (1998)

Fluctuations and Correlations in the Polarization Patterns of a Kerr medium

Hoyuelos, Miguel; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 58, 74-79 (1998)

Stochastic resonance in adatom diffusion on crystal surfaces

Hernández-García, E.; Ala-Nissila, T.; Colet, P.; Dubé, M.; Majaniemi, S.
FISES'97, Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, Edited by J.A. Cuesta and A. Sánchez. Anales de Física, Monografías RSEF, vol. 4, Editorial CIEMAT, Madrid, 239-240 (1998)

Frequency locking in Josephson arrays: Connection with the Kuramoto model

Wiesenfeld, Kurt; Colet, Pere; Strogatz, Steven
Phys. Rev. E 57, 1563-1569 (1998)

Noise-sustained convective structures in nonlinear optics

Santagiustina, Marco; Colet, Pere; San Miguel, Maxi; Walgraef, Daniel
Physical Review Letters 79, 3633-3636 (1997)

Nonlinear Diffusion Control of Spatiotemporal Chaos in the Complex Ginzburg Landau Equation

Montagne, Raul; Colet, Pere
Physical Review E 56, 4017-4024 (1997)

Synchronization Transitions in a Disordered Josephson Series Array

Wiesenfeld, K.; Colet, P.; Strogatz, S. H.
Physical Review Letters 76, 404-407 (1996)

Synchronization of Chaotic Semicondcutor Lasers: Application to Encoded Communications

Mirasso, C. R.; Colet, P.; García-Fernández, P.
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 8, 299-301 (1996)

Non-adiabatic Elimination of Variables in Stochastic Processes by Means of Path Integral and Influence Functional Methods

Wio, H.S.; Budde, C.; Briozzo, C.; Colet, P.
International J. Modern Physics B 9, 679-694 (1995)

Controlling Hyperchaos in a Multimode Laser Model

Colet, P.; Roy, R.; Wiesenfeld, K.
Phys. Rev. E 50, 3453-3457 (1994)

Digital Communication with Synchronized Chaotic Lasers

Colet, P.; Roy, R.
Opt. Lett. 19, 2056-2058 (1994)

Simple Method for Estimating the Memory Diagram in Single Mode Semiconductor Lasers

Mirasso, C. R.; Valle, A.; Pesquera, L.; Colet, P.
IEE Proc. J-Optoelectronics 141, 109-113 (1994)

Spatial Hole Burning Effects in the Emission Characteristics of DFB Laser Diodes

Colet, P.; Balle, S.
Integrated Photonics Research 1994, Technical Digest Series, OSA 3, 108-110 (1994)

Coherence and Phase Dynamics of Spatially Coupled Solid State Lasers

Fabiny, L.; Colet, P.; Roy, R.; Lenstra, D.
Phys. Rev. A 47, 4287-4296 (1993)

Dependence of Timing Jitter on Bias Level for Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers under High Speed Operation

Mirasso, C. R.; Colet, C.; San Miguel, M.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 29, 23-32 (1993)

Memory Diagram of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers

Colet, P.; Mirasso, C. R.; San Miguel, M.
IEEE J.Quantum Electron. 29, 1624-1630 (1993)

Parametric Dependence of Stochastic Frequency Variations in the Gain-Swtiching of a Single-Mode Laser Diode

Balle, S.; Abraham, N. B.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 29, 33-41 (1993)

Pseudorandom Word Modulation of Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers at Gigahertz Rates

Mirasso C.R.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
IEE Proc. J.Optoelectronics 140, 26-29 (1993)

Transient Multimode Statistics in Almost Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers

Valle, A.; Colet, P.; Pesquera, L; San Miguel, M.
IEE Proc. J. Optoelectronics 140, 237-242 (1993)

Nonlinear Dynamics of a Breakable Chain at Threshold: Large N Results

Colet, P; Wiesenfeld, K.
Phys. Rev. A 46, 4676-4688 (1992)

Pattern Effects in Time Jitter of Semiconductor Lasers

Sapia, A.; P. Spano, P.; Mirasso, C. R.; P. Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1748-1750 (1992)

Transient Behavior of a Parametric Amplifier with Added Fourth-Order Interaction

Cabrillo, C. ; Bermejo, F. J.; García-Fernández, P.; Toral, R.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Phys. Rev. A 45, 3216-3233 (1992)

Fluctuations in Transverse Laser Patterns

Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Bambrilla, M.; Lugiato, L.
Phys. Rev. A 43, 3862-3876 (1991)

CO2 Laser with Swept Pump Parameter. The Nonlinear Regime

Balesti, S.; Ciofini, M.; Meucci, R.; Arecchi, F.T.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Balle, S.
Phys. Rev. A 44, 5894-5897 (1991)

Noise and Symmetry Restoring in Transverse Laser Patterns

Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Brambilla, M.; Lugiato, L. A.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Phenomena in Optical Systems, Eds. R. Corbalán and R. Vilaseca, Springer Verlag, 308-312 (1991)

Passage Time Description of Dynamical Processes

San Miguel, M.; Hernández-García, E.; Colet, P.; Caceres, M. O.; De Pasquale, F.
Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures III, Eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller, Kluwer, 143-155 (1991)

Pulse Statistics in Single Mode Semiconductor Lasers Modulated at GHz Rates

Mirasso, C.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Opt. Lett. 16, 1753-1755 (1991)

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