
Critical mobility in policy making for epidemic containment

Moreno López, J.A; Mateo, D; Hernando, A; Meloni, S; Ramasco, JJ
Scientific Reports 15, 3055 (2025)

Aging and memory effects in social and economic dynamics

Abella, David (Supervisors: Ramasco, Jose J. and San Miguel, Maxi)
PhD Thesis (2024)

Segregation in urban systems and mobility

Dolc, Arnau (Advisors: Lopez Moreno, Jesus; Ramasco, Jose)
Master Thesis (2024)

Commentary: A road map for future data-driven urban planning and environmental health research

Dyer, Georgia M.C. et al.; Ramasco, JJ
Cities 155, 105340 (2024)

A generalized vector-field framework for mobility

Liu, Erjian; Mazzoli, Mattia; Yan, Xiao-Yong; Ramasco, Jose J.
Communications Physics 7, 190 (2024)

Exploring the spatial segmentation of housing markets from online listings

Abella, David; Martínez, Johann H.; Mazzoli, Mattia; Le Corre, Thibault; Migozzi, Julien; Alonso-Paulí, Eduard; Crespí-Cladera, Rafel; Louail, Thomas; Ramasco, José J.
Submitted (2024)

Biased versus unbiased numerical methods for stochastic simulations

Aguilar,Javier;Ramasco,Jose J.;Toral,Raúl
Communications Physics 7, 155 (2024)

System capacity model and algorithm for urban multimodal transport network with transfer

Zhao, Fang ; Si, Bingfeng; Su, Guanghui; Lu, Tianwei; Ramasco, JJ
Transportation Planning and Technology 1, 20 (2024)

Modeling circuit mechanisms of opposing cortical responses to visual flow perturbations

Galván Fraile, J; Scherr, F; Ramasco, J. J.; Arkhipov, A.; Maass, W; Mirasso, C. R.
Plos Computational Biology 20, e1011921 (2024)

Ordering dynamics and aging in the Symmetrical Threshold model

Abella, David; González-Avella, Juan Carlos; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, José J.
New Journal of Physics 26, 013033 (2024)

Calidad del aire: avances y mejores prácticas

Oficina de Ciencia del Congreso de los Diputados; Otros; Ramasco, JJ
Informes de la Oficina de Ciencia del Congreso de los Diputados, , , (2023)

Research and application of intervening opportunity class models for predicting human mobility

Liu, Erjian (Advisors: Yan, Xiao-Yong and Ramasco, Jose J)
PhD Thesis, joint between UIB and Jiaontong Beijing University (2023)

Big Data, memes, information diffusion in online social networks and opinion dynamics

Luque, Alvaro (Advisor: Ramasco, JJ)
Master Thesis (2023)

Complexity in Computational Sociolinguistics: Exploring the Interplay between Geography, Culture and the Social Fabric

Louf, Thomas (Supervisors: Ramasco, José J.; Sánchez, David)
PhD Thesis (2023)

Endemic infectious states below the epidemic threshold and beyond herd immunity

Aguilar, Javier; Arregui García, Beatriz; Toral, Raúl; Meloni, Sandro; Ramasco, José J.;
Communications Physics 6, 187 (2023)

Generation of stochastic trajectories: applications to complex systems

Aguilar, Javier (Advisors: Toral, Raul & Ramasco, Jose J.)
PhD Thesis (2023)

The role of complexity for digital twins of cities

Caldarelli, G; Arcaute, E; Barthelemy, M; Batty, M; Gershenson, C; Helbing, D; Mancuso, S; Moreno, Y; Ramasco, J J; Rozenblat, C; Sánchez, A; Fernández-Villacañas, J L
Nature Computational Science 3, 374-381 (2023)

American cultural regions mapped through the lexical analysis of social media

Louf, T; Gonçalves, B; Ramasco, JJ; Sánchez, D; Grieve, J
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 10, 133 (2023)

