
A journey across the multiple scales of human mobility

Aleix Bassolas (Supervisors: José Javier Ramasco and Maxime Lenormand)
PhD Thesis (2019)

Assessing the risk of default propagation in interconnected sectoral financial networks

Barja, Adrià; Martínez, Alejandro ; Arenas, Alex ;Fleurquin, Pablo ; Nin, Jordi ; Ramasco, Jose J.; Tomás, Elena
EPJ Data Science 8, 32 (2019)

Hierarchical organization of urban mobility and its connection with city livability

Bassolas,Aleix;Barbosa-Filho,Hugo;Dickinson,Brian;Dotiwalla,Xerxes;Eastham,Paul;Gallotti,Riccardo;Ghoshal,Gourab;Gipson,Bryant;Hazarie,Surendra A.; Kautz,Henry;Kucuktunc,Onur;Lieber,Allison;Sadilek,Adam;Ramasco,José Javier
Nature Communications 10, 4817 (2019)

¿Cómo gravita usted al trabajo?

Ramasco, Jose J.; Bassolas, Aleix; Mazzoli, Mattia; Colet, Pere
The Conversation, , (2019)

Herding and idiosyncratic choices: Nonlinearity and aging-induced transitions in the noisy voter model

Artime, Oriol; Carro, Adrián; F. Peralta, Antonio; Ramasco, José J.; San Miguel, Maxi; Toral, Raúl .
Comptes Rendus Physique 20, 262-274 (2019)

Modelling residential segregation for economical reasons

Adria Plazas (Advisor: Jose Javier Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2019)

Field theory for recurrent mobility

Mazzoli, M; Molas, A; Bassolas, A; Lenormand, M; Colet, P; Ramasco, J J
Nature Communications 10, 3895 (2019)

Effects of update rules on networked N-player trust game dynamics

Chica, Manuel; Chiong, Raymond; Ramasco, J.J.; Abbass, Hussein
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 79, 104870 (2019)

Studying national and international migration flows with Twitter data

Scettri, Giacomo (advisors: Ramasco, JJ and Gallotti, R.)
Master Thesis (2019)

Mobile phone records to feed activity-based travel demand models: MATSim for studying a cordon toll policy in Barcelona

Aleix Bassolas, Jose J. Ramasco, Ricardo Herranz, Oliva G. Cantu-Ros
Transportation Research Part A 121, 56-74 (2019)

Inverse Problem in Legionella Outbreakes: From direct mobility to inference

Salini, Samuel (Master Thesis defended in the Politecnico di Torino, advisors: Ramasco, J.J.; Gallotti, R.
Master Thesis (2018)

Aging-induced continuous phase transition

Artime, Oriol; Peralta, Antonio F.; Toral, Raúl; Ramasco, José J.; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 98, 032104 (2018)

Mapping the Americanization of English in space and time

Gonçalves, Bruno.; Loureiro-Porto, Lucía; Ramasco, José J.; Sánchez, David.
PLoS ONE 13, e0197741 (1-15) (2018)

Human mobility: Models and applications

Barbosa-Filho, H; Barthelemy, M; Ghoshal, G; James, CR; Lenormand, M; Louail, T; Menezes, R; Ramasco, JJ; Simini, F; Tomasini, M
Physics Reports 734, 1-74 (2018)

Immigrant community integration in world cities

Lamanna, Fabio; Lenormand, Maxime; Salas-Olmedo, María Henar; Romanillos, Gustavo; Gonçalves, Bruno; Ramasco, José Javier
PLoS ONE 13, e0191612 (2018)

Hierarchical invasion of cooperation in complex networks

Vilone, Daniele; Capraro, Valerio; Ramasco, José J.
Journal of Physics Communications 2, 025019 (2018)

New Data Sources to Study Airport Competition

Gallotti, Riccardo; Fuster, Marc; Ramasco, Jose J.
Procs.of the 7th SESAR Innovation Days, Eurocontrol, , (2017)

Field theory for recurrent mobility

Molas, Alex (Supervisor: Ramasco, JJ)
Master Thesis (2017)

Multiple options noisy voter model: application to European elections

Pisano, Gianmarco (Supervisors: Fernandez-Gracia ,J, and Ramasco, JJ)
Master Thesis (2017)

Universality of the Fundamental Diagram in Pedestrian Dynamics

Trigo, Miguel (Supervisor: Ramasco, JJ)
Master Thesis (2017)

Joint effect of ageing and multilayer structure prevents ordering in the voter model

Artime, Oriol; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Ramasco, José J.; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 7, 7166 (2017)

Crowdsourcing the Robin Hood effect in cities

Louail Thomas; Lenormand, Maxime; Murillo Arias, Juan; Ramasco, Jose J.
Applied Network Science 2, 11 (2017)

Dynamical leaps due to microscopic changes in multiplex networks

Diakonova, Marina; Ramasco, José J.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 117, 48004 (2017)

Dynamics on networks: competition of temporal and topological correlations

Artime, Oriol; Ramasco, José J.; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 7, 41627 (2017)

Comparing the modeling of delay propagation in the US and European air traffic networks

Campanelli,B; Fleurquin, P; Arranz,A; Etxebarria, I; Ciruelos, C; Eguiluz, V M; Ramasco, J J
Journal of Air Transport Management 56, 12-18 (2016)

Robustness of Plant-Pollinator Mutualistic Networks to Phenological Mismatches

Payrató, Claudia (Supervisor: Ramasco, J.J.)
Master Thesis (2016)

Towards a better understanding of cities using mobility data

Lenormand, Maxime; Ramasco, José J.
Built Environment 42, 356-364 (2016)

Percolation-based precursors of transitions in extended systems

Rodriguez-Mendez, Victor; Eguiluz, Victor M.; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Ramasco, Jose J.
Scientific Reports 6, 29552 (1-10) (2016)

Is spatial information in ICT data reliable?