On the complementarity of ordinal patterns-based entropy and time asymmetry metrics

Martínez, Johann H.; Ramasco, Jose J.; Zanin, Massimiliano
Chaos 33, 033138 (2023)

Spatial immunization to abate disease spreading in transportation hubs

Mazzoli, Mattia; Gallotti, Riccardo; Privitera, Filippo; Colet, Pere; Ramasco, Jose J.
Nature Communications 14, 1448 (2023)

Aging in binary-state models: The threshold model for complex contagion

Abella, David; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, José J.
Physical Review E 107, 024101 (2023)

Structure, resilience and evolution of the European Air Route Network from 2015 to 2018

Esteve, Pau; Ramasco, Jose J.; Zanin, Massimiliano
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 10 (4), 2045-2058 (2023)

Global risk predictions for Pierce’s disease of grapevines

Giménez-Romero, Àlex; Galván, Javier; Montesinos, Marina; Bauzà, Joan; Godefroid, Martin; Fereres, Alberto; Ramasco, José J.; Matias, Manuel A.; Moralejo, Eduardo
Communications Biology 5, 1389 (1-13) (2022)

Does big data help answer big questions? The case of airport catchment areas & competition

Adler, N; Brudner, A; Gallotti, R; Privitera, F; Ramasco, J J
Transportation Research Part B 166, 444-467 (2022)

The study of aggression and affiliation motifs in bottlenose dolphins' social networks

Pérez-Manrique, Ana; Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Gomila, Antoni; Ramasco, Jose J.
Scientific Reports 12, 19672 (2022)

Aging effects in Schelling Segregation model

Abella, David; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, José J.
Scientific Reports 12, 19376 (2022)

Epidemiological approach to tau propagation in Alzheimer’s disease

Buenvarón Campo, Gorka (Advisors: Ramasco, José J.; Matias, Manuel A.; Ramos-Miguel, Alfredo)
Master Thesis (2022)

Recent advances in urban system science: models and data

Arcaute, Elsa; Ramasco, Jose J.
PloS ONE 17, e0272863 (2022)

Analysis of the European air route network: properties, evolution and resilience

Esteve, Pau (Advisors: Massimiliano Zanin & Jose J. Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2022)

The world-wide waste web

Martínez, Johann H; Romero, Sergi; Ramasco, Jose J.; Estrada, Ernesto
Nature Communications 13, 1615 (2022)

Impact of urban structure on infectious disease spreading

Aguilar,Javier;Bassolas,Aleix;Ghoshal, Gourab;Hazarie, Surendra;Kirkley,Alec;Mazzoli,Mattia;Meloni, Sandro;Mimar,Sayat;Nicosia,Vincenzo;Ramasco, Jose Javier;Sadilek, Adam;
Scientific Reports 12, 3816 (2022)

Reply to: On the difficulty of achieving differential privacy in practice: user-level guarantees in aggregate location data

Bassolas, A; Barbosa-Filho,H; Dickinson, B; Dotiwalla, X; Eastham, P; Gallotti, R; Gourab Ghoshal, Bryant Gipson, Surendra A. Hazarie, Henry Kautz, Onur Kucuktunc, Allison Lieber, Adam Sadilek & Jose J. Ramasco
Nature Communications 13, 30 (2022)

Premio Nobel de Física 2021: Otorgado por “Contribuciones revolucionarias en la comprensión de los sistemas físicos complejos”

Ramasco, José Javier; Gutiérrez, José Manuel; San Miguel, Maxi
Revista Española de Física 35, 15-17 (2022)

Capturing the diversity of multilingual societies

Louf, Thomas; Sánchez, David; Ramasco José J.
Physical Review Research 3, 043146 (2021)

Interplay between mobility, multi-seeding and lockdowns shapes COVID-19 local impact

Mazzoli, Mattia; Pepe, Emanuele; Mateo, David ; Cattuto, Ciro; Gauvin, Laetitia ; Bajardi, Paolo; Tizzoni, Michele; Hernando, Alberto ; Meloni, Sandro; Ramasco, Jose J.
PLoS Computational Biology 17, e1009326 (2021)

Understanding migrations in Central America and Mexico using geolocated data

Rodriguez Gomez, Miguel (advisor: Ramasco, Jose J.)
Master Thesis (2021)

Human mobility: data analysis, theory and models

Mazzoli, Mattia (Advisors: Colet, Pere and Ramasco, Jose J.)
PhD Thesis (2021)

Cambio de la criticidad en modelos epidemicos debido al confinamiento

Garcia Lozano, Jaime (Tesis de fin de grado, supervisor: Ramasco, Jose J)
Tesis de fin de grado (2021)

Modeling financial distress propagation on customer-supplier networks

Nin, J; Salbanya, B; Fleurquin, P; Tomas, E; Arenas, A; Ramasco, JJ
Chaos 31, 053119 (2021)

Uncovering the socioeconomic facets of human mobility

Barbosa, H; Hazarie, S; Dickinson, B;Bassolas, A; Frank, A; Kautz, H; Sadilek, A; Ramasco, JJ; Ghoshal, G
Scientific Reports 11, 8616 (2021)

Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on Affordability in Selected Cities in Europe

Le Goix, R; Ysebaert, R; Giraud, T; Lieury, M; Boulay, G; Coulon, M; Rey-Coyrehourcq, S; Lemoy, R; Ramasco, J J; Mazzoli, M; Colet, P; Theurillat, T; Segessemann, A; Marcińczak, S; Bartosiewicz, B
Cybergeo , 974 (2021)

Oceans of big data and artificial intelligence

Logares, R.; Alos, J.; Catalan, I.; Crespo Solana, A.; del Campo, J.; Ercilla, G.; Fablet, R.; Fernandez-Guerra, A.; Gali, M.; Gasol, J.M.; Gonzalez, A.F.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Lopez, C.; Massana, R.; Montiel, L.; Palmer, M.; Pascual, A.; Pascual, S.; Perez, F.; Portabella, M.; Ramasco, J.J. ...
in Ocean Science Challenges For 2030 (Edited by Pascual, A. and Macias, D.), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 162-179 (2021)

Dynamic noise maps for Ljubljana airport

Ganić, Emir; van Oosten, Nico; Meliveo, Luis; Jeram, Sonja; Louf, Thomas; Ramasco, Jose Javier
SESAR Innovation Days, SESAR JRU, 2020, (2020)

On the importance of trip destination for modelling individual human mobility patterns

Lenormand, Maxime; Arias, Juan Murillo; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, Jose J.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17, 20200673 (2020)

Temporal activity patterns in social dynamics

Oriol Artime (Advisors: Maxi San Miguel & Jose Javier Ramasco)
PhD Thesis (2020)

Una nueva ciencia de la movilidad urbana

Aleix Bassolas, Mattia Mazzoli, Jose Javier Ramasco
Investigación y Ciencia, 528, (2020)

Machine Learning for Remote Sensing of Xylella fastidiosa

Javier Galván Fraile (Advisors: Ramasco, Jose J.; Matias, Manuel A.)
Master Thesis (2020)

Migrant mobility flows characterized with digital data

Mazzoli,Mattia;Diechtiareff,Boris;Tugores,Antònia;Wives,Willian;Adler,Natalia;Colet,Pere;Ramasco,Jose J
PLoS ONE 15, e0230264 (2020)

Aggression-affiliation Motifs in Bottlenose Dolphins’ Social Networks

Perez Manrique, Ana (Advisors: Fernandez-Gracia, Juan; Ramasco, Jose J.)
Master Thesis (2020)

Scaling in the recovery of urban transportation systems from special events

Bassolas, Aleix; Gallotti, Riccardo; Lamanna, Fabio; Lenormand, Maxime; Ramasco, Jose J.
Scientific Reports 10, 2746 (2020)

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