Lenormand, Maxime; Louail, Thomas; Barthelemy, Marc; Ramasco, José J.
Procs. of the Spatial Accuracy Conference, Montpellier, France, 2016., , , 9-17 (2016)

Touristic site attractiveness seen through Twitter

Bassolas, A; Lenormand, M; Tugores, A; Goncalves, B; Ramasco, JJ
EPJ Data Science 5, 12 (2016)

Systemic propagation of delays in the air-transportation network

Fleurquin, Pablo, (Supervisors: Eguiluz, VM and Ramasco, JJ)
PhD Thesis (2016)

Systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models

Lenormand, M; Bassolas, A; Ramasco, JJ
Journal of Transport Geography 51, 158-169 (2016)

Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities

Lenormand, M; Cantú-Ros, OG; Picornell, M;Louail, T; Herranz, R;Barthelemy, M;Frías-Martínez, E; San Miguel, M; Ramasco, JJ
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150449 (2015)

TREE model: a tool to explore delay reduction scenarios in the ECAC area

Campanelli, Bruno; Fleurquin, Pablo; Ciruelos, Carla; Arranz, Andres; Eguiluz, V.M.; Ramasco, J.J.
Proceedings of the Fifth SESAR Innovation Days (Schaefer, Dirk, Editor), EUROCONTROL, 2015, (2015)

Opinion dynamics within a virtual small group: the stubbornness effect

Guazzini, A; Cini, A; Bagnoli, F; Ramasco, JJ
Frontiers in Physics 3, 65 (2015)

Human diffusion and city influence

Lenormand, M; Gonçalves, B; Tugores, A; Ramasco, J J
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20150473 (2015)

Modelling delay propagation trees for scheduled flights

Campanelli, B.; Ciruelos, C.; Arranz, A.; Etxebarria, I.; Peces, S.; Fleurquin, P.; Eguiluz, V.M. ; Ramasco, J.J.
Proceedings of the 11th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015, EUROCONTROL, 2015, (2015)

Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility

Lenormand, Maxime ; Louail, T; Cantu-Ros, O G; Picornell, M; R Herranz, R; Murillo Arias, J ; Barthelemy, M; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, Jose J
Scientific Reports 5, 10075 (2015)

Dragging in mutualistic networks

Pastor, J. M.; Garcia-Algarra, J.; Iriondo, J. M.; Ramasco, J. J.; Galeano, J.
Networks and Heterogeneous Media (AIMS) 10, 37-52 (2015)

A simple and bounded model of population dynamics in mutualistic networks

Pastor, J. M.; Garcia-Algarra, J.; Galenao, J. ; Iriondo, J. M.; Ramasco, J. J.
Networks and Heterogeneous Media (AIMS) 10, 53-70 (2015)

Multi-Strain Competition in Finite Size Communities

Georgopoulou, Dimitra (Supervisor: Ramasco, Jose J.)
Master Thesis (2015)

Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior

Picornell, M.; Ruiz, T.; Lenormand, M.; Ramasco, J.J.; Dubernet, T.; Frías-Martínez, E.
Transportation 42, 647-668 (2015)

Persistence in Voting Behavior: Stronghold Dynamics in Elections

Perez, Toni; Fernandez-Gracia, Juan; Ramasco, Jose J.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 9021, 173-181 (2015)

Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

Louail, T; Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, M; García Cantú, O; Herranz, R; Fría-Martinez, E; Ramasco, Jose J; Barthelemy, M
Nature Communications 6, 6007 (2015)

Trees of Reactionary Delay: Addressing the Dynamical Robustness of the US Air Transportation Network

P. Fleurquin, B. Campanelli, V.M. Eguiluz, J.J. Ramasco
The Fourth SESAR Innovation Days, , , (2014)

Master Thesis: Time Series Analysis of Online Social Media

Artime, Oriol (M. San Miguel; JJ Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2014)

Movilidad y transporte: un viaje a través del espacio, de la ciudad al mundo

Campanelli, B.; Lenormand, M.; Fleurquin, P.; Ramasco, J.J.; Eguíluz, V.M.
Revista Española de Física 28, 37-41 (2014)

Rethinking the logistic approach for population dynamics of mutualistic interactions

Garcia-Algarra, J; Galeano, J; Pastor, JM; Iriondo, JM; Ramasco, JJ
Journal of Theoretical Biology 363, 332-343 (2014)

Social imitation vs strategic choice, or consensus vs cooperation in the networked Prisoner’s Dilemma

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, Jose J.; Sanchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 90, 022810 (2014)

Tweets on the road

Lenormand, Maxime;Tugores, Antonia; Colet, Pere; Ramasco, Jose J
PLoS ONE 9, e105407 (2014)

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